Home » Adhere to the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and constantly promote the construction of party style and clean government and the fight against corruption_News Center_China Net

Adhere to the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and constantly promote the construction of party style and clean government and the fight against corruption_News Center_China Net

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Adhere to the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and constantly promote the construction of party style and clean government and the fight against corruption

Written on the occasion of the sixth plenary session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

The history is like a rafters, leaving an indelible chapter in the landmark year 2021 in the history of the party and the country.

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China focused on the great achievements of the Chinese nation in the long term, connecting history, reality and the future, highlighting the key point of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively summarizing the major achievements and historical experience of the party’s century-old struggle, and sending out to the whole party for the realization of the first It is a great call for unremitting struggle for the two centenary goals and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Looking back at the magnificent great practice, it is confidence in the achievements of struggle and confidence in the spirit of struggle. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, with great historical initiative, great political courage, and strong responsibility, promotes the party. And the national cause has achieved historic achievements and historic changes, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process.

Looking at the grand and magnificent journey from afar is a responsibility to the times and to history. This year, our party will hold the 20th National Congress, which is a major event in the political life of the party and the country. Carry forward the great spirit of party building, increase historical self-confidence, enhance unity and unity, strengthen the spirit of struggle, persevere in self-revolution, and unswervingly build the party into a stronger and stronger party.

The courage to self-revolution and the comprehensive and strict governance of the party are the distinctive features of the century-old struggle. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs are an important force for the party to carry out the great self-revolution, and a powerful weapon for the party to govern the party. In 2021, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the State Supervision Commission and the discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and all the 19th Plenary Sessions, and insist on Seek progress while maintaining stability, be firm and prudent, seek truth from facts, uphold integrity and innovation, strengthen the political consciousness and historical initiative that comprehensive and strict governance of the party will always be on the road, maintain the strategic determination of uprightness and discipline, anti-corruption and punishment, and exert supervision and guarantee around the overall situation of modernization. Implement, promote and improve the role of development, and new achievements have been made in the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work in the new era.

Draw wisdom and strength from the party’s century-long struggle history, carry forward the great spirit of party building, firmly defend the “two establishments”, resolutely achieve “two maintenance”, and maintain the unity and unity of the party

On the occasion of the centennial of the party, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to carry out the study and education of party history in the whole party. This is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee based on a new starting point in the century-old party history and with a view to creating a new situation in the development of the cause.

From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, under the careful planning and personal promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the study and education of party history, which is “a major event in the party’s political life”, has always followed the correct political direction, accurate action direction, and clear practice. The orientation is carried out in a solid and in-depth manner throughout the Party.

On May 28, 2021, the auditorium of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Committee was full, and a vivid and profound party lecture report on party history learning and education was held here. “Revisiting the party’s century-old history, the history of discipline inspection and supervision, deeply comprehend the successful code of the CPC’s century-old great cause, in-depth understanding of the important responsibilities and accumulated valuable experience of the discipline inspection and supervision organs in the party’s century-long history, and constantly inspire them to perform their duties. Conscientious endogenous motivation.” said the comrades present at the meeting.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission regards the study and education of party history as a major political task throughout the year. In accordance with the requirements of learning history to understand reason, learn history to increase trust, learn history to honor morality, and learn history, it is closely linked with the functions and responsibilities of discipline inspection and supervision organs, carefully organized and implemented, powerful and effective. advance in sequence.

Adhere to learning, researching, working and summarizing at the same time. The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection took the lead in carrying out investigations on 8 key topics, driving the whole system to carry out normalized investigations and researches, constantly understanding the facts at the grassroots level, summarizing practical experience, solving practical problems, and promoting discipline inspection and supervision. high-quality development.

The green hills are faint, the pines and cypresses are green. On the eve of “July 1st” in 2021, cadres of the Dazhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Sichuan Province followed the footsteps of Comrade Zhou Yongkai, winner of the “July 1st Medal”, to the Forest of Generals’ Steles in the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet District to learn the party’s history through field visits and “immersive” experiences. party favor.

Innovative ways to promote the learning and education of party history to go deeper and more practical, strictly supervise and guide to ensure that deployment requirements take root, use red resources to turn party history learning and education into a vivid classroom for revisiting the original intention, and the special organization and life meeting will create a new atmosphere and good results… …

Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels should connect with reality and closely follow their responsibilities, and promote full coverage, revitalization, and deepening of party history learning and education. The majority of discipline inspection and supervision cadres have drawn wisdom and strength from the party’s century-old history of struggle, more consciously and steadily promoting the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work in the new era, and firmly and prudently do a good job in comprehensively and strictly governing the party, upright and disciplined, and anti-corruption.

“The Party has established Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party, and establishes the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. , is of decisive significance to advancing the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee made a major political conclusion.

The history of the party’s century-long struggle fully proves that when the whole party firmly safeguards the core of the party and the authority of the party central committee, the party’s leadership will be strengthened, and the party’s cause will continue to be victorious; otherwise, the party’s leadership will be weakened and the party’s cause will be weakened. will suffer setbacks. After more than nine years of trials and hardships in the great struggle, all party members and cadres have a deeper understanding that supporting and defending the core is always our greatest confidence in coping with major risks and challenges and overcoming all difficulties and obstacles.

Discipline inspection and supervision cadres are loyal guards of the party, and loyalty to the party is the most distinctive political character. Firmly defending the “two establishments” and resolutely achieving the “two safeguards” is the best interpretation of the party’s loyalty.

Open the notification of the cadres in charge of being punished, whether it is to thoroughly investigate corruption cases intertwined with political and economic problems, to eliminate two-faced people, or to severely punish other corrupt elements, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission always pays attention to discovering that they are practicing “two safeguards”. , implement the party’s line, principles and policies and other prominent issues, focus on eliminating political hidden dangers and maintaining political security.

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Strict discipline and correction of political deviations. Over the past year, the discipline inspection and supervision organs have continuously improved their political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and severely punished a group of two-faced people who were disloyal and dishonest to the party, including Sun Lijun, Fu Zhenghua, Wang Fuyu, Shi Wenqing, Song Liang, and Peng Bo. Strictly investigate and deal with corruption cases where political and economic problems are intertwined, urge party members and cadres to be sensible people with firm political convictions and obey the rules and disciplines, and promote the entire party to always maintain a unified thinking, firm will, coordinated actions, and strong combat effectiveness.

“Luo Jijing, Deputy Secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, was given a warning within the party…” On December 12, 2021, Guangdong Province notified the rectification and accountability of issues related to the large-scale relocation and felling of urban trees in Guangzhou, and 10 party members and leading cadres received Take it seriously.

2021 is the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. Implement the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee on grasping the new development stage, implementing new development concepts, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development, and discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels seriously investigate and deal with “packaged”, “sprinkled” and “one size fits all” implementation, etc. Behavior, resolutely investigate and deal with such problems as inaction and chaotic behavior, evasion and perfunctory responsibilities, and arrogance and privileges, and urge leading cadres to take the lead in practicing the new style and righteousness, and ensure that the whole party is prohibited from doing so.

Strengthen the supervision of the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics, carry out special supervision during the transition period around the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization, strengthen supervision around strengthening the national strategic scientific and technological strength, and enhance the independent and controllable capabilities of the industrial chain and supply chain, and continue to promote Muli The rectification of illegal coal mining in mining areas… Adhering to the responsibilities of political organs and special supervision organs, discipline inspection and supervision organs strengthen political supervision around the “big man of the country”, focus on solving the problems of responsibility and work style in the implementation, and ensure the implementation of major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee Execution is not biased, consistent, or out of shape.

From January to October 2021, the national discipline inspection and supervision organs found and corrected 247,000 problems in the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and the Party Central Committee’s major decision-making and deployment problems, accurately benchmarking against tables, calibrating deviations in a timely manner, and using strong political supervision New steps have been taken to escort the construction of a new development pattern, new results have been achieved in high-quality development, and the “14th Five-Year Plan” has achieved a good start.

Maintain self-revolutionary determination, strengthen the sobriety and firmness of the comprehensive and strict governance of the party on the road, and promote the “three nos” in one piece to continuously achieve more institutional results and greater governance effects

The courage to self-revolution is the most distinctive character and unique advantage of our party. At the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping specifically mentioned the “cave cave pair”: Our party has such a long history, such a large scale, and so long in power, how can we jump out of the historical cycle rate of the rise and fall of chaos? Comrade Mao Zedong gave the first answer in Yan’an cave dwelling, which is “Only by letting the people rise up to supervise the government, the government will not dare to relax.” Out of the second answer, this is self-revolution.

On January 11, 2022, the main leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels studied and implemented the special seminar on the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, “the first lesson of the new year”. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the opening ceremony that self-revolution should be maintained forever. Spirit, strengthen the political consciousness that the comprehensive and strict governance of the party is always on the road, and must not breed boredom that has been strictly in place.

Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs are an important force for the party to carry out the great self-revolution. With the tenacity and perseverance of grasping iron marks and stepping stones, we must continue to fight the tough and protracted battle of party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption struggle, and constantly eliminate everything. The virus that erodes the healthy body of the party ensures that the party does not deteriorate, change color, or taste.

On January 8, 2022, at the beginning of the new year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission continuously released the news that Zhang Yongze, vice chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region Government, and Wang Bin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of China Life Insurance (Group) Company, were under review and investigation, once again declaring that the great self-revolution A firm determination to follow through.

Where there is corruption, there must be a rebellion, and where there is greed, there must be an end to it. Over the past year, the discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels have always adhered to the main tone of strictness and maintained an overwhelming force. From January to September 2021, a total of 470,000 cases were filed and 414,000 people were punished; There are 2,058 cadres and 17,000 county-level cadres.

Pay close attention to the key points and systematically administer governance. Cooperate with the education and rectification of political and legal teams, seriously investigate and deal with disciplinary and illegal cases of officials in the political and legal system, deepen the anti-corruption work of state-owned enterprises, comprehensively promote the punishment of financial corruption and the prevention and control of financial risks, carry out centralized governance such as corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales, and accurately grasp the new trends and manifestations of corruption. We will thoroughly investigate hidden corruption such as “shadow companies” and “shadow shareholders”.

If there is escape, you must chase, and chase it to the end. From January to November 2021, the “Skynet 2021” operation recovered a total of 1,114 fugitives, including 16 “red passers” and 297 monitoring objects, and recovered 16.139 billion yuan of stolen money, a year-on-year increase of 5.6 times.

“The political ecology of Kunming Iron and Steel Holdings Co., Ltd. has been continuously purified and optimized. In the first half of 2021, it achieved a total profit of 1.249 billion yuan. The overall economic and technical indicators continued to improve, and some of them broke historical records.” The person in charge of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision introduced, combined with Kunming Iron and Steel The “women case” was investigated and handled, and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision promoted the integration of upholding discipline and anti-corruption with deepening reforms, improving systems, and promoting governance, and the comprehensive effect of treating both the symptoms and the root causes gradually emerged.

The integrated promotion of not being corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt is not only the basic policy of the fight against corruption, but also an important strategy for comprehensively and strictly governing the party in the new era, and it is the inherent requirement of the party’s self-revolution under the new historical conditions. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs insist that severe punishment of corruption is closely combined with strict systems, strict requirements, and serious education, punishing deterrence, system constraints, and improving consciousness. Promote the integration of case handling, rectification and governance.

Work with relevant units to formulate opinions on further promoting the investigation of bribery and bribery; study and formulate opinions on strengthening the construction of a clean culture in the new era, and implement opinions on further strengthening the construction of family education and family style; improve the normalization mechanism of promoting reform by case, and form case-based system. Long-term warning mechanism…

Over the past year, the discipline inspection and supervision organs have grasped the dialectical and unified relationship of “punishment, governance and prevention”, and implemented the “three nos” integrated promotion policy in all aspects of the whole process of upholding discipline and anti-corruption. Improve awareness and solve the root cause, continuously transform deployment requirements and experience and practices into institutional norms, and provide strong institutional support for the realization of systematic governance and addressing both the symptoms and root causes.

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Unremittingly strengthen the party’s discipline construction and work style, and win the support and trust of the people with the new achievements of comprehensively and strictly governing the party

On December 28, 2021, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission announced the summary of the national investigation and punishment of spiritual problems that violated the eight central regulations in November of that year. This is the 99th consecutive month that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission has released monthly data.

For a long time, do good deeds and do good deeds.

Over the past year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly put forward clear requirements on the construction of work style; he presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, with 20 and 9 topics related to the construction of work style; More than 60 important instructions have been made on practical facts, opposing formalism, preventing food waste, and renovating illegally built villas, pointing out the direction for persevering in strengthening work style construction.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission closely followed the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee to study and promote the construction of work styles in the new era and new stage. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels adhere to comprehensive strictness and strictness to the end, adhere to the integrated rectification of corruption, rectify the “four styles” and establish new styles simultaneously, fight hedonism and extravagance when they appear, and rectify formalism and bureaucracy. Governance, continue to build soil to strengthen the dykes of the eight central regulations, promote the normalization and long-term effect of work style construction, and promote the continuous improvement of party style, government style, social style and folk style. From January to November 2021, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels will investigate and deal with 91,000 cases of “four winds”, and criticize, educate, help and deal with 131,000 people.

From resolutely stopping food waste as an important part of style construction, to regulating the behavior of leading cadres’ spouses, children and their spouses in running businesses, and then to combining the construction of tutoring and family style with the construction of party style and clean government… Local Disciplinary Inspection Commissions adhere to the “three “No” integrated promotion, not only adheres to the main tone of strictness, but also deeply digs the institutional shortcomings and regulatory loopholes behind the “four styles” problem, inherits and carries forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and promotes the construction of style to achieve more institutional achievements and better Great governance effect.

On April 22, 2021, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission opened a column of “I do practical things for the masses. The Commission for Discipline Inspection invites you to write a question”, which is open to the whole society to solicit opinions and suggestions on rectifying corruption and unhealthy practices around the masses. “It’s well established. After seeing this column, I feel that the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision is by my side.” Some netizens commented.

Comprehensively and strictly governing the party must start from the style of work that the people have strongly reflected on. In the face of the outstanding problems that the masses have strongly reflected, whether to go around or face it, it reflects the style and tests the original intention.

Focusing on the “urgent and desperate” issues of the masses, such as gang-related crimes, illegal and arbitrary charges, embezzlement and deduction of people’s livelihood funds, etc., focusing on key areas such as education and medical care, pension and social security, ecological environmental protection, production safety, food and drug safety, law enforcement and justice, the discipline inspection and supervision organs The people’s will as the direction of efforts, insist on what the people oppose and hate, and resolutely prevent and correct what, solidly carry out the “I do practical things for the people” practical activities, and focus on the problems of people’s livelihood that are strongly reflected by the masses and infringe on the interests of the masses. , so that the masses can feel fairness and justice in the comprehensive and strict governance of the party.

From January to November 2021, more than 16,000 corruption and work style issues in the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and the effective connection of rural revitalization will be investigated and dealt with nationwide, and more than 14,000 people will be punished by party discipline and government affairs; More than 160,000 people have been criticized, educated, helped and dealt with, of which more than 100,000 people have been punished by party discipline and government affairs; more than 8,000 people have been investigated and dealt with corruption and “protective umbrella” issues, of which more than 8,100 people have been punished by party discipline and government affairs, and more than 800 people have been transferred to judicial organs .

Supervise again and again, rectify case by case, and rectify item by item, continue to purify the political ecology at the grassroots level, effectively safeguard the interests of the masses, effectively escort the Party Central Committee to benefit the people and enrich the people, and promote the implementation of the “last mile” policy of common prosperity, and the masses feel better. , the sense of happiness is more sustainable, and the sense of security is more guaranteed.

Improve the party and state supervision system, put supervision through the management of the party, govern the party, govern the country and manage the government, and improve the party’s self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation, and self-improvement capabilities

On March 27, 2021, the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Supervision of the “Top Leaders” and the Leading Group was issued. This is the first special document formulated by our party for the supervision of the “top leaders” and the leadership team, and it is a further integration and improvement of the supervision system for major leading cadres at all levels and the internal supervision system for the leadership team.

Our party has overall leadership and long-term governance, and the supervision of power has always been a major issue. Strengthening supervision is an important path and foundation for deepening comprehensive and strict governance of the party and realizing self-revolution. Promoting the transformation of the advantages of the socialist supervision system with Chinese characteristics into governance efficiency is an important mission and responsibility of discipline inspection and supervision in the new era.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has reformed and improved the supervision system, with intra-Party supervision as the leading role, and has promoted the coordination of various types of supervision. Covering, from strengthening a single unit to system integration, the socialist supervision system with Chinese characteristics has gradually matured and finalized, providing a strong support for promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

Achieving full coverage of inspections within one term is an important political task stipulated by the party constitution. 2021 is a key year for the completion of this full coverage task. The two rounds of inspections by the Central Committee have covered a total of 57 party organizations. So far, the coverage rate of the 19th Central Inspection Tour has reached 91.7%. Party committees in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have completed inspections of 2,284 party organizations, and party committees at the city and county levels will inspect a total of 135,000 party organizations in 2021, with a coverage rate of 99%.

Full coverage itself is a kind of shock and deterrence. It reflects the attitude of the party to supervise no restricted areas and the determination to govern the party strictly and comprehensively. It releases a clear signal that the sword is hanging high and the supervision is always there. Adhere to the more effective coverage of existing physical coverage, deepen the linkage and integration of the upper and lower levels, and the comprehensive supervision role of inspections and the advantages of the system are becoming more and more obvious.

On December 7, 2021, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission of the State Administration of Taxation, the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team of the State Administration of Taxation, and the Jiangsu Provincial Supervision Commission announced that Gao Ping, former member of the Party Committee and chief accountant of the Shandong Provincial Taxation Bureau, was “double-opened”.

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The case involved a large number of people, and the circumstances of the case were complex, and the investigation and evidence collection needed to be carried out across provinces. With the cooperation of the “room organization”, the case has made significant progress in a short period of time.

According to reports, since the vertical management reform, the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the State Administration of Taxation has successively negotiated with 22 provincial-level disciplinary commissions and supervision commissions on 81 party members and cadres who violated the law and committed their duties, which is more than 10 since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China until before the reform. times; 36 provincial-level tax bureau party committee discipline inspection teams all independently filed cases for the first time.

Over the past year, the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system has been steadily progressing: formulating opinions on deepening the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system in centrally managed colleges and universities, expanding the pilot reform of vertical units and some higher-level management-based units, and expanding provincial-level discipline inspection commissions to provincially-managed colleges and universities. State-owned enterprises dispatched a pilot discipline inspection and supervision team… Supervision is more effectively extended to all departments, fields, and levels.

Formulate opinions on further strengthening the coordination of disciplinary supervision, supervision and supervision, dispatch supervision, and inspection supervision, and form more than 40 institutional achievements with relevant supervision units of the central and state organs in information communication, handover of clues, cooperation in measures, and sharing of results… …Led by the inner-party supervision, strengthen the assistance, guidance and promotion function of the supervision of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervision Commission, effectively integrate various supervision forces, and jointly weave the supervision network from horizontal to edge and vertical to the end. A consistent, normal and long-term supervisory force has been continuously formed, and the functions of identifying problems, correcting deviations, and promoting governance have been continuously enhanced.

Adhere to integrity and innovation, dare to be good at fighting, build governance power with standardization and legalization, and forge an iron army of discipline inspection and supervision with the strictest supervision and restraint

Dare to fight and be good at fighting is a summary of the experience of the Communists over the past hundred years of blood and fire, and it is the innate responsibility of the discipline inspection and supervision organs. As the “guardian” and “fighter” of the party and the people, the discipline inspection and supervision organs must follow up and study new opportunities and new challenges brought about by profound and complex changes in the domestic and foreign environments, adhere to integrity and innovation, and enhance their fighting skills.

Based on the high-quality development and construction of cadres in the discipline inspection and supervision work, the discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels strengthen ideological tempering, political experience, practical training, and professional training, carry out full-staff training, practical training, and enhance the awareness of the rule of law, procedures, and evidence, and strive to do To be politically strong and capable.

On December 6, 2021, a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee reviewed the first work regulations for the special organization of intra-party supervision in the history of the Communist Party of China – the “Regulations on the Work of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China”.

Strengthening the standardization, rule of law, and regularization of discipline inspection and supervision organs is the inherent requirement of insisting on self-revolution and unswervingly and comprehensively governing the party in the new era. Over the past year, a series of laws and regulations that regulate and strengthen the organizational system, operation methods and working procedures of discipline inspection and supervision work, such as the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Supervisors, the Regulations on the Implementation of the Supervision Law of the People’s Republic of China, and the Regulations on the Work of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China. It is promulgated to put forward strict requirements for carrying out disciplinary inspection and supervision work in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws.

“Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels must accurately grasp the spirit of the guiding case, effectively give full play to the leading demonstration and practical guiding role of the case in clarifying and unifying the standards of discipline enforcement and law enforcement, accurately enforce discipline and law enforcement, and strive to promote the high level of discipline inspection and supervision work in the new era. Quality development.” In December 2021, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission issued the second batch of guiding cases for discipline enforcement.

Study and compile the “Supervision Work Practices for Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Cadres”, revise, issue and promote the implementation of the “Working Rules for the Supervision and Management of Cases of Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Organs”, and formulate the “Guidelines for Local Discipline Inspection Commissions to Report Clue Management to Higher-level Discipline Inspection Commissions, Case Filing, Investigation, Investigation, and Disposition Work Guidelines (Trial) )”… The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission continue to improve its own power operation mechanism and management and supervision system, strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee on anti-corruption work, clarify the boundaries of supervision power and responsibilities of disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres, and ensure that discipline inspection and supervision organs comply with regulations and laws. Discipline and perform duties in accordance with the law.

Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs in various places regard learning and implementing various laws and regulations as an important political task, adhere to the rule of law thinking and method to strengthen supervision and prevent corruption, further strictly regulate the operation of supervision and law enforcement power, weave a dense network of self-supervision, and strive to build high-quality professional Chemical discipline inspection and supervision cadres.

On December 22, 2021, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission announced that Zhang Zhi, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the National Health Commission Cadre Training Center (National Health Commission Party School), was under investigation. This year, a number of discipline inspection and supervision cadres, including Pan Jiahua, former head of the discipline inspection team of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration and former member of the party group of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, and Ma Yuchan, former deputy secretary of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, have been investigated and dealt with.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision is the law enforcement agency. It consciously abides by the Party’s discipline and state law, sets an example of strict discipline, improves work style, resists corruption and prevents change, eliminates black sheep, and maintains the purity of the team, which is a consistent requirement of the Party Central Committee. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs consciously inspected the problem of “blackness under the lights”, increased strict management and self-purification, promptly removed the rust on the sword, and improved the ability to resist corrosion and “hunting”.

From January to November 2021, the national discipline inspection and supervision system will use “four forms” to criticize, educate, help and deal with more than 24,000 disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres, give more than 2,600 party discipline and government sanctions, and transfer more than 90 people suspected of crimes to the procuratorate, always maintaining strict control The power of strict governance is always there.

Drumming urges the levy to steer the boat, and set sail for a new journey. 2021 is a significant milestone and a starting point for a new struggle. On the way to the new exam, the discipline inspection and supervision organ has a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission. We must consciously grasp and use the historical experience of the party’s century-old struggle, strengthen confidence, and move forward with courage, with a thorough self-revolutionary spirit, give full play to the leading and guaranteeing role of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and take practical actions to welcome the victory of the party’s 20th National Congress.


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