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the balance sheet of the first three months of activity of the CAU – Health

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the balance sheet of the first three months of activity of the CAU – Health

Bonaccini and Donini: “A complex reorganization, which started well. We were the first to start with a reform that we are convinced can become a reference model at a national level”
Eight out of 10 patients receive assistance and care directly in the CAU, which citizens turn to appropriately for low-complexity problems. 60% of doctors are under 35 years old. The communication campaign continues. The special “A day at the CAU” is online on the Region’s portal, with doctors, nurses and users. All data by province

February 2, 2024 – Calendar of openings respected, with the network of get 30 CAU active completed throughout Emilia-Romagna; almost 39 thousand accesseswhich exceed the 50mila also considering the activity of Ferrara, among the first to start on an experimental basis, and a forecast of 500mila in 2024, thanks also to the twenty new structures that will be built this year.

Average waiting times contents, less than 90 minutes; assistance and care provided on site in the vast majority of cases (83%); 60% of young doctorsunder 35 years of age; orthopedic, gastrointestinal problems and minor ailments i reasons for access more frequent (52%), a sign that citizens, for less serious pathologies, turn directly to the emergency assistance centres, desired by the Region and created specifically for the direct management of low-complexity emergencies, instead of the emergency rooms, which they can thus focus mainly on emergencies. Even in this case, the numbers say it: from a first comparison between January 2023 and January 2024, it emerges that there was a decline in admissions to the emergency rooms in the region by approximately 6%. A trend that is already manifesting itself now, at the beginning, but which was expected in a more fully operational situation.

The budget of first three months of CAU activitysince the inauguration of the one in Budrio, in the Bologna area, last November 1st, is more than positive, as revealed by the monitoring which continues and is enriched with the opening of the new offices. To present data and numbers from the regional report, this morning in Press conference in the Region, in Bologna, the president of the Region, Stefano Bonacciniand the councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini.

“The data and the first feedback received from the staff who work and from the patients who access the CAU- they state Bonaccini e Donini– they give us a system that works and that we are confident can be confirmed and improved over time, considering the complexity, including organizational, that these structures require. Citizens are starting to learn about emergency assistance centers and access them appropriately when they have low-complexity problems or disorders, which here are managed with generally short waiting times and almost always resolved within the facility. Strengths are also the multiplicity of services offered and the proximity to the living context. And another certainly positive aspect is that of the age of the doctors: there are many young professionals working in the CAU”.

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“We are satisfied with the work done so far – add the president and councilor – and for this we thank all the healthcare personnel and the staff involved in the reorganization of local primary care and the regional emergency-urgency system. It is a great challenge that healthcare is called upon to face in order to continue to survive, to provide quality care and services and to be public and universal as we want it to be. For 2024, also considering the CAUs which are expected to open within the year, the data projection exceeds 500 thousand accesses. We are convinced – conclude Bonaccini and Donini – that the choice made by Emilia-Romagna with the CAU network can not only offer an adequate response to new health needs, but also become a reference model at a national level”.

Data 1 November – 28 January

In the 28 CAU monitored out of the 30 active ones (for Novafeltria, in the Rimini area, and Fanano, in the province of Modena, both inaugurated on Monday 29 January, the data are not yet available), in summary the numbers relating to this period are: 38,582 accesses (50,231 also considering those of Ferrara, the first to start on an experimental basis as low-complexity clinics), 82% of which during daytime hours (including the 4 centers in the Ferrara area and those in Imola, Podenzano, Santa Sofia, Bagno di Romagna and Correggio open only during day); on average 17 accesses per day in the morning (from 8am to 2pm) and 14 in the afternoon (from 2pm to 8pm); on the other hand, daily access during night time (from 8pm to 8am) varies from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 31. 8 out of 10 patients (exactly 83%) sent to the GP at the end of the course, therefore with assistance and care provided on site; waiting times that continue to fall: 40 minutes in the last week of monitoring, from a minimum of 7 minutes to a maximum of 1 hour and 28 minutes, and on average of one hour in the previous weeks; cases mostly (52%) orthopaedic, gastro-intestinal and related to minor disorders; accesses in 68% of cases were carried out by people between 18 and 64 years old. Finally, the average age of doctors working in the CAU: 60% are under 35 years old.

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Patient satisfaction questionnaire

To detect experience and satisfaction of citizens who access the CAUthe Region has developed a survey That from Monday 29 January it is available to users within the same structures: quickly compiled, it is made up of 14 questions that refer both to the experiential path and to patient satisfaction. Detection occurs in paper form or onlinevia QR code or directly on the website of the dedicated regional platform https://regioneer.it/QuestionarioCAU.

The completion of the questionnaire, expected at the end of access to the CAU and of course on a voluntary and anonymous basiscan be carried out either by the patient himself or by the person accompanying him, with indications provided by the staff working in the facility.

A way to measure the level of satisfaction of citizens (from the clarity of the signs to the waiting times, from the care provided to the listening received) and to improve further services, assistance and organisation, also through i suggestions that the questionnaire gives the opportunity to indicate.

The Region’s communication campaign

It also continues campaign of comunicationincluding multimedia, which the Region has developed to explain how the CAUs work and what needs they respond to.

Addressed to the entire population, in five languages (Italian, English, French, Arabic and Chinese) explains the aims of the reorganization of local primary care and the regional emergency emergency system, the characteristics of the new network, where the CAUs arise and how they work, and for which pathologies they are indicated. Among the materials available: Questions/Answers sectionor Faq Frequently asked questions – questions asked frequently, of the web page dedicated to the reform of the emergency emergency system on the Region’s website

Online from today the special “A day at CAU”

A blood sample, a medication or an electrocardiogram: how do you spend a day at CAU? What happens, in particular, in the Navile emergency assistance center in Bologna, the first opened in the capital, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, inside the Community House? He tells it the in-depth study “A day at the CAU”edited byInformation and communication agency of the regional council, online starting today on the Region’s website (https://www.regione.emilia-romagna.it/notizie/primo-piano/una-giornata-al-cau).

Special guides that show how the work is carried out, what care needs are required by citizens, how patients are welcomed and what impressions they have of these first months of activity, are the doctors Agnese Peloni and Francesco Neri, the nurses Angela Pizzinato and Enrico Iaquinta and Giampaolo Marino, responsible for the Community House. Without neglecting the voice of some citizens who received assistance and care here.

And give

The network of CAUs in the area

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There are 30 emergency assistance centers operating in the area, with different start dates.

Province of Piacenza: Bobbio 1st December, Piacenza 4th December, Podenzano 8th January

Province of Parma: Parma 19 December, Fidenza 28 December, Fornovo 15 January, Langhirano 18 January

Province of Reggio Emilia: Reggio Emilia 19 December, Correggio 27 December

Province of Modena: Castelfranco Emilia 11 December, Finale Emilia 18 December, Fanano 29 January

Province of Bologna: Budrio 1 November, Vergato 8 November, Navile-Bologna 11 December, Casalecchio-Bologna 18 December, Imola 21 December

Province of Ferrara: Ferrara, Comacchio, Copparo, all already active before November 1st, and Portomaggiore November 13th

Province of Ravenna: Cervia 18 December, Ravenna 22 January

Province of Forlì-Cesena: Saracen Market and Cesenatico 15 January, San Piero in Bagno and Santa Sofia 22 January

Province of Rimini: Cattolica 18 December, Santarcangelo di Romagna 15 January, Novafeltria 29 January.

Access to CAU by province

Piacenza 4,246 accesses from 4 December to 28 January, Bobbio 440 from 4 December to 28 January, Podenzano 224 from 4 December to 28 January; Parma 2,961 accesses from 19 December to 28 January, Fidenza 771 from 28 December to 28 January, Fornovo 80 from 15 to 28 January, Langhirano 61 from 18 to 28 January; Reggio Emilia 4,011 accesses from 20 December to 28 January, Correggio 1,101 from 27 December to 28 January; in the province of Modena in Castelfranco Emilia 1,427 accesses from 11 December to 28 January, Finale Emilia 871 from 18 December to 28 January; For Bolognain Budrio 3,706 accesses from 1 November to 28 January, Vergato 1,478 from 7 November to 28 January, Navile 3,231 from 11 December to 28 January, Casalecchio 2,038 from 18 December to 28 January; Imola 1,944 accesses from December 21st to January 28th; in the 4 CAU of Ferraraopen during the day, 5,651 accesses from 15 November to 28 January (17,302 from the date of opening in the experimental phase to 28 January; finally for the Romagna: Cattolica (RN) 1,503 accesses from 18 December to 28 January, Cervia (RA) 1,184 from 18 December to 28 January, Cesenatico (RN) 459 from 18 December to 28 January, Mercato Saraceno (FC) 173 from 18 December to 28 January , Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) 573 accesses from 18 December to 28 January, Ravenna 443 from 22 to 28 January, San Piero in Bagno (FC) 19 from 22 to 28 January and Santa Sofia (FC) 19 from 22 to 28 January. The activity of the two CAUs of Novafeltria (RN) and Fanano (MO), open from Monday 29 January, will also be considered in the next monitoring.

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