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Unexpectedly, Taobao and Tmall “fit”-Wall Street

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On the sixth day of becoming the “No. 1” position of the big Taobao department, Dai Shan’s change to Taobao began. Taobao and Tmall integration, what does this mean for consumers and businesses?

On the afternoon of January 6, Dai Shan sent a letter to all staff.

This is before the Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group Zhang Yong issued an internal letter on December 6, 2021, announcing the appointment of Dai Shan and Jiang Fan to be responsible for the two newly established “Chinese Digital Business” and “Overseas Digital Business” sections. For the past month.

Zhang Yong’s appointment came into effect on January 1. On the third working day of the new year, Dai Shan, who is in charge of Alibaba China’s digital business sector, took the lead in making changes to the big Taobao business——Taobao and Tmall are fully integrated and enter a new unified mechanism.

The blueprint of Alibaba China’s digital business sector is gradually unfolding with the letter of all employees. More integration and unity has become the direction that Dai Shan and Ali will move forward.

In Zhang Yong’s previous internal letter, Zhang Yong’s evaluation of Dai Shan was:Deep market experience, outstanding leadership, and unique female experience perspective. Dai Shan’s emphasis on user experience and customer value and service capabilities are seen as a tender force that may bring new value and new volume to Ali.

After a month of brewing, Dai Shan lit the first fire when she took office.

Taobao and Tmall are fully connected

Consumers and merchants are the two keywords in this adjustmentIt is not difficult to see that under Dai Shan’s thinking, all adjustments must point to these two goals.

Dai Shan’s full letter shows that on the basis of insisting on the dual-brand operation of Taobao and Tmall, the original Taobao and Tmall businesses will be fully integrated, and the core is to integrate into a user operation and development center, an industrial operation and development center, and a platform strategy. And operations center.

The main purpose of the user operation and development center is to continuously optimize the consumer experience link, and Xuande is responsible. The Industrial Operation and Development Center will serve as the core business of Alibaba China’s digital business sector, integrating the respective industry operations of Taobao and Tmall, and establishing customer experience evaluation teams in each vertical industry. Fuxue is responsible for taking customer satisfaction as the yardstick of the industry’s management level.

The platform strategy and operation center is positioned to upgrade the platform mechanism and the extensive application of intelligent technology, accelerate innovation, create various products and services required for business operations, and provide service support for platforms, industries and businesses, and Sihan is responsible. The design of platform mechanisms, rules, and the establishment of a comprehensive digital business operation product system must be continuously optimized in this link.

In addition, Daofang will be responsible for live broadcast and other businesses, Qiancheng will be responsible for shopping and other businesses, and will directly report to Dai Shan after this adjustment, and Alimama will continue to be in charge of Jialuo.

As can be seen,In this adjustment, Ali, which emphasizes consumer experience all the way, puts the emphasis on consumers directly into the organizational structure.As of September 30, 2021, in the past 12 months, Ali’s consumption volume has accounted for about 20% of the total social retail products, and the user’s annual consumption ARPU has reached 8,400 yuan. In the face of a huge user base, the establishment of a user operation and development center will connect the development and operation of merchant tools such as user products, membership products, user growth, and store products, and form a complete closed loop around the consumer experience.

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on the other hand,Ali is accelerating the upgrade of its ability to serve merchants.

In the past, Taobao and Tmall developed differently, and the two platforms each accumulated service capabilities for different merchants. Now, with the growth of small and medium businesses and many industries entering the mature stage of development, the mechanism of Tmall and Taobao’s platform is connected to the industry. The establishment of the operation and development center will integrate more than a dozen major industries, territorial and industrial belt businesses such as Taobao, Juhuasuan on Tmall, tens of billions of subsidies, daily sales, and provide full life cycle support for small and medium-sized merchants in the whole domain. .

In addition, the Tao series business will also be further extended on the industrial side, through new businesses such as Tmall New Product Research and Development Center (TMIC) and Rhino Intelligent Manufacturing to help merchants upgrade their supply side.

This also means that Ali’s process of serving merchants will move from industry operations to industry operations.

What does it mean for businesses?

Any commercial competition will eventually become organizational competition.

For a long time, Ali has used to announce organizational restructuring after “Double 11”. “Building the roof on a sunny day” is an initiative taken by Alibaba’s e-commerce to maintain crisis awareness, activate the internals, and lead industry changes.

In 2015, the structural changes of “large, medium, and small front desk” allowed Ali to open up the underlying capabilities and support front-office businesses to achieve multi-line breakthroughs more flexibly and effectively. In 2017, with the implementation of the “Five New” strategy, Alibaba took the lead in reforming the new retail sector and extended it to new manufacturing, new technology and other fields to achieve organizational collaboration. The adjustment of organizational structure drives business development.

Tmall was born out of Taobao. In 2008, the B2C Taobao Mall, which was incubated from Taobao, was officially launched, which became the predecessor of Tmall. In June 2011, Alibaba Group split Taobao into three independent subsidiaries: Taobao, Taobao Mall and Yitao.

If we say that the “dividing” of the year was to differentiate and serve different businesses in the early stage of the development of the industry, the “combination” ten years later means that after the industry has entered a mature period, the platform hopes to open up its own two lines of responsibility and supervision.Let businesses enjoy more complete and in-depth service capabilities to release new business energy.

In the past ten years of development, the two platforms Taobao and Tmall, one serving small and medium-sized merchants and the other serving brand merchants, have made it easier to achieve business breakthroughs in the rapid development stage of the domestic e-commerce market.

By 2019, Taobao’s president will also serve as Tmall’s president, breaking the “tradition” of the two teams of Taobao and Tmall over the past years, and this has also become a prelude to the integration of Taobao and Tmall. By the adjustment of the organizational structure in 2022, Alibaba’s e-commerce will be fully integrated in terms of talents, organization, and technology, which is equivalent to reshaping the business body. In an environment where external competition is fierce and internal business is complex, concentration and coordination can improve efficiency and better serve platform users and businesses.

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After the establishment of a unified platform mechanism, merchant service capabilities will usher in a deep integration,The boundary between small and medium businesses and brand businesses has been completely broken. The ability to serve brand businesses on Tmall is poured into the soil of small and medium businesses, and the growth space for new brands is expanded, Merchants get longer-term capacity blessings on this platform.

For merchants, this adjustment of Alibaba’s e-commerce also gave birth to huge opportunities.

In the past few years, the national trend of new consumption has been booming, and new brands have emerged one after another. If a product is at a critical stage from the new product stage to the growth stage, it will be easier to get out of the platform if it can get more in-depth support from the platform. Before the establishment of the industrial operation and development center, the data has explained the importance of the platform to provide merchants with full-lifecycle commodity operation capabilities, which has put forward accelerated requirements for the integration of Taobao and Tmall.

In the past year, the proportion of new products in online products on Taobao Tmall platform increased by 6%; driven by a series of new product testing and new product marketing tools on the platform, the mobile sales rate of new products has maintained rapid growth, and this number has increased in the past year That’s 16%. “Super single products” with sales of more than 100 million on the platform have also increased by more than 20%. Some of these single products are new products that have been launched less than two years ago. In 2021, the number of Taobao stores with sales exceeding one million has increased by 150,000.

With the establishment of the future industry operation and development center, integrating the industry operations of Taobao and Tmall,It is expected that China will produce more high-quality new brands.

User experience stands C-bit

This time the structure is adjusted to three centers, and the user operation and development center is put in the first place. It can be seen that improving the consumer experience is at the core of this adjustment.

In the past, Taobao and Tmall faced different merchants and their platform mechanisms were also different, leading to independent preferential rights and interests related to the two platforms. Especially in the event of a big promotion, the two platform activities were also carried out separately. However, Taobao and Tmall are in the same APP, and the consumer groups are also the same, which affects some consumer experience to a certain extent.

The outside world expects that with the reintegration of Taobao and Tmall, the two platforms will be opened up and these problems will be completely resolved.After the discount rights are opened, it can help consumers not to specifically distinguish between Tmall Taobao shops and products, and it is more convenient and simple to calculate discounts; perhaps the full discount during the big promotion period can also be used on the entire platform, reducing the difficulty of getting ordersSpend. In the future, consumers’ shopping experience on Taobao and Tmall will be more “smooth.”

Pay attention to user experience and create customer value“It is also a point that Dai Shan, the new head of Taobao, has been commended in her 22-year career.

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Dai Shan participated in the founding of Alibaba in 1999. Starting from the most basic level of customer service and sales, she brought the legendary “China Iron and Steel Army” and served as the general manager of Alibaba International Station until the first listing of Alibaba’s B2B; engaged in human resources After working for 5 years, he became the chief talent officer of the group; he also became the chief customer service officer of the group for two and a half years.

Among them, the most overlooked but very important resume is customer service. This position directly faces the core pain points of consumers and businesses. After taking over as CCO, Dai Shan carried out drastic reforms to Ali’s customer service system, turning customer service from a “firefighting team” on the phone into an important position for “creating new experiences”.

Alibaba’s internal product is called “Nine O’clock Radio”, which is filled with the original soundtracks of various Alibaba product customers. It was launched by Dai Shan. So far, 270 million user soundtracks have been collected. Every new Ali employee needs to be in During the training, we listened to several original customer voices to remember the value of “customer first”.

An insider in Ali revealed that at the beginning of making Taocai dishes, when Dai Shan went to a city, she must go to the local vegetable market to learn about the local folk customs. She said that business should also be vigorous.

There are three fires for new officials, and Dai Shan’s “first fire” chooses to start with the user experience she is best at, which is a matter of course.

In addition, outsiders believe that Dai Shan’s unique female perspective is not only more suitable for the consumer service characteristics of Taoism, but also the patience and tolerance required by Ali to pursue long-term value.

While cooking Tao Cai Cai, once, Dai Shan went to the Fujian area for a meeting and quietly went to the central warehouse. Seeing that the working environment was very difficult, she wrote a note to the central warehouse Xiaoer and ordered a takeaway. “I’m here, thank you for your hard work, I ordered a risotto for you.”

These empathy and tolerance for employees will also turn into the motivation and patience of employees to serve customers.

A better consumer experience is crucial to Alibaba’s digital business in China. As of September 30, 2021, there are 953 million annual active users in the Alibaba ecosystem from the Chinese market. How to serve these consumers and improve their experience will greatly affect the business imagination of the platform.

Only users can decide how far Ali can go. “This is a word that Dai Shan often says to colleagues, and it is also the direction Ali has been working hard for over the years.

Author of this article: Chen Yangyuan, Source: Leopard Change, Original Title: “Unexpectedly, Taobao and Tmall “fit”

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