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By: Jorge Eduardo Ávila

This government has accustomed us to its constant misdeeds, which are permanent and systematic. Today I intend to make a short analysis that, considering some of those false starts, allows us to conclude that those who govern do not know how to do it, that those who govern do not have the experience to generate value for Colombia from their assignments, that we are in the hands of an inexperienced team. , insecure and, to top it all off, a liar.

Let’s start by saying that several of the questioned officials who are at the service of the executive move like a fish in water through the administration, they change positions, they are the laughing stock of the country and they remain very confident. Names like Laura Sarabia, Hollman Morris, Francia Márquez, among many others, are constantly criticized for their false starts, for the mistakes they have made and, curiously, they have become the strongest enemies of Petro himself. Why are they still there? Well, because they know the president’s most intimate secrets, his questionable personal dynamics that include drug use, and a life that does little honor to a ruler. His late arrivals everywhere, when he gets lost and no one can account for him, etc., etc., corresponds to information that his closest friends know and, therefore, are shielded. What Petro’s Sanhedrin knows about him is enough to knock him down and the guerrilla is subjected to that perverse environment to avoid falling. The man has his arms tied. Let’s see…

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The government of change, which always criticized others’ handling of public money, which belongs to everyone, rented a house in Davos, Switzerland, for 4.5 billion pesos, for 3 or 4 days; This is during the forum that takes place in said city, where coffee is offered, distributed by a Spanish company. Shame!

We had access to the market value that is allocated in the Casa de Nariño to the presidential family, we saw receipts of more than 30 million in which, in addition, several foods appear taxed with new taxes by this government to discourage, according to them, the Colombian families acquire them for threatening health. Furthermore, we have seen on the news how congressmen from the Historical Pact, while in session at the Capitol, eat hamburgers, fries and soda, reminding us of that adage that says that “the law is for those in ruana.”

Access to the hairdressing and makeup artist expenses of the first lady, Verónica Alcocer, which reach 1,000 million pesos, has been public. It is incredible that resources are allocated for that, the nerve is total. In addition, the lady has traveled alone on official missions several times at excessive costs.

The constant use of a helicopter by the vice president, Francia Márquez, as well as the payment of air tickets by ministers like Mauricio Lizcano, for several million pesos, expenses that are generated by not accompanying Petro on the presidential plane , are additional examples of the government’s lack of planning and organization. Furthermore, they make it clear that it does not hurt to waste resources that could really be allocated to change.

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Facts of possible mistreatment and harassment in the Ministry of Labor, with the consent of the minister who seems to protect the subordinates involved, are also currently the subject of criticism. They affect Van Camps for that reason and they replicate it in the ministry.

To complete, we have heard statements from the Minister of Health in which he discredits the policy used by the Duque government to confront covid-19 and the use of vaccines, generating misinformation and anguish over what happened. If President Duque’s government should be remembered for anything, it is for the efficient and effective way it handled the pandemic, which earned it international recognition and the gratitude of many of us.

As you can see, many inconsistencies.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is back, sweeping the Iowa caucuses, and emerging as the next president of the United States. With the global and local situation it became valid, this is seen at the polls.

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