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properties, benefits and how to eat

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What’s this

The pomelo (Citrus maxima) is a citrus fruit grown in different areas of the world for the sale of fruits, originating in the countries of Southeast Asia where it is considered a symbol of wealth and luck. Although the name may suggest a cross between two different fruits, for example between a grapefruit and an apple tree, in reality it is a very ancient species from which the citrus fruits that we usually consume, including orange, were created through grafts. The fruit of the pomelo is slightly larger than other citrus fruits, has a spherical shape pointed at the apex that resembles that of pears and a thick and hard rind. The peel of the pomelo can be green or yellow, while the pulp it is yellowish or pink, juicy, with a flavor reminiscent of orange and grapefruit, but definitely sweet. It is appreciated not only for its flavor, but also for its nutritional value and its beneficial properties. In fact, pomelo is rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that make it an excellent food both for its delicious taste and for its health benefits.


The pomelo fruit it is low in calories, but highly nutritious, as it provides carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals. It is also a source of fiber and antioxidant substances. Below, the properties attributed to the pomelo:

  • nutritious
  • saziante
  • antioxidant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antibacterial
  • hypotensive
  • hypocholesterolemic

These properties give pomelo several health benefits.


Thanks to the presence of fibers, the pomelo has an excellent will be punished. This aspect, combined with the low calorie intake, can bring benefits to those who follow a low-calorie diet to lose weight, because it helps fight the feeling of hunger without exceeding calories. The fibre then they are very important to fight constipation and to keep the intestinal flora in balance, with benefits for the whole organism.

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Pomelo is also rich in substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, including vitamin c and flavonoids, and therefore its consumption can help support the immune defenses, fight inflammatory states, including chronic ones, and prevent damage caused by free radicals. By countering free radicals, it contributes to prevent aging: this means having a toned and younger skin for longer but not only. In fact, free radicals are involved in the onset of numerous diseases, including cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and even cancer. A diet rich in antioxidant foods such as pomelo can therefore bring visible benefits to the skin but also not visible to all other organs, including the heart and brain.

As for the cardiovascular system, the benefits of pomelo are also given by the ability of its compounds to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure, three important risk factors for heart disease. Consuming pomelo can also help regulate the balance of body fluids and fight not only high blood pressure but also water retention and cellulite. Pomelo is also beneficial for people with diabetes or at risk of developing this disease: the substances contained in it seem to reduce the formation of the final products of advanced glycation (AGE), due to high levels of sugar in the blood.

Finally, the pomelo peel is rich in essential oil with antibacterial and antifungal properties, which is why the extracts of this fruit are included in cosmetic formulations. The antimicrobial properties of pomelo can in fact help fight dandruff, acne, boils and dermatitis caused by the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. But be careful not to apply products containing pomelo before exposing yourself to the sun; as with other citrus fruits, pomelos also contain furanocoumarins, molecules that can lead to sunburn and dark spots on the skin if the skin is reached by the sun’s rays.

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How to eat

Pomelo is on sale fresh or dried and candied in well-stocked fruit and vegetable shops, in specialty stores specializing in exotic fruits and in various supermarkets. In the dried version, the slices of pomelo are eaten as they are, as if they were candies, or they can be used to prepare sweet recipes. Compared to fresh pomelo, that one dried it contains higher amounts of sugar and provides more calories, so it is definitely better to opt for the fresh grapefruit. Fresh pomelo can be eaten like any other fruit, alone or in fruit salad, or added to salads or used as an alternative to other citrus fruits in recipes, for example with fish. The pomelo juice it is also excellent for preparing cocktails and thirst-quenching drinks with a sweet and pleasant taste. To eat the pomelo it is necessary to remove the thick and hard rind, cutting it deeply with a knife on all four sides and then peeling the fruit. As with all citrus fruits, the white membrane that divides the cloves from the peel is eliminated as it is bitter.


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