Home » Covid: indoor allergies on the rise, Consulcesi course on the subject

Covid: indoor allergies on the rise, Consulcesi course on the subject

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Rome, May 3 (beraking latest news Salute) – In this new ‘pandemic spring’ it is not so much the pollen that floats free in the air outside that gives the torment to allergic Italians, but rather those microscopic ‘little animals’ that are hidden in the dust. These are mites, considered mostly ‘winter enemies’, but which in times of Covid-19, now that we spend more time at home, become the main culprits of allergies. To explain how and what to do to get rid of the problem is Catello Romano, pediatrician-allergist and teacher in the Ecm professional training course of Health In-Training for Consulcesi Club entitled ‘Allergies and Covid-19. Adherence to therapies at the time of the pandemic ‘.

The symptoms of allergy to mites – remember a note – are quite common: sneezing, coughing and in the most severe cases asthma and dermatitis that strike are mostly caused by dust mites. “Not to be confused with the symptoms of the Covid-19 infection to avoid being unnecessarily alarmed”, underlines Catello. “It is good to remember – continues the expert – that the symptoms of Covid-19 infection include: rhinitis, cough, fever, severe dyspnea, fatigue, loss of taste and smell. While respiratory allergy symptoms include rhinitis with sneezing, itchy nose, nasal drip, stuffy nose, conjunctivitis dry cough, dyspnoea controlled with asthma therapy, chronic loss of smell due to nasal polyposis, nasopharyngeal itching and fever is not expected. “

Mites are tiny animals invisible to the naked eye (they measure about a third of a millimeter), they develop mainly in hot and humid environments, with a temperature between 20 and 30 degrees and feed mainly on human and animal skin derivatives. A few milligrams of dandruff is enough to feed thousands of mites for a few weeks. “When the mites come into contact with the skin or with the respiratory mucous membranes of allergic patients, they cause an inflammatory reaction that can manifest itself with itching, dermatitis, asthma, rhinitis”, explains Catello.

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“Contrary to what is commonly believed – continues the allergist pediatrician – the conventional methods of environmental remediation, from the ventilation of the house to drastic measures such as the elimination of mattresses and pillows, blankets and more, do not lead to a reduction in the concentration of mites in the home. Instead, it is necessary to resort to various aids that we can divide into two: chemical and physical “.

According to the expert, it is the doctor’s task to suggest the most effective remedy to the individual patient. “In fact, we must take into account not only the effectiveness of the individual devices – he explains – but also the costs and the level of patient response. The ideal solution is represented by the joint use of pillowcases, which isolate the mites in mattresses and cushions; of an acaricide (benzyl-benzoate) used on carpets, sofas, armchairs, carpets, etc. capable of killing mites; of a vacuum cleaner with water filter and Hepa microfilter that physically removes dust and mites preventing them from occurring the contact with the allergic patient and air depolluting agents which, in addition to reducing the concentration of mites in the environment, improve the quality of the air breathed “, he concludes.

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