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Bavaria bans gender language in schools and authorities

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Bavaria bans gender language in schools and authorities

Free State boss Söder had announced it, now his cabinet has decided on the ban. Spellings with an asterisk or colon are therefore a thing of the past in (college) schools and authorities.

“For us the clear message is that language must be clear and understandable,” says the head of the Bavarian State Chancellery, Florian Herrmann (CSU). In addition, ideologically influenced language, for example when it comes to gender, has an exclusionary effect. That’s why the ban also wants to “keep the spaces of discourse open in a liberal society.” In certain social milieus, there are many missionary users in the use of language that are not compatible with an open society.

There is also the following danger for him: people who use gender-appropriate language would be seen as humane. Those who don’t do so would have a reputation for being “on the dark side.” There should be no moral pressure, “only when I say something like that do I say it correctly.”

Bavaria says yes to sensitive language, no to gender trappings: language is alive and changing, like our society. Good this way! In order for us to understand each other, we need rules with a sense of proportion. We want language to connect, not divide. Gender language with internal word symbols like… pic.twitter.com/wJAYJCZeM8

Gendern: After Söder’s announcement, now the decision

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced steps against gender language in December. On Tuesday, his ministers decided to make the necessary changes to the general rules of procedure for the authorities of the Free State of Bavaria (AGO). This has already stipulated that state authorities – including schools – must adhere to German spelling in their correspondence. This regulation has now been “added to make it clearer”.

#Bavaria bans #gendering at schools, universities and authorities. pic.twitter.com/2ruAfULm03

Our comedy team had already considered in December that Söder should simply sing the new regulation to calm people’s minds:

SWR3 Comedy December 6th, 2023 Söder: Stop gendering

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Duration 1:29 min

The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has declared war on gender in schools and offices – he wants to ban it! To keep the resentment at bay, perhaps with a little song?…

Schools in Bavaria: no gender asterisk, no colon

Spellings that cover multiple genders, for example with a gender gap, gender asterisk or colon, are not permitted by the regulation. Teachers would have to adhere to this in all written work, i.e. in lessons, in letters to parents and also in internal communication. Herrmann did not explain what they would face if they ignored the ban. However, he admitted: In practice, local authorities do not have to adhere to the new requirements.

Students can continue to gender – they will not be blamed for any mistakes, emphasized Herrmann.

15 spellings that surprise – it looks strange, but it’s still correct!

Gender language: This is what the German Spelling Council says

The German Spelling Council is also critical of the use of special characters inside words. These are interventions in word formation, grammar and orthography that can impair the comprehensibility of texts. He therefore does not recommend this.

SWR3 Comedy Video: What else can you say? 😂

Click, take a deep breath and laugh in a relaxed manner: Here you will find a bit of a change from your stressful everyday life! On a topic that can sometimes be quite stressful.

Teachers’ associations welcome decision in Bavaria

The Bavarian Teachers’ Association (BLLV) received the cabinet’s decision largely positively. Although they would have liked more self-determination and corresponding freedoms for local schools, they were happy that feared further bans did not materialize. It’s good that the students don’t have to worry about their grades if they are curious, ask questions and try to use gender-appropriate language.

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The German Teachers’ Association also expressed itself positively: In all official language, it is always about making it clear that all people are meant and not just individual groups, said association president Stefan Düll. “Misunderstanding formulations should therefore always be avoided. It’s about respectful wording that is also gender-sensitive without marking it as such. After all, the asterisk can also be understood as exclusionary.”

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Federal Student Conference: Gender ban is “paternalism”

The Federal Student Conference is less pleased with the decision in Bavaria. Its Secretary General Florian Fabricius describes the ban on gender-neutral language in Bavarian schools as “paternalism”. When it comes to something as personal as language, students are now being given rules and their freedom is being encroached upon.

We are against this paternalism, this applies to both gender and non-gender.

There are no uniform rules for gender in Germany – schools fall under the jurisdiction of the federal states. What do you think of Bavaria’s approach – and would that also be conceivable for SWR3Land? Write us your opinion in the comments!

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