Home » Governor Claudio Poggi’s First Visit to ‘Doctor Ramón Carrillo’ Central Hospital

Governor Claudio Poggi’s First Visit to ‘Doctor Ramón Carrillo’ Central Hospital

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Governor Claudio Poggi’s First Visit to ‘Doctor Ramón Carrillo’ Central Hospital

Governor Claudio Poggi Visits ‘Doctor Ramón Carrillo’ Central Hospital

Governor Claudio Poggi recently visited the ‘Doctor Ramón Carrillo’ Central Hospital for the first time. The hospital, which is the largest provincial public medical center, received the Governor with open arms as he toured different areas and learned about its operation. Poggi also took the time to speak with employees and gain insight into the challenges they face.

As he stepped out of the car, neighbors greeted the Governor, some even asking for photos. The approachable nature of the Governor and the willingness of people to share their personal situations or requests was a common scene during his visit. Poggi emphasized the need for a care competency protocol and programs to strengthen the Primary Health Care Centers (CAPS) and Internal Medicine, highlighting the importance of efficient coordination between health centers and hospitals.

During his visit, Poggi read statistical data that shed light on the hospital’s operational challenges. A key concern was the number of patients who did not attend their appointments, causing a slowdown in the care system. The President of the hospital’s board of directors, Adolfo Sánchez León, emphasized the need for a change in the organizational climate and the alignment of priorities to ensure that patient care is the primary focus.

Accompanied by the Minister of Health, Claudia Spagnuolo, Poggi visited various departments of the hospital, including the Diagnostic Imaging, Resonance, and Tomography Control Room areas. He also inspected the Emergency Department, the Shock Room, the internal pharmacy, and the Inpatient (Moderate Care) floor, where he engaged with professionals and gained insight into the services provided.

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Throughout the visit, Poggi and the hospital’s board of directors discussed their efforts to improve public health, including changes in management and hiring processes. They also addressed plans to sign an agreement with DOSEP to streamline procedures for individuals assisted by this social work. Additionally, initiatives such as the Prosthesis Bank were discussed, aiming to address the needs of elderly patients requiring prosthetic assistance.

Poggi’s visit to the ‘Doctor Ramón Carrillo’ Central Hospital underscored the commitment to enhancing the quality of healthcare services and ensuring that patient care remains a top priority. The Governor’s hands-on approach and engagement with hospital staff demonstrated his dedication to improving the public health system in the province.

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