Home » Disastrous test and the Pdhae goes ko “Sunday in Lavagna change”

Disastrous test and the Pdhae goes ko “Sunday in Lavagna change”

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Everything is easy for Gozzano who takes advantage of a very black day at Pont Donnaz Hone Arnad Evancon to take the three points from Montjovet and leave Cretaz’s oranges in ambush, more and more entangled in the fight not to retreat. Slow, awkward, soft, devoid of ideas, without reactions and never in the game, the valley dwellers offered a disastrous test with the result that could also assume larger proportions in favor of the Novara who started the match well by pressing high and always arriving for first on the second balls. And so after a danger escaped in the 7th minute with a slightly high ball on the conclusion of Castelletto from the edge, the first goal of the guests arrives with an enveloping action that puts Rao in a position to put in the net from a few steps on Castelletto’s serve. Impalpable reaction of the orange who rely on long balls easy prey of the former Ciappellano while instead the guests double with Cozzari, quick to push into the net the ball deflected by Cabras on a cross from Costanzo. In a sleepy recovery the Aosta Valley are unable to bring dangers to Vagge and the third goal of Gozzano arrives with Molinari who closes the accounts at 40 ‘between the home defenders.

Sunday we go away to Lavagna to play a match in which the points are worth double: “If we present ourselves in this spirit we better stay at home – thunders the ds of the valley dwellers Luca Padovano who then adds to the dose – we offered an indecorous performance , one of the worst ever seen and for this I apologize to the president, managers and the public. From now to Sunday, we will have to take a nice bath of humility and present ourselves to the confrontation with the Ligurians with another mentality, otherwise it will be difficult to save ourselves ». The program of the 12th return (Sunday 3 April at 3 pm) is completed by: Asti-Ticino, Borgosesia-Sanremese, Chieri-Vado, City of Varese-Bra, Fossano-Saluzzo, Gozzano-Casale, Imperia Sestri Levante, Ligorna-Derthona, Novara- Caronnese. Standings: Novara 63; Sanremese 60; Varese 50; Hsl Derthona 48; Borgosesia, Casale 45; Bra 43; Gozzano 42; Chieri 41; Caronnese, Ligorna 40; Sestri, I go 39; Pdhae 37; Ticino 35; Asti 34; Fossano 31; Imperia 29; Lavagnese 22; Saluzzo 18. –

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