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more than 100 phrases and images

Valentine’s Day greetings to send on WhatsApp: more than 100 phrases and images

Declaring your love is just a copy and paste away with these phrases ready to send by WhatsApp to that special person

Today is Valentine’s Day, also known as Valentine’s Day, and if it caught you by surprise and you haven’t prepared anything for that special person, don’t worry: you still have time to have a detail by WhatsAppsending congratulations.

If you are short of inspiration, below we offer you one hundred Valentine’s Day greetings ready to send on WhatsApp, classified by different types. Feel free to adapt them to your taste or combine several of them for maximum impact.

Images to send as congratulations

Two teddy bears A sketch-style rose Galactic love Cupid looking for new prey Two cups of coffee that are pure love Kittens in love The emojis of love A cutest couple Flowers and chocolates The perfect wedding

Congratulations for first loves

  • On this Valentine’s Day, I want you to know that you have touched my heart in a unique way.
  • With you, every day feels like the first chapter of a beautiful story.
  • Since you came into my life, every moment is special. Thank you for being my first love. Good day!
  • You are my first thought when I wake up and my last when I sleep. On this Valentine’s Day, I have you in my heart.
  • Today is our first Valentine’s Day together, but I’m sure it won’t be our last. I love you!

  • Discovering love with you is like opening a book full of promises and dreams to fulfill.
  • Your smile was my first chapter in the book of love and I hope to write many more together.
  • On this journey of first love, every moment with you is a beautiful discovery.
  • Our first Valentine’s Day together marks the beginning of an endless love story.
  • At your side, every day I learn the true meaning of loving and being loved.

Congratulations for unrequited love

  • Although love is not reciprocal, this Valentine’s Day I send you good wishes. Who knows what the future holds!
  • This Valentine’s Day I toast to unrequited love. At least chocolate doesn’t reject you.
  • They say that unrequited love is the purest. Well, I must be the purest of all! Happy Valentines.
  • On this day of love, let us remember that sometimes the best love is the one we find within ourselves. Happy Valentines!
  • If loving is looking together in the same direction, I hope that one day our eyes meet. Until then, happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Although our paths have not joined, my affection for you shines especially today.
  • Unrequited love hurts, but having the chance to feel it for you hurts a little less.
  • Today I celebrate the bravery of a heart that loves without being loved in return.
  • Your presence in my life, although not as I would wish, has taught me the true meaning of love.
  • Sometimes unrequited love is the purest, teaching us to love without conditions or hopes.
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Congratulations for couples

  • Years together and my heart continues to choose you every day as if it were the first. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.
  • Our love is like good wine, it improves with age and this Valentine’s Day is proof of it.
  • You are my favorite person to argue with about what to watch on Netflix.
  • With every Valentine’s Day I realize that you are the best life partner I could have ever asked for.
  • Thank you for continuing to be my best adventure, my peace in the chaos and my home. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.
  • With you, every day is an adventure full of love
  • You are my happy place, especially today, on Valentine’s Day.
  • Our love grows stronger with every Valentine’s Day we celebrate together.
  • By your side, life is sweeter and every moment is worth it. Happy Valentines.
  • Thank you for being my better half, today and every day

Congratulations for married people

  • Every year with you adds love to our history. Happy Valentines.
  • Being married means sharing everything, even the last chocolate on Valentine’s Day.
  • You are my eternal love, my best friend and the best life partner.
  • Together, life is a perfect mix of laughter and love. Happy Valentines.
  • By your side, every day I discover more reasons to love you.
  • Our love is the sweetest secret we share
  • Marrying you was my best decision. Happy Valentine’s Day, love.
  • Every day at your side is a gift. Let’s celebrate this Valentine’s Day.
  • You are the warmth in my cold mornings and my peace in the nights. Happy Valentines.
  • Together we have woven a love that resists time. Happy Valentines.

Congratulations with “roses are red”

  • Roses are red, violets are blue, in the game of love, with me you never lose, you only add and shine.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, I’d rather spend some time with you than a thousand hours on YouTube.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, every day with you is a meme that brightens my gray days.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, with you in life boredom is reduced.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, together we are a winning team in the good times, the bad times and the confusions.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, I like you more than coffee in the morning.
  • Roses are red, violets blue, our love is like WiFi, invisible but strong, and without you I feel lost.
  • Roses are red, violets blue, every day with you is a dream, in which lights are never lacking.
  • Roses are red, violets blue, my love for you is firm, like the sun that induces every morning.
  • Roses are red, violets blue, together we face life, like two superheroes without a cape but with many lights.
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Congratulations something spicy

  • This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate our ability to spark sparks, not just today, but every day.
  • May our Valentine’s Day be full of those moments that make us blush and want more.
  • For you, who make every day an exciting adventure, I hope our Valentine’s Day is as fiery as our love.
  • This Valentine’s Day, let’s promise to continue exploring together every corner of our desire.
  • May the passion we share illuminate our Valentine’s Day and make it unforgettably warm.
  • Our love is a flame that never goes out, especially on nights like this. Happy Valentines.
  • This day is perfect to remind us how good it is to play at being naughty. Happy Valentines.
  • May every kiss this Valentine’s Day be a prelude to a night full of adventures.
  • On this Valentine’s Day, I promise to be your accomplice in every prank you decide to undertake.
  • This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate the art of loving each other intensely, in all its shapes and colors.

Congratulations for shooting your ‘crush’

  • This Valentine’s Day, I wanted to tell you that someone thinks of you in a very special way.
  • Today is a day full of love, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I hope you have as wonderful a day as you do.
  • On this Valentine’s Day, I just wanted to remind you how amazing you are and how happy you make me.
  • I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, especially today. Would you like to go out someday?
  • They say Valentine’s Day is to share with someone special, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you.
  • This Valentine’s Day, I was wondering if you would like to turn a small gesture into the start of something beautiful.
  • On this day dedicated to love, I wanted to let you know that you always brighten my day.
  • I would love to spend more time with you. Maybe this Valentine’s Day could be our starting point.
  • I have found many reasons to smile, and you are one of them. Happy Valentines.
  • This Valentine’s Day, I’m sending well wishes to someone who has captured my attention in a very sweet way.

Friendship congratulations

  • Happy Valentine’s Day to those who turn every day into an adventure, thank you for being my accomplice.
  • To my series and movie marathon partner, may our next episode be as good as the last.
  • For the friend who is always ready for a new adventure, may this Valentine’s Day bring you joy and more stories to share.
  • Thank you for being the person I can talk to about anything from aliens to philosophy. Happy Valentines.
  • To the one who makes me laugh until my stomach hurts, I hope your Valentine’s Day is full of happiness.
  • To the friend who always knows how to brighten my day, may your Valentine’s Day be as bright as your smile.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the best companion for coffee and deep conversations. May you have a day as comforting as our friendship.
  • To those who share my love for music, concerts and unknown bands, may this Valentine’s Day rock as much as you do.
  • Thank you for being the one who always accompanies me in good and bad times, happy Valentine’s Day, friend.
  • To my partner in crime, from making mischief to conquering the world, may this Valentine’s Day bring you as much joy as our friendship.
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Congratulations for geeks

  • You are the ‘Hello World’ to my code, the perfect start to each day. Happy Valentines!
  • Like two perfectly combined chemical elements, our reaction is explosive. Happy Valentines Day!
  • You are the bug that I always want in my system, because life without you would be too predictable. Happy Valentines!
  • Our love is like Wi-Fi, invisible but incredibly strong and connecting us wherever we are. Happy Valentines!
  • Together we are like a superhero couple in a comic book: improving our world one day at a time. Happy Valentines!
  • You are the ‘Esc’ key to my bad days, you always know how to get me out of any problem. Happy Valentines!
  • Our love lasts longer than the battery of a Nokia 3310. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You are the easter egg in my game of life, a wonderful surprise that makes me smile every time I meet you. Happy Valentines!
  • If our love were an algorithm, it would be the most efficient, solving life’s problems together. Happy Valentines!
  • As in our favorite science fiction series, our love transcends time and space. Happy Valentines!

Congratulations with emojis

  • 🚀❤️🌌: Our love travels through space.
  • 🧬💕🔬: A love with a connection at a genetic level.
  • 🎮❤️🕹️: Perfect players in the game of love.
  • 📚❤️🔍: A love story worth investigating.
  • 🖖❤️🌍: Love that transcends galaxies.
  • 🤖❤️💾: A love programmed to last.
  • ⚛️❤️🧪: An unstoppable chemical reaction.
  • 🛸❤️🌠: A close encounter of the best kind.
  • 📱❤️💻: Connected in heart and technology.

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