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The third round of talks between Russia and Ukraine continues to focus on humanitarian corridor issues – Xinhua English.news.cn

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Xinhua News Agency, Moscow, March 8 (International Observation) The third round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine continues to focus on the humanitarian corridor issue

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The Russian and Ukrainian delegations held the third round of negotiations in the Belovezh Forest in Belarus on the 7th. The two sides have achieved some results on safeguarding the humanitarian corridor, but limited progress in the political and military fields has not achieved the expected results. The two sides agreed to continue intensive consultations.

Analysts pointed out that both sides expressed their willingness to continue contact and dialogue, which will help ease the current tension and bring hope for a political solution to the current crisis.

Revisiting the Humanitarian Corridor

The third round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine lasted about three hours. Following the second round of negotiations, the two sides discussed the humanitarian corridor issue again and reached a certain consensus.

The head of the Russian delegation and assistant to the president, Mekinsky, said after the negotiation that the two sides had a long discussion on the humanitarian corridor that had been negotiated earlier that day. The Russian side hopes that these corridors will be put into use from the next day, “Ukraine has made a guarantee to us.”

Podoljak, Ukrainian negotiator and adviser to the Ukrainian President’s Office, posted on social media that the two sides have achieved some positive results on the humanitarian corridor in the third round of negotiations, and will continue on issues such as a ceasefire, a truce and an end to hostilities. Intensive consultation.

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Russia and Ukraine reached an understanding on the establishment of humanitarian corridors and a potential temporary ceasefire in the second round of negotiations on the 3rd of this month. Since the 5th, Russia and Ukraine have announced the opening of humanitarian corridors for the people of Mariupol and Vornovaha in the Donbas region for several days, but then the two sides accused each other of breaking the ceasefire and hindering the opening of humanitarian corridors.

Russian negotiator Slutsky, chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the State Duma (lower house of parliament), said after the negotiation on the 7th that many people in Mariupol and Vornovaha hoped for the safety of themselves and their families. After being protected, Russia and Ukraine discussed the relevant humanitarian issues in detail that day, hoping that the measures aimed at evacuating people will be effectively implemented.

Key differences to be resolved

Some analysts believe that, like the previous two rounds of negotiations, Russia and Ukraine exchanged views on key issues in the political and military fields in this round of negotiations. The two sides agreed to continue intensive consultations in the future, which shows that resolving the current conflict through dialogue has always been one of the important options for Russia and Ukraine.

Slutsky said that Russia and Ukraine will continue to negotiate, but the Russian side believes that the negotiations will be “difficult and continuous”.

Russian President’s Press Secretary Peskov said on the 7th that Russia has informed Ukraine that if it fulfills the conditions put forward by Russia, including Ukraine must amend the constitution and give up joining “any group”, recognize that Crimea belongs to Russia, and recognizes Ukraine. Netsk and Luhansk are independent republics, so special military operations can be stopped at any time.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on the 7th that if Russia does not abandon its plan against Ukraine, it will face more sanctions. Alahamia, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation and chairman of the parliamentary group of the Ukrainian People’s Servant Party, said on the 6th that Ukraine will not compromise with Russia in terms of territorial integrity. Ukraine is willing to discuss the “non-NATO” security model. For example, Ukraine can obtain direct security guarantees from the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries. Ukraine is open to discussing this matter with more countries.

While Russia and Ukraine are continuing their dialogue, the international community is also actively mediating. Russian President Vladimir Putin had phone calls with Israeli Prime Minister Bennett and Turkish President Erdogan on the 6th, and exchanged views on Russia’s special military operations.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in response to questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on China’s foreign policy and foreign relations on the 7th that China believes that on the Ukraine issue, in order to resolve the current crisis, we must adhere to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, respect and The sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries must be guaranteed; the principle of indivisibility of security must be adhered to and the legitimate security concerns of the parties concerned; disputes must be resolved peacefully through dialogue and negotiations; Security Mechanism.

Analysts pointed out that the Russian army has recently slowed down its offensive on the battlefield in general, implemented a “silent mode” and opened humanitarian channels in many cities in Ukraine, aiming to reduce civilian casualties and create an atmosphere for negotiations. After three rounds of negotiations, Russia and Ukraine have made clear their respective positions and demands. Although the two sides still have great differences on core issues, they should still insist on resolving disputes through dialogue, so as to restore peace at an early date. (Participating reporters: Leo, Hua Di, Huang He, Geng Pengyu, Li Dongxu, Li Ming) (End)

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