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Daily shower, here’s what you need to know about this habit

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Some do it in the morning as soon as they wake up, others instead in the evening before going to sleep: we are talking about the daily shower, a fundamental daily personal hygiene practice. In addition to washing away the dirt and dust absorbed during the day, this gesture allows us to relax and get rid of the accumulated stress. It is a comforting self-care ritual that instills unparalleled well-being. So much so that neglecting to make this gesture could lead to serious consequences and not only in relation to social life …

By now doctors and dermatologists agree that take a shower every day you don’t create any problems. However, experts suggest not to overdo it: even doing it every other day is fine. Indeed, this would be the best solution. Clearly, washing your face, private parts, armpits and feet every day.

Taking a shower every other day allows you to preserve the good bacteria which protect the epidermis and the body from infections. In addition to being a sustainable comoprtamenteo for the environment because it reduces the consumption of water.

Shower every day, what to avoid

Water too hot. Although pleasant and relaxing, water above 49 Ā° could reduce the skin’s moisture by eliminating its natural lubricants. Much better to stay around 43 degrees, for a pleasant but not harmful sensation.

Too long stay in the shower. Reduce time a five minutes it helps the skin to remain lubricated avoiding the loss of water to the outside of our body, a potential cause of dryness. For those who have a predisposition to psoriasis or atopic dermatitis, in fact, a very quick shower is recommended.

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The shampoo should be used at the right time, as washing your hair at the end of the shower could leave some of its residues on the skin. It is therefore good to wash your hair first, rinsing the shampoo well.

L’drying, an operation that we often neglect, is fundamental for our well-being: contrary to what we think, the correct use of the towel (dabbing and not rubbing) could avoid irritation, itching and roughness of the skin.

If you wash a little

In addition to the obvious bad smell that emanates, little washing can lead to bigger and more uncomfortable health problems. In fact, dead skin cells create a fertile ground for the proliferation of bacteria.

Dead cells, sweat and dust particles stick to the skin and can be a serious problem, because this state promotes the invisible growth of “nutrients” for putrid and unpleasant smelling bacteria. Many bacteria use our bodies as their hosts and when you stop taking a shower, these bacteria rule. In the long run you will develop serious skin conditions, annoying and hard to die.

Be prepared for dry, itchy skin

Itchy and dry skin, even painful and aesthetically unbearable exfoliation. One of the other consequences of poor personal hygiene is dry skin. With poor personal hygiene previously healthy skin gets damaged, developing rough and dry areas, revealing dehydration and neglect. Scented oils and lotions can help with scaling and can bring immediate and temporary relief, but these methods are simply masking the problem rather than addressing or solving it. It is best to moisturize while the skin is moist and after cleansing or showering, to seal in some hydration. If you don’t shower, this process is canceled and the application of the product will actually prove to be just a waste of time as well as a waste of product. Remember that the skin is the largest organ in the human body!

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You can develop athlete’s foot

If you are a person who goes to the gym, you cannot really afford to omit a fundamental step like taking a shower. In addition to the skin, you can develop what is called “tinea cruris”, more commonly known as “athlete’s footā€.

The fungus can grow more abundantly on sweaty skin, so cleansing is absolutely essential. Taking a shower after physical activity is important to avoid it, also taking care to carefully dry the most hidden areas, such as groin, armpits and interspaces of the toes, taking care to do it with different towels, to avoid the spread of bacteria.

You can develop “hard skin”

You don’t have to worry only about dry and smelly skin. If you stop showering, your skin can actually become hard, a condition called “retention hyperkeratosis,” which looks like a rash. Also known as terra firma, which is Latin for “hard earth.” means that dead skin, dirt and natural body oils are compacted together to form a sticky, glue-like material on the outermost layer of the skin. These areas may appear on the neck, in the crook of the arm or on the back of the knees, usually after about a week of neglect.

Exacerbated eczema and other problems

If you already have sensitive skin or suffer from a condition such as eczema or acne, not taking a shower can aggravate those conditions and make them worse, especially during the hot, humid months. Eczema can worsen with excessive sweating, as can a type of acne, called pityrosporum folliculitis.

It is possible to get a yeast infection

If you do not shower for an extended period of time, you are at greater risk of contracting any type of infection, due to the overgrowth of bacteria on the skin. A yeast infection is among the possible afflictions to contract. Yeast infections are quite common and are usually fairly easy to correct. But that doesn’t mean they’re not a nuisance and a nuisance to deal with. Like many other things, prevention is the best cure. Regular cleaning is especially important in preventing an overgrowth of Candida albicans bacteria, which causes a yeast infection.

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In short, after having discovered how many risks we expose ourselves by skipping the shower every day or every other day, it is precisely the time to run for cover …


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