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how to lose weight at 60?

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The menopausal diet is important to help you lose the accumulated pounds. Furthermore, thePower supply plays a key role in managing and dealing with this period in the best possible way. In fact, menopause is a phase of life in which changes in the body are associated with life and diet behaviors capable of limiting the most annoying symptoms and also reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and overweight.
During the menopause phase, not only the psyche, but also the body undergoes important changes which make it inevitable to gain weight. For those who are 60 years old and want to lose weight, the menopause diet is the right regimen as it involves the consumption of adequate foods. Let’s try to understand how to follow it and what to eat.

Menopause diet
First of all, you need to change your habits at the table by focusing on a diet that is more balanced and that reflects in a certain way the needs and requirements of the body. With the passing of the years and therefore reaching the age of 60, the basal metabolism tends to undergo a slowdown so that extra pounds accumulate due also and above all to the menopause phase.
By decreasing estrogen, the woman undergoes a considerable and worrying weight gain. In the menopause diet, it is necessary to limit the calories of the meals and foods that are consumed, try to increase thephysical activity, perhaps taking a few walks in the morning or afternoon. According to experts, it is necessary to consume the main courses and therefore proteins that in this phase give greater nourishment. Fish and egg dishes are recommended, as well as legumes and a lot of fiber. Consume at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day considering that the vegetables are full and have very few calories, although it is always good to be careful with the condiments. During this phase, problems such as osteoporosis are encountered, so it is good to consume dairy products such as milk and low-fat yogurt.

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Menopause diet: how to lose weight at 60? The advices
In the period of menopause it is inevitable that the body begins to change, also thanks to the hormonal structure. For this reason, a few extra pounds accumulate and the menopause diet is a good diet to eliminate them. Although it is difficult to lose weight in menopause, especially if you are 60 years old, it is by no means impossible and with the right advice you can eliminate the extra pounds.
First, it is crucial eat healthy opting for a power supply of Mediterranean type which contains all the nutrients useful for the body and for health in general. It is advisable to drink at least two liters of water a day both to maintain the figure, but also to make the skin more elastic, considering that in menopause it tends to lose its elasticity. Try to lead a dynamic life, don’t be sedentary. Walking outdoors also helps fight diseases such as osteoporosis and contributes to the well-being of the cardiovascular system. Sleeping at least 8 hours is important for a good, restful sleep and increases the effect of serotonin and melatonin.
In the menopause diet to lose weight it is good to consume vegetables such as broccoli and thistles which are rich in calcium, but also fruits such as tangerines and oranges, apricots, kiwis and strawberries, which contain vitamin C. The fish should be eaten at least three times a week opting for the blue one, such as plaice, cod, etc. to eat both fresh and frozen.
Diet for weight loss in menopause at 60: foods to limit
Try to avoid eating in a disorderly way: structuring your meals will allow you to avoid unexpected hunger pangs and too many calories.
In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, always have 2 snacks a day, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. For example, a yogurt or a fruit are fine.
Less fat and protein
Reducing fat is key, but you should be aware that protein intake should also be reduced during menopause. In fact, proteins stimulate androgens, which are already high in menopause, so you run the risk of increasing abdominal fat, which is dangerous to health. Therefore, do not exceed with saturated fats and consume meat (especially red meat), cheeses and condiments such as butter in moderation, preferring extra virgin olive oil.
Pasta in moderation
I carbohydrates they are an essential source of energy, but if introduced in excess, they can increase blood sugar and also favor the onset of diabetes in those predisposed and familiar with this pathology.

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How to speed up the metabolism to lose weight in menopause?
It is important to intensify physical activity from pre-menopause, that period which can last up to two to three years and which coincides with the onset of less estrogen production. Movement at regular intervals, of any type, especially aerobic, from climbing stairs to walking quickly, from swimming and water gymnastics to exercises in gym at least 2-3 times a week, it is a real cure-all to fight:
– weight gain
– cardiovascular disorders
– progressive decalcification of the bones
– stress and depression.


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