Home » Not just water, here are the foods that contribute to the hydration of our body

Not just water, here are the foods that contribute to the hydration of our body

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Not just water, here are the foods that contribute to the hydration of our body

Not just water, here are the foods that contribute to hydrating the body: let’s find out how to help the body with food and have the same result.

Proper hydration of our body brings many health benefits. How many times have we heard about the fateful two liters of water to drink a day? This is not a random phrase, but the exact quantity that our body needs to function at its best. But we must also know that when we go below this threshold we can encounter problems and risks that we don’t even imagine.

Drinking and hydrating yourself properly brings countless advantages, ranging from physical to mental ones, in fact those who behave correctly and respect these thresholds appear more relaxed and less stressed than those who drink and hydrate very little. You don’t just need to drink water, because Eating properly can also help us to overcome this problem which affects the health of everyone at every age.

Which foods help us hydrate the body

One of the absolutely wrong conceptions leads us to think that only by drinking water or taking liquids such as herbal teas or other types of drinks can we help hydrate the body. Nothing could be more wrong because instead you need to know that There are many foods that contain a high percentage of water, and therefore you can hydrate yourself simply by eating. Among the foods that can help us most in this case are fruit and vegetables first and foremost.

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A vegetable that is rich in water, for example, is the tomato, which has many beneficial effects and among these also that of contributing to the hydration of the body. Then we can list them again zucchinis which, like tomatoes, have the same capabilities. Especially in the summer period, with the abundance of production of these vegetables in many Italian regions, you could take advantage of them as they are also healthy foods like few others.

But let’s continue the list: they also help hydrate in the right way strawberries, peaches, and blueberries, citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits, and also spinach, asparagus, and mushrooms. And again: cucumber, watermelon, and melon, lettuce, celery, and carrots. A really long list that we can complete with yogurt and peppers but also other green vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and all other derivatives.

Physical activity and hydration

Especially in the summer months, when the scorching and intense heat make us lose a lot of fluids, hydration of the body appears fundamental, especially for elderly people and children. Even when practicing sports, it remains essential to eat in a certain way and drink a lot, so as not to put our body at risk, which could suffer a lot.

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