Home » Heart and soul for the people – the story of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the people

Heart and soul for the people – the story of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the people

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Original title: Heart and soul for the people – the story of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the people

Time goes by, true love is eternal.

As the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger is approaching, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again came to the people to send the best wishes of the New Year to thousands of households. This is the tenth year since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited the grassroots cadres and the masses before the Spring Festival.

“No matter how busy I am, I always make time to take a look at the villagers.”

Walking through the bumpy roads, holding hands full of calluses… Streets and alleys, village houses, and square kang heads, witnessing the deep feelings of the general secretary for the people; paragraphs of approachable family life , Sentences of heart-warming greetings, cordial smiles again and again, freeze the sincere friendship of the general secretary to the people.

Years are rushing, and the rivers and mountains have confirmed it.

Coming from the yellow earth, from the village party secretary to the top leader of the great country, General Secretary Xi Jinping always has the people in his heart, always regards the happiness of the people as the “big one of the country”, and leads more than 1.4 billion people to win the tough battle against poverty as scheduled and complete the construction in an all-round way. A well-off society, striding on the new journey of the second centenary goal.


Xi Jinping: “My governing philosophy, in a nutshell, is: to serve the people and to take responsibility.”

Over the mountains and across the deep valleys, the asphalt road leading to Shibadong Village in western Xiangxi has been rebuilt and widened again, welcoming the endless crowd of vehicles. The big red lanterns hung in every household seem to be looking forward to the visitors from afar.

This is the Long Xianlan family photographed in Shibadong Village, Xiangxi, Hunan on October 25, 2020.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Sihan

“I really hope that the general secretary will come and see again. I have already married, and my daughter is called Long Sien. She is so pretty!” The villager Long Xianlan smiled happily as she picked up her own honey from Jinlan.

Long Xianlan was once a famous “thorn head” in the village. When he was a child, he was withdrawn due to family changes. When he grew up, he was idle and addicted to alcohol. Every girl thought he was “poor and lazy”.

On November 3, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to visit poor people in Shibadong Village in the hinterland of Wuling Mountains. Knowing that there are many bachelors in the village, the general secretary smiled and encouraged everyone to work hard. When the poor roots are cut off and life is better, the daughter-in-law will naturally marry in.

At that time, Long Xianlan was still “fun about” outside. Hearing that the general secretary had dispatched a poverty alleviation team after he left, he hurried back to the village.

The leader of the poverty alleviation team not only recognized him as a brother, helped him apply for a small loan, introduced him to a beekeeper, and listed him as a key target of assistance.

“Listen to the general secretary’s words, do your best, and good things will come naturally.”

In 2015, at the blind date meeting in Shibadong Village, Long Xianlan, who had a good skill, won the heart of the girl in the neighboring village with one sentence: “I have no talent, but I have the strength. Whoever wants to come with me, I will make her happy. lifetime!”

Special planting, rural tourism, labor export, Miao embroidery making… After more than three years, Shibadong Village took multiple measures to remove the poverty hat. Long Xianlan also started with three boxes of bee farming, which completely changed the fate of her life.

The poverty alleviation of the people in Shibadong Village, General Secretary Xi Jinping is here.

During the National Two Sessions in 2016, when the General Secretary participated in the deliberation of the Hunan delegation, he was still thinking about the issue of “leaving off the single” of the older youths in Shibadong Village.

“How many people married daughters-in-law last year?”

“7, that is, 7 older young people who are ‘off the single’.”

There was a knowing laughter in the hall.

“I officially proposed ‘targeted poverty alleviation’ in Shibadong Village.” General Secretary Xi Jinping said to the representatives present, smiling.

In February 2021, after 8 years of poverty alleviation, the battle was won in an all-round way, and the great project that General Secretary Xi Jinping devoted his great efforts to came to a successful conclusion.

What is China’s basic national conditions? What are the joys and sorrows of the people? Half a century ago, on the loess land of Liangjiahe in northern Shaanxi, Xi Jinping, who went to the countryside to cut the queue, walked through the ravines and experienced the suffering of the people in person.

Decades later, when Xi Jinping visited the United States as the Chinese president, he mentioned his seven years as a farmer in Liangjiahe at a joint welcome banquet held by the local government of Washington State and American friendly groups. In the earthen kiln and sleeping on the earthen kang, the villagers live very poor, often without a piece of meat for several months. I know what the villagers need most!”

Because of the same path, because of the same hardships… From Liangjiahe in northern Shaanxi to Zhengding in Hebei, from Fujian to Zhejiang, Shanghai, Beijing, and then to being elected general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, president of the state, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, Xi Jinping went to Take this simple emotion wherever you go.

Whether it is a cordial conversation with the old neighbors in Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, or sitting cross-legged on a kang in a hometown in Fuping, Hebei; whether it is visiting the people living in forestry shanty towns in Yiershi Town, Aershan City, Inner Mongolia, or virtualizing in Lanzhou In the nursing home serving the elderly with food, General Secretary Xi Jinping carefully observed the joys and sorrows of the people, felt the warmth and warmth of the people, and bowed to explore the road to happiness for the people.

The car got off National Highway 318, followed the Niyang River, and drove straight into Gala Village, Nyingchi Town, Tibet. In July 2021, after General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the village as a guest, tourists continued to come here to “check in”.

“The general secretary inspected the food in my house and tasted a piece of milk dregs,” said villager Dawa Gyaltsen. “My daughter wants to be a doctor and my son wants to be a sprinter. The general secretary encouraged them to cheer.”

The taste of the milk dregs is sweet, and the blessings of “Tashi Delek” come from the bottom of my heart.

This is another visit to the snow-covered plateau by Xi Jinping, and also on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet. Xi Jinping, as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, personally came to congratulate him. This is the first time in the history of the party and the country.

In June 1998, Xi Jinping, then the deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, entered Tibet for the first time and rode a bumpy ride for a whole day. “The road conditions at that time were very dangerous. Fortunately, there were no landslides. There were two logs across the narrow area. We came down and moved. Fujian sent to Tibet to help, and when they arrived in Medog, they rode in there.”

The trial-run Fuxing train runs in Sangri County, Shannan City, Tibet (photo taken on June 8, 2021).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Pubu Tashi

In June 2021, the green “Fuxing” motor train drove to the snow-covered plateau, shortening the time from Nyingchi to Lhasa to more than 3 hours. Now, the Sichuan-Tibet Railway has started construction. In order to build the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the research and deployment of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee for many times, and made important instructions many times.

The road is a miracle that changes destiny, and it is also a hope for the benefit of the people.

Yuyao, Zhejiang, at the foot of the Siming Mountains, as soon as the car turned into Hengkantou Village, a clear stream was seen flowing through it, adding a bit of idyll to this well-known “Model Village of Common Prosperity”.

“I remember the scene when I came to your village 15 years ago, and I always miss the villagers”… In the Hengkantou Village History Museum, there is a reply letter from General Secretary Xi Jinping to all the party members in the village.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2003, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, braved the rain and snow, and made a special trip to Hengkantou Village to investigate and investigate, and went to the village to visit the old cadres and old party members in the village. At that time, there was no cement road in the village, there was no public toilet in the whole village, and many people still used open-air dung tanks.

When discussing with the village committee, Xi Jinping looked solemn: “Only when the people in the old areas are rich can we talk about the common prosperity of the people in Zhejiang; only when the people in the old areas have achieved a well-off life can we talk about the real realization of a comprehensive well-off in Zhejiang.”

In June of this year, under the advocacy and auspices of Xi Jinping, Zhejiang launched the “Thousand Village Demonstration, Ten Thousand Village Improvement” project to enrich the people, and Hengkantou Village has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is Hengkantou Village, Liangnong Town, Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province (taken on March 1, 2018, drone photo).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

  In February 2018, all party members in Hengkantou Village wrote a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping to report on the development of the village.

“I didn’t expect that the general secretary would reply to the letter more than ten days later!” said Zhang Zhican, the then secretary of the Party Committee of Hengkantou Village, “he was very pleased to learn that the villagers’ lives were constantly improving, and encouraged us to make persistent efforts and work hard to make The lives of the villagers are getting more and more prosperous.”

At the beginning of 2021, a poverty alleviation drama “Shan Hai Qing” is popular across the country, and the poverty alleviation cooperation across mountains and seas is shocking. Many young people in the city who have never experienced poverty, while chasing dramas, lamented the barrenness of Ningxia Xihaigu in those days.

Twenty-five years ago, Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and head of the Fujian Provincial Leading Group to Help Ningxia, went to Xihaigu for a 6-day poverty alleviation inspection, and really felt the extreme poverty in the local area——

“The family has neither desks, chairs, benches, nor bedding. The only ‘property’ of the family is a pinch of nostiness hanging on the beam, and they rely on selling such a little nostia to buy oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.”

Xi Jinping directly pushed Minning to carry out counterpart assistance, and organized and proposed the establishment of a joint meeting system between the two provinces and autonomous regions, which will be held in turn every year. Over the past 25 years, the Minning Joint Conference has never been interrupted.

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In 2008 and 2016, Xi Jinping went to Ningxia for investigation twice, and went to villages and households to discuss poverty alleviation plans with the masses.

“Just sitting next to me, holding my hand, and asking how the family’s income is and where do they usually go to see a doctor?” Jin Xuewen, an old man in Shengou Village, Guyuan City, was still very excited when he talked about the scene when Xi Jinping came to visit his house in April 2008. ” I still remember him saying to me that he will come to see us when things get better.”

In June 2020, at a critical moment in the crucial year of decisive victory over poverty alleviation, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again came to Ningxia for investigation and investigation.

Villagers in Hongde Village, Hongsibao Town, Hongsibao District, Wuzhong City, Ningxia, live broadcast selling local specialty agricultural products (photo taken on July 29, 2021).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Qin

At the home of Liu Kerui, a Hui villager in Hongde Village, Wuzhong City, Xi Jinping learned in detail about employment, income, medical care, social security, etc. He was very happy to learn that the family had been lifted out of poverty three years ago.

Hongde Village is an ecological immigrant village. Liu Kerui took out an old photo taken when he moved out of Xihaigu’s hometown: the mountains are deep and the ditch is deep and the house is tattered.

“It’s not what it used to be, it’s like a different world!” General Secretary Xi Jinping took the photo and looked at it carefully, and couldn’t help but sigh.

The mountains and seas join hands, and Minning cooperates to explore a broad avenue that will help you to become rich first, and gradually realize common prosperity. More than 30 counties (cities, districts) in Fujian have formed poverty alleviation pairs with 9 impoverished counties (districts) in Ningxia, and 101 pairs of townships and 211 pairs of administrative villages in the two places have established paired assistance relationships.

On November 16, 2020, as the last poverty-stricken county, Xiji County, was lifted out of poverty, Ningxia Xihaigu bid farewell to absolute poverty in a historic manner.

To achieve a well-off society in an all-round way, we need pavers who have overcome thorns and thorns; people’s happiness requires pavers who have worked hard for a long time.

On the afternoon of November 3, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Shibadong Village along the narrow mountain road.

The first household in the village is the family of an old man from Shiclizhuan. In the dark wooden house, the only “electrical appliance” was a 5-watt energy-saving lamp.

Dressed in an old Miao costume, Shi Climbing was illiterate and had not watched TV at home. When he saw the smiling general secretary, he was a little stunned. He asked in Miao language, “What should I call you?”

Everyone laughed at this question, and the villagers hurriedly said, “This is the general secretary.” General Secretary Xi Jinping took Shi Cuizhuan’s hand and said, “I am the servant of the people.”

Shi Cui Zhuan’s family was listed as the target of targeted poverty alleviation. The village helped her open a small shop and joined a cooperative. Now she has no worries about food and clothing, and she has also watched big TV.

“Every day after dinner, I have to watch “News Network.” The general secretary called me eldest sister, and I want to see more of this relative.” Shi Cuizhuan said.

  (two)Both hands

Xi Jinping: “We will always be ordinary members of the working people, and we must maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the masses.”

This is the urban Lvxin Forest Park in Tongzhou District, Beijing, taken on September 30, 2020 (drone photo).Published by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Liu Yu)

In Tongzhou, Beijing, trees stand tall and straight in the urban Green Heart Forest Park.

On April 8, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to plant trees voluntarily with Beijing citizens. After getting out of the car, the general secretary wearing sneakers picked up a shovel, carried it on his shoulders, and strode to the tree planting site. The camera freezes this moment.

In December 1989, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Ningde Prefectural Party Committee, was working with the masses, and he also left a photo of him holding a hoe on his shoulder in almost exactly the same way.

The years have changed, but the true colors remain the same.

With a shovel and shovel, and watering the cofferdam, the general secretary quickly got busy. After planting the first tree, he felt a little hot, so he took off his coat and planted 6 more trees one after another.

Bi Yang was a student at Gongyuan Primary School in Tongzhou District at the time, and she remembered one detail deeply: “When watering the saplings, I inadvertently put my hand under the handle of the bucket. Then gently take my hand away.”

This is a pair of laborers’ hands.

In January 1969, Xi Jinping, who was not yet 16 years old at the time, came to the Liangjiahe Brigade of Wen’anyi Commune in Yanchuan County, which is located on the Loess Plateau, to jump in the queue. Xi Jinping and the villagers ate, lived and worked together, farming, damming, and picking manure.

When damming the dam once, Xi Jinping didn’t have gloves. He grabbed the rope of the rammed stone with his hands and smashed the loess down with all his strength. In one day, his palms were all covered with blisters. The next day he worked, and the blisters were all covered with blisters. Broken and bleeding. “But no matter how tired or hard he is, he can always work hard and never ‘slack off’ (lazy).” Villager Wang Xianping said.

Sharing weal and woe, as always.

Walking into the fields of the Central Plains, holding up the wheat ears to see the grouting, the general secretary said to the fellow villagers, “We are all born in crops”; in a pomelo forest in western Hunan, the general secretary skillfully helped the villagers pick pomelo; , the general secretary picked up a ditch plough and dug it with the forest farm workers…

“Don’t listen to the crickets and crickets and stop planting crops.” “Frogs beat drums, and beans go into the soil.” . He once said affectionately that all of us were born in farmers and have natural feelings for the countryside, agriculture and farmers.

These hands are warm.

On October 21, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the demonstration field for soybean breeding and production in saline-alkali land in the Yellow River Delta Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone in Dongying City, Shandong Province.

Along a small road, he walked into the field, leaned over and picked a pod, twisted it gently, looked at it carefully, put a bean in his mouth, chewed it carefully, and said, “The bean is growing very well. “

Luo Shouyu, head of the Technical Innovation Center for Comprehensive Utilization of Saline and Alkali Land in the Demonstration Zone, standing beside the General Secretary, has been staring at the General Secretary’s hand, and the series of skilled movements made him feel a warm current.

“If salt-tolerant crops develop, it will play an important role in safeguarding China’s granaries and rice bowls,” the general secretary encouraged.

Luo Shouyu clearly remembers that when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected a farm in Heilongjiang three years ago, he held a bowl of rice in both hands and said meaningfully: “Chinese food! Chinese rice bowl!”

“The general secretary is concerned about food security, and he can deeply understand it from his hands.” Luo Shouyu said.

These hands give people confidence.

In the earthquake-stricken area of ​​Lushan, Sichuan, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into a tent to express his condolences to the affected people. He picked up a child’s small face and kissed it. More than a year later, the child moved into a new home built after the disaster.

Residents sing Chu opera in the community activity room of Donghu New Town in Wuhan, Hubei (photo taken on March 31, 2021).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiao Yijiu

In Wuhan, Hubei, the general secretary came to the Donghu New Town community at a critical moment in the fight against the epidemic, and waved to the people who were quarantined upstairs, encouraging everyone: “Come on, let’s stick to it!”

“Zhang Weipang, you haven’t changed!”

On February 13, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who returned to Liangjiahe, was chatting warmly with his former “little friends”. When he turned his head and saw Zhang Weipang, he stretched out his right hand and patted him on the shoulder “ruthlessly”. Let Zhang Weipang feel that “Jinping’s heart is still as close to us as we are”.

When Zhang Weipang was young, life at home was difficult. In order to help him, Xi Jinping gave him his own rations to eat with their family.

The hard-working Zhang Weipang was later elected as the production captain. After the reform and opening up, he took the lead in adjusting the planting varieties, and later set up a chicken farm, leading everyone on the road to prosperity.

When the general secretary asked him about his current situation, Zhang Weipang said: “I have lived a good life in recent years. I have five acres of dam land, I can grow some grain and vegetables, and eat by myself. I also have ten acres of orchards, and my income mainly depends on this orchard.” He was very happy to hear it: “Oh, Wei Pang, have you posted it? Let’s go, I’ll take a look at your orchard.”

“Energy and struggle”, the general secretary praised Zhang Weipang.

In the second year, Zhang Weipang took the lead in establishing an apple planting cooperative, determined to make life better with everyone.

“If I can’t make it work, I have to make the cooperative bigger. I don’t believe that my old man can’t make it happen.” Zhang Weipang, who is over seventy years old, is full of confidence.

One hand, holding hundreds of millions of hands. On the new journey of forging ahead in the new era, the Chinese people roll up their sleeves and create a happier and better life with their hard-working hands.

  (three)an account

Xi Jinping: “The people’s yearning for a better life is our goal.”

In the middle of winter, snow covers the dam.

The potato storage cellar in Desheng Village, Zhangbei County, Hebei Province, is full. After counting the harvest, the big planter Xu Haicheng and his wife’s smiling eyes narrowed into slits: “Potatoes have turned into golden beans!”

Five years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to his house and inquired about their family’s income and expenditure list: “The original potato planted 3 mu, the yield per mu is 2,000 catties, and the income per catty is 2 yuan; general commercial potatoes are planted on 15 mu, each A pound is 5 cents. The price is a lot worse.”

The general secretary continued to count down: the comprehensive direct subsidy for grain is more than 2,500 yuan, the subsidy for returning farmland to forest is 306 yuan, and the grassland award is 1,140 yuan…

“All these are calculated, and the annual income is 43,000 yuan.” The general secretary said.

“I look at your family’s expenditure account. In one year, productive expenditure is 12,700 yuan, household expenditure is 29,000 yuan, and the two add up to 42,000 yuan?” the general secretary asked.

“Mainly my wife sees a doctor, and then my second daughter goes to school to study Chinese medicine. The annual tuition fee is 18,000 yuan.” Xu Haicheng said.

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Villager Xu Yaru checks the growth of medicinal materials under the photovoltaic power generation panel in the “Agricultural and Solar Complementary” project area in Desheng Village, Zhangbei County, Hebei Province (photo taken on June 23, 2020).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

The general secretary asked Xu Haicheng’s second daughter, Xu Yaru, whether she received a stipend.

Xu Yaru replied, “Yes, 1,500 yuan for a semester and 3,000 yuan for a year.”

“The income is 43,000 yuan, and the expenditure is 42,000 yuan. In addition to medical care and children’s schooling, what about the daily expenses? This account is a bit unreasonable?” The general secretary was very concerned.

In the small living room of Xu Haicheng’s family, the general secretary and the villagers counted their days together with the villagers, and discussed the grand plan of poverty alleviation together.

In the early spring of that year, Desheng Village built 280 greenhouses in one go to develop original potato breeding, and photovoltaic power plants and rural tourism also improved.

Xu Haicheng contracted 28 greenhouses at the beginning, and 5 more in 2018. The net profit reached 100,000 yuan that year, and he turned from a poor household to a large planter.

In September last year, the Xu Haicheng family moved to a new home: 150 square meters, three bedrooms and two halls.

“If the general secretary visits Desheng Village again, and then comes to my house, I will read him the new account book and post the transcript.” Xu Haicheng smiled again.

Zhang Chengde’s family in Shenshan Village, Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province, Ma Ke’s family in Yangling Village, Guyuan, Ningxia, and Lu Youjin’s family in Banyan Village, Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai… Every time he goes to impoverished villages and poor households, General Secretary Xi Jinping always opens a book of poverty alleviation manuals.

“When the situation is clarified, we can do our jobs at home and in place. Helping villagers in need to get rid of poverty and become rich must be targeted. It is necessary to understand the situation one by one, and Zhang’s parents and Li’s family must be aware of it.” General Secretary Xi Jinping said .

It is precisely because the “poverty alleviation accounts” have been accurately calculated that my country’s poverty alleviation efforts have been made precise, and 98.99 million rural poor people have been archived and registered, and they have been lifted out of poverty one by one.

In the mind of the general secretary, there is an account that he will never forget.

On the afternoon of April 24, 2016, in the hinterland of Dabie Mountain, it was the beginning of the rain after the rain. General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the home of Wang Nengbao and Zhang Bangruo, who are over 60 years old and impoverished due to illness in Dawan Village, Huashi Township, Jinzhai County, Anhui Province.

“How much does it cost to take medicine for high blood pressure a year?”

“It will cost two or three thousand dollars.”

“Is blood pressure still high?” General Secretary Xi Jinping asked again.

“Yesterday, the high pressure was 168 and the low pressure was more than 110.”

“That’s high enough.”

The general secretary turned his head and asked the comrades around him: “How much can the medical insurance subsidize now?” A cadre said: “The new rural cooperative medical system can subsidize the outpatient fee of 60 yuan.”

Xi Jinping said worriedly: “This still can’t solve the problem.” He urged local cadres that poverty due to illness and disability in rural areas often occurred, and the poverty alleviation mechanism should further improve bottom-line measures, and provide more in terms of medical insurance and new rural cooperative medical care. More support.

The health account book is related to the vital interests of the people.

On March 23, 2021, Shaxian General Hospital, Sanming City, Fujian Province.

During his inspection here, General Secretary Xi Jinping asked Zhang Liping, a citizen who was accompanying her mother to see a doctor, about her expenses and reimbursement.

“This time I spent 13,000 yuan, and I paid more than 4,000 yuan at my own expense.” Zhang Liping said.

The general secretary was very relieved to hear it, and stopped in front of a bar chart to take a closer look: the income of hospital medicines and consumables has decreased, and the income of medical services has increased. In 2019, the per capita medical expenses in Sanming were 1,734 yuan, which was only 46% of the national average…

Regarding the effectiveness of Sanming’s medical reform, General Secretary Xi Jinping continued to pay attention and emphasized the need to summarize and promote the experience of Sanming’s medical reform.

Talking about the next step in the reform of the medical and health system, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: “Care for serious illnesses in this province, common illnesses in cities and counties, and daily headaches in villages. This work should start during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. Research and reform Where are the blocking points, we will continue to explore based on the local reality.”

The “small account book” for each household is connected to the “big account book for people’s livelihood” in the mind of the general secretary.

In July 2015, when I walked into Guangdong Village, Helong City, Jilin Province, and saw some villagers still using traditional dry toilets, General Secretary Xi Jinping remembered: “There will be a ‘toilet revolution’, so that the rural people can use sanitary toilets. toilet.”

That was a scene more than 40 years ago-

“Jinping, what are you doing! This work is too dirty, you can’t do it!” Tao Haisu, an educated youth, was surprised when he saw Xi Jinping repairing the toilet sweating profusely.

“This toilet has been in disrepair for a long time, and someone has to repair it.” Xi Jinping replied with a smile.

At that time, Yanchuan County dispatched Xi Jinping to the Zhaojiahe Brigade of Fengjiaping Commune. There is a toilet outside the cave where the educated youth live. The dead wood is used as the frame, the adobe is the wall, and the thatch is the roof. There is no distinction between men and women. When they hear movement outside, they have to cough and make a “password”.

After being renovated by Xi Jinping, this became the first separate toilet for men and women in Zhaojiahe.

In 1982, when Xi Jinping went to work in Zhengding, he personally grasped the transformation of the “Lianmaoquan”.

“‘Connecting the sty’, which is commonly said in the countryside is ‘people pull the pigs to eat’. The latrine is connected to the pigsty, the toilet is covered on the pigsty, and the feces of the people are directly eaten by the pigs. But this can easily lead to a terrible consequence. : After pigs eat feces with worm eggs, pork is likely to become rice pork, and if people eat undercooked rice pork, it is easy to get taeniasis.”

On December 23, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the Central Rural Work Conference for the first time after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and mentioned this past when he talked about the improvement of the rural living environment.

Citizens rest at the city post on Wanghu Road, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province (photo taken on April 25, 2021). Jiaxing City has comprehensively promoted the “toilet revolution” in combination with the improvement of the quality of the central city, and has transformed and upgraded traditional public toilets in terms of image, function and service. “Hechengyi·Warm Jia” urban public service station.Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Jin Peng)

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, going to the village and entering the household, parents are short, and among the “little things” that the general secretary is most worried about, toilets are counted among the first few. With the deepening of the “toilet revolution”, a large number of rural toilets have been transformed, and foreign media marveled at “China’s remarkable achievements in toilet reformation”.

On June 8, 2021, Sonan Cai gave up his home in Gongma Village, Guoluozang, Gangcha County, Qinghai Province.

When General Secretary Xi Jinping entered the house, the first thing he checked was the toilet. He asked with concern, “Is it using tap water? How to deal with the sewage?”

“Now all the villages use tap water, and the sewage is treated in a unified sewer system.”

A gratified smile rippled across the General Secretary’s face.

  (Four)a piece of sky

Xi Jinping: “The future and destiny of a political party and a regime ultimately depend on the backing of people’s hearts.”

On December 13, 2014, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Yongmao Village, Shiye Town, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, 74-year-old Cui Ronghai squeezed in front of the crowd and held the General Secretary’s hand tightly.

This old party member with more than 50 years of party experience can’t hide his excitement: “General Secretary, hello! You are the nemesis of corrupt elements and the lucky star of the people of the whole country!”

General Secretary Xi Jinping smiled and said with a firm tone: “It will live up to the expectations of the people of the whole country.”

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has led the whole party to carry out a thunderous anti-corruption struggle with the firm will of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and leaning towards the tigers.

“The common people are the sky, and the common people are the earth.” He repeatedly emphasized: “We must resolutely prevent and combat what the people oppose and hate. The people hate corruption the most, and we must unswervingly oppose corruption.”

A group of “big tigers” have been sacked one after another, and countless corrupt “little flies” have been dealt with seriously. With such a vigorous fight against corruption, the pressure, risks and challenges faced can be imagined. General Secretary Xi Jinping said: “It’s not that we haven’t weighed it. But we have identified the party’s mission and the people’s expectations.”

Courageous and responsible, in the name of the people.

On January 13, 2015, at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s remarks were deafening:

“When the people hand over power to us, we must commit ourselves to the party and the country, to the party and the country, to do what we should do, and to offend those who should be offended… If we don’t offend hundreds or thousands of corrupt elements, we will To offend the 1.3 billion people. This is a political account that cannot be understood any more, and an account that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!”

More than 30 years ago, Xi Jinping served as secretary of the Ningde Prefecture Party Committee in Fujian. At that time, there was a thorny problem. Thousands of cadres in the whole area of ​​Ningde violated discipline and illegally occupied land to build private houses.

Faced with the pressure, Xi Jinping asked a deputy secretary of the Disciplinary Committee: “Do you think the common people have great opinions?”


“Is it the problem that affects enthusiasm the most at the moment?”


“Should three million people be offended, or should two or three thousand people be offended?” There is no room for negotiation between the two ends of the scale, which is more important.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that anti-corruption “no restricted areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance”.

At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, he supported the comrades of the Central Inspection Team: “No matter how high the level is, anyone who violates the law must be held accountable and dealt with. I don’t think the sky will fall.”

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“How can the world govern? It’s just to win the people’s hearts! Why is the world in chaos? It’s just to lose the people’s hearts!”

It is for the sake of the people that he always regards the construction of work style as the “barometer” of the relationship between the party and the masses, and he personally deploys, sets an example, holds fast to it, and works for a long time, so that the “eight regulations” will become the standard of communists in the new era. A “Golden Business Card”.

It is precisely for the sake of the people that while fighting the tiger with a heavy punch, he also demanded that he will not tolerate the “fly greed” buzzing around the masses, so that the people can truly feel the party’s original intention and mission in the comprehensive and strict governance of the party.

Courage to take responsibility, for the people first.

At 10:00 on January 23, 2020, Wuhan, a mega city located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, announced a “closed city” due to a rare epidemic.

This decision is unprecedented and unprecedented.

“A big city with more than 10 million people will suddenly freeze, and it will bring all kinds of problems when it stops.” “But you must do it when you should, otherwise you will be interrupted and you will suffer from chaos.” General Secretary Xi Jinping used great political Courage to make this critical decision.

Two days later, on the first day of the new year, it was originally a day when thousands of families reunited and celebrated the Spring Festival.

Zhongnanhai Huairentang, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee with a solemn expression.

“I can’t sleep at night on New Year’s Eve.” “I originally wanted to let everyone have a good year. Now that the epidemic situation is urgent, we have to gather everyone to study and deploy this issue together.”

In the most critical days of epidemic prevention and control, he always cared about the safety of the people affected by the epidemic, and thought about the “soldiers in white” who were fighting on the front line; he presided over 21 meetings of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee for research and decision-making; he Hundreds of important instructions were given to the Central Steering Group dispatched to the front of Hubei, and the responsible comrades of the Steering Group were told that “if you have any situation or need, you can call me directly.”

On March 10, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to Wuhan in the “closed city” to enter the community and offer cordial condolences.

For the citizens who have been quarantined at home for a long time, he felt the same way, and asked community workers to do their work more carefully and warmly: “It is understandable that people have been quarantined at home for a long time, and it is understandable to complain a few words, who wants to be bored at home all the time! “He also warned carefully: “Wuhan people like to eat live fish, and if conditions permit, they should organize more supply…”

Human life is at stake – this is a clear manifestation of the moral concept of Chinese civilization, and the best interpretation of the Chinese Communist Party’s concept of governing for the people!

“In order to protect people’s lives, we can do anything!”

It is for the sake of the people, from a newborn baby to a 108-year-old old man, no matter how severe the disease or how old he is, he will never give up and never give up.

“Believe in the masses, mobilize the masses”.

It is precisely by relying on the people, in the scientific and efficient national mobilization and participation of the whole people, that the “people’s war, overall war, and blocking war” in this anti-epidemic struggle has created an oriental miracle that has amazed the world.

  (five)a heart

Xi Jinping: “For me, when the people put me in such a job position, we must always put the people in the highest position in their hearts, keep in mind the people’s trust, and keep in mind that responsibility is more important than Mount Tai.”

In 1975, Xi Jinping, who served as secretary of the party branch of the brigade in Liangjiahe, was about to study at Tsinghua University. Before leaving, the brigade deliberately slaughtered a few sheep, and a representative from each household came to see him off.

The next morning, he woke up, only to hear the sound of people outside the window. Pushing the door open, almost the entire village was waiting in front of the door.

“I only felt a choking in my throat, and I couldn’t say a word. When I got into the walking tractor, with the roar of the engine, first the old man, then the woman, then the young man, the crowd was crying. 7 years Ah, how many times I wanted to cry without tears, and that day, I cried for the first time.”

Before leaving, Xi Jinping left a precious gift to his village partner Zhang Weipang: a sewing bag slightly larger than the palm of his hand, with three characters embroidered in red thread – “Mother’s Heart” in the center.

He left the sewing kit that his mother sewed by himself before going to the countryside in the yellow land, and left his heart among the people.

A child’s love is deeply fertile, and his heart is filled with mountains and rivers.

More than 40 years later, on July 1, 2021, the historic moment of the centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared on the Tiananmen Gate:

“The country is the people, and the people are the country. Fighting the country and defending the country is the heart of the people.”

The firm and powerful words stirred in the hearts of every Chinese son and daughter.

This sincere heart of a child has always been closely attached to the fathers and the villagers——

The story of a cup of hot water has been circulating for a long time in Xiajiang Village, Chun’an County, Zhejiang Province.

Aerial view of Xiajiang Village, Chun’an County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province (taken on August 9, 2017, drone photo).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

Xiajiang Village was the grassroots point of contact for Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee. On April 24, 2003, he came to Jiang Deming’s house when he went to the village for research.

Seeing the arrival of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the family was so excited that they poured a cup of hot water onto Xi Jinping’s trouser legs when they were making tea. Jiang Deming and his wife were stunned for a while, at a loss.

Who knows Xi Jinping laughed: “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, my clothes are thicker.”

Until the end of the discussion, Jiang Deming still felt embarrassed. Xi Jinping saw it, and when he walked out of the house, he greeted the couple: “Let me take a photo with your family! Leave it as a souvenir.”

Everyone laughed happily, and a warm current came to their hearts.

This precious group photo is still hanging in the main hall of Jiang Deming’s house. Recalling this past event, Jiang Deming was still moved: “The general secretary can see my thoughts. He is like the big brother next door, amiable and understanding.”

This fiery child’s heart always beats with the vast majority of the people——

Wang Deli, a farmer in a small mountain village in Quanzhou County, Guangxi, did not expect that one day, he would be associated with “national events”.

One day in April 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Maozhushan Village, Quanzhou County, and walked into Wang Deli’s home.

Wang Deli took a family of six and excitedly greeted him at the door.

“Let’s visit first.” The general secretary said kindly.

From the living room to the bathroom, from the kitchen to the firewood room where the bacon was smoked, the general secretary looked at the house carefully, and from time to time asked if there was hot water for bathing, whether electricity was expensive, and where the tap water came from.

Knowing that Wang Deli’s family got rid of poverty by growing grapes in recent years, and their two daughters have excellent academic performance, the general secretary said happily: “Very good, the family is stable.”

“General Secretary, you are usually so busy and come to see us. Thank you very much.” Wang Deli said sincerely.

“I am busy with these things. The ‘bigger of the country’ is the happy life of the people.” The general secretary replied with a smile.

Warm and simple words that touch people’s hearts.

Governing a country with a population of more than 1.4 billion is an arduous task and a daunting task. However, as the general secretary said: “Thousands of things, in the final analysis, are the affairs of thousands of households.”

Because of the common people’s heart, “the height of the temple” is directly connected with “the distance of the rivers and lakes”; because the people are not forgotten, the governance of the country and the people’s well-being resonate at the same frequency.

In November 2012, when members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee met with Chinese and foreign journalists, Xi Jinping, the new general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, made a simple and firm declaration: “The people’s yearning for a better life is our goal.”

For more than 9 years, working in the office at night and dealing with all kinds of problems every day has become the normal work of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Sochi, Russia, on the Black Sea coast in 2014. In an exclusive interview with Russian TV, General Secretary Xi Jinping said jokingly: “During the Spring Festival this year, there was a song in China called “Where has the time gone?” For me, the question is where has my personal time gone?”

The answer is – “It’s all taken up by work”. “I basically don’t have the time to take on a job like mine,” he told reporters.

At the foot of Helan Mountain, next to the Gobi Desert, the Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industry Base rises from the ground.

On July 19, 2016, when I learned that General Secretary Xi Jinping was here for inspection, employees flocked to the high work platform and greeted the General Secretary in unison.

“I am also very excited, seeing the building of socialism being built brick by brick. The workers, brothers and sisters present, I am full of respect for you.” “Socialism is done” “The Chinese nation has saved The energy is too long to burst out to realize the great Chinese dream…”

On the vast Gobi Desert, the applause and cheers of the builders stirred the scene again and again.

The leader of the people loves the people, and the leader of the people loves the people.

Under the leadership of the people’s leaders, the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people have been fully inspired, and they have continued to create miracles one after another that shine in the annals of history in the new era.

“I will be without me and not let down the people.”

This is the most affectionate confession made by the leader of the people to the people.

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