Home » To keep the brain young and active and avoid memory loss and lucidity, here are the foods that absolutely must not be missing at the table

To keep the brain young and active and avoid memory loss and lucidity, here are the foods that absolutely must not be missing at the table

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The brain is one of the most important organs and must be protected and nourished to the fullest. Like the rest of the body, in fact, it must be kept in shape with a healthy lifestyle: physical activity, hydration, restful sleep and proper nutrition. But what are the foods that help him perform his daily functions in the best possible way, allowing him to resist aging and degenerative diseases? To keep the brain young and active and avoid memory loss and lucidity, here are the foods that absolutely must not be missing at the table. These are foods rich in essential substances for this precious organ. They are readily available, but are often overlooked, preferring them to other less healthy ones.

Water first of all

The first essential element for our brain is water. To keep it shiny it is important to always be well hydrated. Many people don’t remember to drink until they feel thirsty. However, when the body triggers it, the body is already partially dehydrated. For this reason it is necessary to make hydration a habit and not a need.

To keep the brain young and active and avoid memory loss and lucidity, here are the foods that absolutely must not be missing at the table

There are some foods that are good for the brain and memory more than others and that can be easily incorporated into your daily diet.

The brain feeds on sugar and to function at its best it must receive the right amount. But the sources of carbohydrates are not all the same, you have to choose the healthiest ones and avoid overdoing the refined or artificial ones. In general, to get more nutrients, avoid glycemic peaks and have energy for longer, it is always better to opt for whole carbohydrates, i.e. grains, pasta, bread and wholemeal flours. Also essential are fresh and dried fruit, legumes, potatoes, yogurt and, if tolerated, even milk.

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Omega 3 and 6 are polyunsaturated fatty acids useful for brain health. They are contained in algae, flax seeds, dried fruit, especially walnuts, and blue fish. The latter also contains phosphorus, a memory-friendly mineral. Small fish, such as sardines, anchovies and mackerel, are preferred because they contain less heavy metals than large ones, such as tuna, salmon and swordfish.

The enemies of the brain

All toxic substances should be limited as much as possible. Among the most harmful are alcohol and smoking, which progressively cause one to lose memory and concentration.

Having a monotonous and limited social life is equally harmful. Attention, memory, language, reasoning, emotions must be trained regularly on a daily basis. In this regard, reading, crosswords, card games, chess are very useful, and especially for the elderly the stories that dig into the memory of their experiences.

To keep the mind active and bright it takes very little!

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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