Home » A dazzling smile and very white teeth thanks to these 3 products that we all have at home

A dazzling smile and very white teeth thanks to these 3 products that we all have at home

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Health also passes through the skin,” says a well-known advertisement. But do we want to rule out the importance of dental health? Taking care of one’s appearance, through proper nutrition and sport that also includes purely inner well-being, is essential. But let’s not forget that the teeth are an essential part and as such we need to pay close attention.

Having a bright smile is one of the goals that unites many people. Sure, who wants to have yellow teeth and sore gums? Unfortunately, however, this goal is achieved by few. Oral hygiene problems depend on us, they are caused by our negligence. With the exception of genetic problems or serious diseases that also cause problems with the teeth, such as diabetes.

This article will deal with those inconveniences caused by ourselves, that is, related to incorrect dental hygiene. For example, dentists recommend brushing your teeth 5 times a day. Why this number? As it is linked to the number of meals recommended during the day by nutritionists.

This means that you need to brush your teeth both after main meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and after snacks in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Especially if we consume sugars and drinks capable of staining the teeth. And let’s not forget to complete oral hygiene with mouthwash.

Washing for at least two minutes for each dental cleaning prevents all those problems such as weakening of the gums, yellowing of the teeth and the production of tartar. In this regard, few people know that our grandmothers had a dazzling smile and very white teeth thanks to these 3 products that we all have at home.

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Grandma’s remedies to eliminate tartar

First of all, tartar is the substance attached to the teeth resulting from the mineralization process of plaque, consisting of bacteria and food residues. This process takes about 8 hours, which is why brushing your teeth after each meal is essential. Unfortunately, it is difficult to remove the tartar, which requires dental cleaning by the dentist. But not before trying these grandmother’s remedies: tomato and lemon.

A dazzling smile and very white teeth thanks to these 3 products that we all have at home

Cut a tomato in half as well as the lemon and squeeze inside a colander to be placed over a bowl. We add some toothpaste and mix until obtaining a not too pasty substance. We dip the toothbrush and brush our teeth.

Clearly these are remedies that our grandmothers used when technology and specialized tools did not yet exist. We therefore always recommend that you contact your dentist.

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