Home » We could get rid of the belly and build muscle in one go with this 20-minute home workout

We could get rid of the belly and build muscle in one go with this 20-minute home workout

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We could get rid of the belly and build muscle in one go with this 20-minute home workout

Those who enter the gym do so statistically for two reasons: to lose weight or to develop muscles. Workouts aimed at weight loss and muscle hypertrophy are the most requested by customers to personal trainers. The more daring ask directly for the magical combination: burn fat and sculpt muscles in one fell swoop.

Anyone who understands training theories knows that weight loss and hypertrophy don’t really get along. To “build muscle” it is necessary to increase the daily caloric intake a lot, so much so that even bodybuilders accumulate fat during the first phase of muscle growth. But if our goal is to have a lean physique and toned and tight muscles, there are workouts that are right for us. Above all, the Kettlebell Flow.

We could get rid of the belly and build muscle in one go with this 20-minute home workout

Kettlebell Flow is an increasingly popular type of training, which allows you to pursue two purposes in unison. When we perform a flow, in fact, we raise the heart rate and, at the same time, train the muscular endurance.

But what is this Kettlebell Flow? A flow is a succession of exercises performed with a kettlebell (or two), to be performed without any pause between one and the other. It is a protocol widely used by those who do functional training, as in the athletic preparation of combat sports where breath and strength are needed.

The advantages of a flow are different. To perform it we need a single tool, the kettlebell, it lasts a short time (maximum 20 minutes), and it is not boring at all. Furthermore, by training in this way we will optimize our time, since we could eliminate the belly and sculpt the muscles at the same time.

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Let’s see below some great exercises to include in our flows.

The best exercises to burn fat and build muscle

When we go to build our flow, we can literally indulge ourselves. We can think of a flow with exercises to be done on the floor or standing, bilateral or unilateral.

If our main goal is to sweat, the advice is to always insert complex exercises, which involve more kinetic chains. From this point of view, excellent exercises can be the overhead squat, the swing, the thruster, the snatch. In short, the more complex the movement, the better (we can easily find video tutorials of the exercises, adding the specific “kettlebell” to the name).

Regarding the number of exercises, series, repetitions, one way to start is to choose 4 exercises to be repeated in succession 4 times. We can vary the number of repetitions of each exercise or leave it constant. We recover at least 1 minute between one series and the next.

Recommended reading

Those with limited time to play sports can keep fit with these lunch break workouts that last twenty minutes

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