Home » Santoral: which are the saints that are celebrated this February 15

Santoral: which are the saints that are celebrated this February 15

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Santoral: which are the saints that are celebrated this February 15

Majesty of Catholic saints in baroque stained glass art in cathedrals. Every day there is a name day celebration. (Illustrative image Infobae)

A few decades ago, even centuries ago, ancestors used to name their children with the name of the saint of the day they were born, not in vain in the famous “Mañanitas” there is a stanza that says: “Today, because it is your saint’s day, we sing them here…”.

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The name day refers to the day in which a saint is celebrated, although it is common for many people to use it as a synonym for birthday, which is wrong, since when talking about it we only refer to the list of names on the saints’ day.

As indicated in the saint calendar, today we also commemorate the women and men who stood out for having special connections with the deities, who did good deeds for their neighbors and who had high ethics and morals, reasons that led them to be canonized. or beatified and form part of the saints.

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This is the saint’s day for Thursday, February 15.

Commemoration of blessed Onesimus, who, being a escaped slave, was welcomed by Paul and begotten as a son in faith, becoming linked to Christ, just as the apostle wrote to his master Philemon (1st century).

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He was a slave who died in the year 90 and had a close friendship with Saint Paul, who even briefly mentioned him in one of his letters. Blessed Onesimus had a good reputation among people for being kind, generous and hospitable. He repented of having stolen and once he confessed his sin he followed in the footsteps of his friend Paul.

Not much is known about the rest of his life, the little that is known is that he was a preacher of the Word of God and was later consecrated a bishop. After having received this sacred title, Blessed Onesimus was arrested and taken to Rome where he was stoned to death.

Along with this character there are other saints and martyrs who are also celebrated this Thursday, February 15, such as the following:

San Claudio La Colombière

Saint Decoroso

Saint Georgia

San Quinidio

Saint Severus of Valeria

Saint Siegfried

San Walfrido

Blessed Ángel Scarpetti

Cardinals attend a mass for the beatification of Pope John Paul I, in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, on September 4, 2022. (REUTERS/Remo Casilli)

The Catholic and Orthodox Churches use canonization to declare a deceased person a saint, which implies including their name in the canon (list of recognized saints) and permission to venerate them, recognizing their power before God.

During Christianity, people were recognized as saints without the need for a formal process; However, this changed in the Middle Ages.

In the case of Catholicism, the Church must carry out an exhaustive investigation of the life of the person to be sanctified and there are four ways to achieve the appointment: the path of heroic virtues; the path of martyrdom; that of exceptional causes, confirmed by an ancient cult and written sources; and that of the offer of life.

Furthermore, it is an essential requirement that you have performed at least two miracles (or one in the case of being a martyr). Canonization is made in a solemn papal declaration and a feast day is assigned for liturgical veneration.

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There is no established period for the canonization of a character, as there are even cases such as that of Saint Peter Damian who was canonized until 756 years after his death or, on the contrary, the case of Saint Anthony of Padua who was named until 352 days after his death.

The last canonization took place in October 2019, when the Pope declared Cardinal John Henry Newman and Sister Dulce, from Brazil, saints.


All about the saint of the day

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