Home » Other than anxiety and nervousness, here is another great enemy of restful sleep that we would not have expected

Other than anxiety and nervousness, here is another great enemy of restful sleep that we would not have expected

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Of course, sleeping is one of the great pleasures of life. In fact, taking the time to rest and recharge your batteries is essential for each of us. But there is one aspect that cannot be ruled out. In fact, not everyone gets to sleep that easily. For some, abandoning oneself in the arms of Morpheus is not that simple. But not only. Even when you manage to fall asleep, it often happens that you wake up in the middle of the night. Or at least to sleep in a state of nervousness that does not make us feel fresh and rested when we wake up, as it should be. And there are not a few who experience this feeling with strong stress. But maybe there are some habits we could avoid and some actions we could start taking, so that this situation changes once and for all in a definitive way.

Other than anxiety and nervousness, here is another great enemy of restful sleep that we would not have expected

There are so many factors that can contribute to ruining our sleep. To try to resolve the situation, we could try to put some tips into practice, which could certainly prove useful. For example, in our previous article, we explained how a clove of onion could help us fall asleep more easily, thanks to its sedative property. But of course, before making any decision, we consult our trusted doctor. He will surely be able to tell us if what we are doing is actually suitable for us. In addition to trying some solutions like the one just mentioned, we should also avoid some situations that could compromise our rest.

Among the enemies of sleep and rest we find obesity according to the Veronesi Foundation

Apparently obesity doesn’t help you rest. In fact, other than anxiety and nervousness, here is another great enemy of restful sleep that we would not have expected. In this case, the Veronesi Foundation explains it very clearly. As we can see, each of us has a biological clock. And it is the latter that guides our sleep. Furthermore, everything is managed by the PER protein, which sends the exact rhythm to our body. This protein, apparently essential for proper rest, decreases due to various factors. Among these, for example, we find age. But not only. The University of Florida, in fact, following a very careful study, reveals that obesity is among the determining factors that slow down the production of the PER protein.

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Because of it, in fact, the cytoplasm could find itself full of extra material that would interfere with the work of the PER. Therefore, having this information, let’s talk to our trusted doctor to understand if we fall into this group of people and to look for an adequate and safe solution.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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