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different types have a large and common root cause

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different types have a large and common root cause

There are different types of cancer but many of them have a root cause, the largest leading to the disease. It’s not about smoking.

Woman with Cancer (Pixabay)

The cancer unfortunately remains today one of the main causes of death in the world among the population. There are many different types of cancer and all people, regardless of age, gender and health, can be affected. Despite numerous studies and numerous researches, a cure has not yet been found, but several advances have been made in the treatment.

There are various types of this disease which consists of an uncontrolled increase of cells in a certain point of the body, mainly an organ. Some, if caught early in their formation, can be eradicated and there is a good chance of survival. Others, on the other hand, are very aggressive and leave no time and no way out.

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The risk factors for the formation of a tumor are different, think of smoking, of the completely wrong lifestyle. Nutrition greatly affects health and the prevention or formation of cancer. But there is a root cause that unites at least 13 different types of this disease.

Cancer: the main cause

weight gain
Obesity (Pexels)

If you think about the causes that can lead to cancer, the most immediate one that comes to mind is only one: smoking. Smoking is very bad, the lungs suffer tremendously and you think that, if you quit, the benefits come after just one day. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in 70% of cases. But it is not the “greatest” cause that there can be.

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The biggest cause, the main one, which affects 13 types of different cancers is theobesity. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of contracting the disease and there is a lot of scientific evidence to support and prove it. Excess fat in the body sends signals throughout the body. These signals can tell cells to start reproducing uncontrollably. Here’s how obesity can cause cancer.

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Therefore, you must avoid becoming obese for your health, but even when you are overweight you must be careful, try to keep fit and have periodic medical checks.

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