Home » Yin Li participated in the deliberation of the PLA delegation and the Xiamen delegation at the sixth session of the 13th Provincial People’s Congress – Xinhua English.news.cn

Yin Li participated in the deliberation of the PLA delegation and the Xiamen delegation at the sixth session of the 13th Provincial People’s Congress – Xinhua English.news.cn

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Consolidate and develop the good situation of military-government-military-civilian unity

Efforts to build high-quality development leading demonstration areas

Yin Li participated in the deliberation of the PLA delegation and the Xiamen delegation at the sixth session of the 13th Provincial People’s Congress

On January 24, Yin Li, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, participated in the deliberation of the PLA delegation and the Xiamen delegation at the sixth session of the 13th Provincial People’s Congress, and listened carefully to the opinions and suggestions of the delegates.

During the deliberation, the PLA delegation and the Xiamen delegation jointly reviewed the work reports of the provincial government, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, the Provincial Court, and the Provincial Procuratorate, and discussed their experiences and suggestions on deepening the reform of the national defense mobilization system, strengthening innovation-driven, and improving the quality of life. , discuss development.

In the past year, the troops stationed in Fujian has made remarkable achievements in various constructions. Yin Li expressed his admiration for this and expressed his gratitude to the troops stationed in Fujian for their long-term positive contributions to the economic and social development of Fujian on behalf of the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the people of the whole province. . He said that the new achievements in Fujian’s development are the result of the hard work and sweat of the officers and soldiers stationed in Fujian. The political character of being loyal to the party, obeying the party’s command, the courage to fight and overcoming difficulties, and the fine style of doing things right away and working hard are worthy of our learning. This year is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. It is very important to do a good job in military and civilian work. Fujian has always had a glorious tradition of supporting the military, supporting the government and loving the people. It is hoped that the military and local parties will continue to work together to continuously improve the level of dual support and joint construction. make greater contributions. Fujian will continue to regard the affairs of the army as an obligatory task, and increase its support in resolving issues such as the placement of transferred soldiers, the employment of family members of the army, the schooling of children, and the living security of key special care recipients, so as to effectively relieve the worries of the officers and soldiers, and be a good people. The strong backing of the army.

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Yin Li said that in the past 2021, Xiamen ushered in the 40th anniversary of the construction of the special economic zone. General Secretary Xi Jinping specially sent a congratulatory letter to put forward important requirements for the successful operation of the Xiamen special economic zone, which pointed out the way forward for Xiamen’s work. Standing at a new starting point, Xiamen must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter, implement the deployment requirements of the 11th Provincial Party Congress, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the special zone, stand at the forefront of the tide, move forward bravely, and continue to be the banner of reform and opening up. Highlights of high-quality development, service and an example of integrating into the new development pattern, building a high-quality, high-value modernized international city, and striving to take the lead in realizing socialist modernization. It is necessary to completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, give full play to the location advantages, speed up the development of the island and across the island, promote the integrated development of Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Spring, and actively serve and integrate into the new development pattern. It is necessary to adhere to innovation-driven development and talent-strengthening the market, cultivate and expand advanced manufacturing, modern service industries, biomedical industries, etc., expand and strengthen offshore trade and other new formats and new models, and strive to build high-quality development leading demonstration areas. It is necessary to actively explore new paths for the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, accelerate the promotion of all necessary links, implement measures that benefit Taiwanese people, and create the first home for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises to land. It is necessary to continuously improve people’s quality of life, make up for shortcomings in people’s livelihood, innovate social governance, and further promote common prosperity. It is necessary to deepen the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, adhere to the leadership of the party’s political construction, consolidate a clean and upright political ecology, and ensure high-quality development with the guidance of high-quality party building. While accelerating development, we must do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and use more precise prevention and control measures and high-quality services to minimize the impact on local people and foreign tourists.

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