Home » “Double 11” is approaching shopping, do not forget to prevent fraud. Sichuan Public Security issued a reminder of “Double 11” fraud related to Sichuan News Channel-Sichuan News Network

“Double 11” is approaching shopping, do not forget to prevent fraud. Sichuan Public Security issued a reminder of “Double 11” fraud related to Sichuan News Channel-Sichuan News Network

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  Sichuan News Net-First Screen News from Chengdu, November 2 (Reporter Qiao Yongzhen)“Double 11” has not yet arrived, and online pre-sales have already started. Of course, various discounts are exciting, but when you buy and buy, you must beware of those who want to make a fortune. On November 2, the Sichuan Anti-Telecom Network Fraud Center issued a number of fraudulent schemes involving “Double 11”, reminding “online shoppers” to be vigilant and beware of being fooled.

Recently, the citizen Xiaoli purchased goods online but did not receive the goods for a few days. When she called the express customer service to check and waited for a reply, she received a fraudulent call saying that her express was lost. She needed to scan the QR code to apply for a refund and enter the bank on the designated page. Card information. After following the other party’s request, Xiaoli found that the 70,000 yuan in the bank card was missing.

The anti-fraud police said that the criminals pretended to be customer service, pretending that the goods purchased by the victim had problems such as card orders, lost express delivery or product quality, saying that they could provide refunds, inducing the victim to click the link and enter the bank card information and verification code, thereby stealing the victim Bank card.

Except for “fake customer service” scams,The following 5 types of scams also need to be vigilant:

  One is to plant Trojans with “pre-sale” as a bait.Criminals use “pre-orders”, “time-limited purchases”, and “pre-price reductions” as bait to send links containing Trojan horses through instant messaging software or mobile phone text messages. If clicked on, the Trojan horse virus will be implanted in the mobile phone to steal user information. In addition, criminals will also cheat deposits during pre-purchase activities.

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The police reminded: “Double 11” discount text messages will spring up like mushrooms after the rain. What everyone needs to be wary of is not to click any coupons or red envelope links in the text messages! Because the link is likely to contain a Trojan horse virus, which can steal customer information and account funds in “seconds”.

  The second is the fake “red envelope” scam.Many people share red envelopes in WeChat Moments, but they need to follow and share or forward a certain number of friends or groups before they can receive it. Some red envelopes need to fill in personal information when they click to receive them, or jump to an unknown website, and scammers take the opportunity to transfer the money away.

Police remind: Be careful about the red envelope collection link. If you have any questions about receiving such information, you can call the official customer service of the e-commerce or third-party payment website to confirm. If you click accidentally, you should close the mobile phone network as soon as possible, modify the passwords of important accounts such as online banking and Alipay, and use security software to check and kill Trojan viruses.

  The third is the “credit increase” scam.During the “Double 11” period, some consumers will choose to increase Huabei or credit card limits to meet their purchase needs. At this time, criminals will pretend to be Huabei or bank customer service, falsely claim that the credit limit can be increased, and then induce payment by scanning the QR code on the grounds of paying “service fees,” thereby committing fraud.

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Police remind: Do not trust information on the Internet about increasing the overdraft limit of Huabei, credit card, etc. Increasing the overdraft limit requires strict review and relevant certification, and no additional fees will be charged.

  The fourth is the “scratch rebate” scam.Criminals pretend to be charging dealers, claiming that they will hire someone for a part-time job to brush up their credibility on the grounds of increasing store sales and credibility before Double 11. In order to defraud the trust, the scammer will start to return the principal and profit at the appointed time, and when the amount is getting larger, they will use various excuses to refuse the rebate and induce to continue to brush the order.

The police reminded: the majority of netizens must not try lightly. Finding part-time jobs must be done through formal channels, and jobs that require a deposit or advance payment must be treated with caution.

  Fifth, the scam of “winning the lottery free of charge”.Although the “jackpot” trick is outdated, there will always be people who are deceived. The criminals pretended to be an online shop during the “Double 11” period, claiming to give back to customers “a lottery free order” and refurbish the old scams and continue to deceive.

The police reminded: During the “Double 11” period, there are many lotteries and free bills. Consumers must carefully screen after receiving such information, understand the rules of the event in detail, and verify with the regular customer service. It is not easy to remit or transfer money. Be cautious when encountering “account abnormalities”, “margin payment” and other situations, and be careful to be fooled.

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At the same time, the police also issued online safe payment guidelines. Try to use personal customer certificates (USB shield) or electronic password cards for online payment; regularly check and kill mobile phones and computer viruses. Be highly vigilant about web links in mailboxes and chat tools, and do not easily click on links or directly copy URLs for access. Do not disclose account numbers, passwords, credit card expiration dates, last three codes, and payment verification codes to others; do not conduct online transactions in public Internet cafes or public WIFI environments; online payment passwords should preferably contain numbers, letters and symbols. Choose a website with a good reputation and a long operating time for bank card online payment business, and set a reasonable payment limit. Keep records of online consumption for inquiries; check account balance and details regularly, and contact the issuing bank in time if you have any questions.

“The scammers have many methods of fraud, and the methods are endless, but they are always the same. They are doing everything possible to defraud you.” Sichuan police reminded to be vigilant and learn more about anti-fraud, so as not to be credulous, not revealing, or not. Transfer money, and strive for a happy “chop hands”.

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