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Prostate tumors, in Milazzo information days and free visits VIDEO

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“November is the month dedicated to men’s health and the prevention of prostate cancer. This year I decided to promote the project in the province of Messina “Prevention has no age”. An information campaign, born with the aim of creating greater awareness of prostate cancer and testicular cancer, promoted by SIU – Italian Society of Urologists -, by the Red Cross “Committee of Milazzo Aeolian Islands” and by the management of the “Parco Corolla” shopping center in Milazzo.

And right at the Shopping Center in Milazzo I will be, on Saturday 6 November and Saturday 13 November, with prof. Vincenzo Ficarra, director of the Urology Unit, Oncology Department of the “G. Martino ”, to raise awareness on the issue. An initiative that I strongly wanted, animated by the idea that prevention has no age and saves your life “. Thus the Deputy from Messina Francesco D’Uva announces the initiative “Prevention has no age” promoted for the month of November in order to raise awareness on male health and on malignant diseases affecting the prostate gland and testicles.

The goal is to urge everyone, “from father to son”, to keep the attention on their health high by carrying out adequate screening, structured over time, as required by the protocols applied to these pathologies. “Let’s talk about malignant, devious and aggressive diseases, which affect men in different age groups – explains D’Uva -. For prostate cancer, in fact, the incidence is very high among the over 50s: it is estimated that 1 in 8 men in our country is likely to get sick during their lifetime. Testicular cancer, on the other hand, is the most common in the 15 to 40 age group.

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Yet, despite the two diseases being so profoundly widespread, there is a lack of correct information and profound knowledge on the importance of prevention “. Break down the wall of silence and invite people to take better care of themselves. “Symbolically – explains the deputy from Messina – we have chosen to organize information meetings on weekends with prof. Ficarra, so that there is greater awareness, e days for free visits, which can be booked at the following link www.francescoduva.it/laprevenzionenonhaeta/.

Unfortunately due to the health emergency, cancer screening has also slowed down. Talking about it is necessary so that there is a greater sensitivity on the subject by all. The goal is to encourage clear communication, inviting each person to take better care of their health by undergoing prevention checks, constant over time, which make it possible to monitor the state of health and to stem any damage in the event that it evolves towards a malignant condition “.

And he concludes: “It is essential that there is a greater commitment on the part of those who hold institutional roles to protect collective health. As a man, I address men and those who have been assigned males at birth (AMAB): prevention has no age and no gender. Undergoing a periodic visit, with constancy, allows you to know yourself and understand your body and the signals that it sends us. For the month of November, give yourself a gift: undergo a urological medical check-up for an assessment of your state of health. It is an act of love for yourself and for those by your side “.

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