Home » Vitamin D deficiency – the signal on your tongue that you are dangerously short of it

Vitamin D deficiency – the signal on your tongue that you are dangerously short of it

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Symptoms and signs of vitamin D deficiency are also found on your tongue. If you notice this sensation, consult your doctor

Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world in early 2020, there has been a lot of talk about the role of two vitamins that are vital in enabling the body to fight off any disease or infection. One is there C vitamin, the nutrient that helps build immunity, and the other is the vitamin D, also called the sunshine vitamin you need to be able to keep your body healthy. Vitamin D keeps bones strong and can help prevent some cancers. (Read also: Vitamin D: symptoms and consequences of a deficiency)

Lot of Education evaluated and supported the role vitamin D plays in helping people fight the deadly infection caused by the coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2. Low vitamin D levels have been associated with a increased inflammatory cytokines, and at a significantly increased risk of pneumonia and viral upper respiratory tract infections. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increase in thrombotic episodes, which are frequently seen during Covid-19 infection.

It was also found that deficiency occurs more frequently in patients with obesity and diabetes, conditions that can even cause death in patients with Coronavirus. But how can a person know immediately that they do not have enough vitamin D without having a blood test done? Is there a body signal to watch out for? Yes, and the answer is there burning tongue syndrome or burning mouth syndrome.

According to one studio conducted by the Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (USA) in 2017, in patients with symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS), the results suggested that it is reasonable to screen for fasting blood glucose, vitamin D (D2 and D3), ​​vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin B1 and TSH.

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The pain and sensation of warmth is typically found on the lips or tongue, but can also spread into the mouth. Other symptoms may also be felt including numbness, dryness, and an unpleasant taste.

Ma la burning tongue syndrome it is not exclusively linked to vitamin D deficiency, and can also be caused by a variety of different vitamin and mineral deficiencies, such as vitamin B, iron and zinc.

According to research by Cleveland Clinic, Vitamin D is unique because the skin produces it using sunlight. Light-skinned individuals and younger ones convert the sun into vitamin D much better than those with darker skin.

The Education on burning tongue syndrome suggest that patients should be recommended the following tests:

  • fasting blood glucose screening
  • vitamin D (D2 and D3)
  • vitamin B6
  • zinc
  • vitamin B1
  • TSH.

(Read also: Vitamin D and covid: “if there is no deficiency, it is useless and dangerous to take supplements”. The recommendations of the Bfr)

How is vitamin D deficiency treated?

Per addressing vitamin D deficiency it is good to consult your doctor to understand how and which supplements to add to the diet. Giving vitamin D supplements to patients with burning mouth syndrome helped eliminate symptoms within just two weeks.

Your doctor may also suggest oral vitamin D supplements to take during the fall and winter months, when you get much less sun.

L’recommended daily intake of vitamin D is:

  • (a) 400 IU (international units) for children under one year of age
  • (b) 600 IU for children, adolescents and adults up to the age of 70
  • (c) 800 IU for pregnant persons and adults over 71 years of age
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Remember to expose yourself to the sun for only about 10-15 minutes two or three times a week; mainly expose your face, arms, legs or back but remember to always apply the sunscreen that best suits your phototype.

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Source: MayoClinic

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