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How to make a burnt cement wall?

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How to make a burnt cement wall?

Do you know how to make burnt cement on the wall? This is a trend that arrived in the world of architecture a few years ago and continues to gain strength, and can be used in different types of environments. This is because the industrial decoration style is simple and practical for everyday life, without leaving aside beauty and elegance.

In the past, burnt cement was widely used on construction sites and in outdoor environments due to its strength and durability. However, it began to appear in many modern and sophisticated spaces to bring an industrial touch to the decor.

The secret to burnt cement’s popularity lies in its versatility. It can be applied to the wall, floor and even the ceiling! And despite being a coating with an industrial finish, it combines well with several other materials and allows you to create charming decorations, without losing the elegance and sophistication of the spaces.

Discover how to make burnt cement on the walls of your home. Check out the step by step now!

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What is burnt cement and its characteristics?

Burnt cement is a type of durable coating made from cement, sand and water. This composition forms a versatile mortar to be used in construction work. However, it is possible to use it in a simpler way using acrylic putty, black pigment and resin to finish. Thus, its characteristics are an irregular, stained, porous and rough-looking texture.

More than durable, this coating is highly resistant to abrasion and breakage. Aesthetically, its surface functions as a single piece, without cracks.

Another highlight is its practicality in cleaning, which makes it a perfect type of covering for everyday life.

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What do you need to apply burnt cement to the wall?

To apply burnt cement to the wall, you need:

Acrylic putty; Black pigment; Water; Large sponge; Small sponge; Matte resin to finish.

Thus, the effect of a burnt cement coating is achieved by applying a simple mortar to the wall, taking some care to ensure the desired appearance in the final result.

So, how to make burnt cement on the wall? Basically, you just mix acrylic putty and a black or gray pigment. In some cases, it may also be interesting to increase the mortar mixture with additives to improve adhesion and avoid possible cracks after drying.

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As additional materials, it is necessary to use sandpaper to prepare the surface and a waterproofing product at the end, ensuring a more durable finish. When choosing the materials to be used, some care still needs to be taken in relation to the desired finish.

Although the preferred result is normally a mottled gray — characteristic of the burnt cement itself — it is possible to obtain different shades of gray, or even add other colors to the mix with the use of pigments.

How to make burnt cement on the wall: step by step

Despite being a coating made with simple materials, it is necessary to carry out the technique correctly to guarantee a good result.

There are several steps that must be followed so that the coating acquires the desired resistance and finish. So, follow the step by step we present:

1. Prepare the surface

‍The first step in applying burnt cement is to prepare the surface that will receive the mortar, be it a floor, wall, ceiling or any other option. Regardless of the surface chosen, it must be well leveled and clean.

To do this, remove any furniture from the room and clean the area to eliminate any loose dust or dirt. If there are stains from oil or other chemicals, you can wash the surface with mild soap and water.

To ensure leveling, you can use sandpaper and go over the entire surface — remembering to clean afterwards, again. This is because any trace of dust left by the sandpaper can harm the final result of your coating.

2. Mix the burnt cement

The process for making burnt cement is simple: just mix 6 tablespoons of acrylic mass in 150 ml of water until completely dissolved. Then add 20 drops of black pigment and mix vigorously until you reach a uniform consistency.

The amount of pigment can be adjusted according to the desired shade. Experiment with different proportions to achieve different nuances.

3. Apply the burnt cement mixture

‍Now it’s time to apply the burnt cement! To do this, the ideal is to moisten the surface that will receive the mortar for better adhesion. Spray a little water and then pour the mixture made with acrylic putty, taking care that the thickness of the layer is neither too thin nor too thick.

You can apply it with a roller or use a spatula. In each case, move from top to bottom asymmetrically. This will help to achieve an excellent result. Also, use a little of the product at a time, because it yields a lot.

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4. Level the burnt cement mass

As the mortar is applied to the surface, use a trowel or straightedge to smooth and level it.

5. Create the burnt cement effect‍

After leveling the dough on the wall, we need to leave it with a burnt appearance. To do this, start in the corners, with the small sponge, moving in the direction of waves and crossing them, to give a broader effect.

After applying a layer in the corners, repeat the process with the larger sponge across the entire floor or wall you are renovating. Once the entire application is complete, wait 6 hours for the next coat, ensuring that the surface dries and remains smooth.

6. Polish and finish

After the burnt cement has dried, the surface is ready for polishing and finishing. To make it thinner, you can sand the surface again before applying the waterproofing agent.

It is important to use a product to protect the surface and ensure the durability of the burnt cement. Many people use waxes or resins for this purpose. However, you need to be careful when choosing the product, as it can change the color of the result or even stain the cement and harm the desired effect.

By following these steps, you will learn how to make burnt cement on the wall quickly and practically. If you want, you can hire a professional, but you also have the chance to carry out the service yourself, in a do-it-yourself (DIY) style.

How to make a burnt cement wall with paint?

To make a burnt cement wall with paint, you must use a specific color, which imitates burnt cement. It is available at building materials stores. The process is very similar, but, after applying the first coat, it is recommended to texturize with a trowel. This will help make the effect more realistic.

Tips and tricks for making a burnt cement wall

Here are some tips and tricks to make a burnt cement wall the way you always wanted and with the desired result:

Prepare the entire environment, including placing masking tape in places that should not receive the product; Always do 3 coats to guarantee the best result; Organize all materials before starting work; Clean the area well before applying the burnt cement mixture; Apply primer or sealer before the cement is fired to help with adhesion.

5 environments with burnt cement decoration

If you want to know how to make burnt cement on the wall, we’ve put together some inspiration. After all, this coating can go far beyond industrial decoration. So, how about a better look? Check it out below!

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1. Industrial style living room

Leave some pipes showing to give a different touch and exposed bricks to create a contrast with the burnt cement. Use industrial-style furniture, which combines wood and steel, for example.

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2. Scandinavian cuisine

Scandinavian decoration uses a lot of straight lines and white colors, which makes it easier to use burnt cement. Take the opportunity to use geometric objects to reinforce the modernity of the environment.

3. Home office futurista

The home office doesn’t have to be a monotonous place. With a burnt cement wall, modern objects and other neutral tones, the space looks beautiful and has a futuristic vibe. Take the opportunity to use geometric shapes, steel and glass.

4. Living room with burnt cement wall and urban jungle style

The living room needs to be relaxing. You can bring more personality by using a burnt cement wall and placing plants and other elements that refer to nature. For example, linen, cotton or fibers. Thus, it matches the urban jungle style.

5. Bedroom in shades of gray

The bedroom is a room that demands calm and comfort. Therefore, neutral colors are a good option. You can combine the burnt cement wall with other objects in shades of grey, white and black. If you want to break the formality, use decorative items in more vibrant tones, such as red.

Your home with your style

So, did you like our tips on how to make burnt cement in a simple and quick way? Now that you’ve learned it, have you ever imagined applying this technique to a new house? If you feel like it’s time to move to a new home that suits your style, count on QuintoAndar.

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