Home » Winter superfood: This is what happens to your body when you eat pomegranate

Winter superfood: This is what happens to your body when you eat pomegranate

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Winter superfood: This is what happens to your body when you eat pomegranate

Pomegranates are really healthy – that’s why many people swear by them in autumn and winter. The season starts in September and lasts until around February.

You should keep this in mind when buying and peeling pomegranates

A tip in advance: the pomegranates do not ripen after the harvest. Therefore, when buying, you should make sure to choose specimens that are as ripe as possible. Peeling the pomegranate and unwinding the seeds can be quite annoying, but it pays off, as researchers at the University of Washington have found.

Pomegranates for more muscle strength

Pomegranate seeds can improve muscle strength. The body produces a lot Urolithin A (a metabolite resulting from the conversion of ellagitannins by intestinal bacteria), muscle strength is strengthened. In order for the body to produce this metabolite, it makes sense to eat a diet that is rich in ellagitannins – and it is precisely these ellagitannins that are found in pomegranate seeds.

Urolithin A works in the body by reviving the energy centers of the cells. As we age, the body loses the ability to eliminate non-performing or damaged energy centers. This causes the muscles to become less efficient.

Training is only half the battle when it comes to maintaining muscle strength. A balanced and healthy diet also helps maintain muscle strength.

Strengthened cells in the body

Foods that contain ellagitannins in particular can strengthen cells and keep muscles healthy for longer. Pomegranates are the ultimate superfood here. They are characterized by a particularly high content of ellagitannins and also provide a lot of vitamin C – which in turn is good for strengthening and maintaining muscles.

See also  How to plant pomegranate in a pot: complete step by step

Apples, strawberries and walnuts are also good for building muscle. However, they cannot hold a candle to the pomegranate.

Good for blood pressure and heart

But the pomegranate can do even more: the plant substances it contains protect the heart vessels from harmful LDL cholesterol and can thus lower blood pressure. Already a glass of pomegranate juice per day keeps the heart vessels elastic.

The plant substances also work against bacteria and viruses and thus strengthen the immune system. Pomegranate seeds are also good for the intestines. The acid in pomegranate is metabolized by intestinal bacteria into urolithin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

And last but not least, the omega-5 fatty acid punicin contained in pomegranate seeds is good for the skin. It reduces swelling, stimulates the body’s own collagen production and can relieve inflammation.

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