Home » Poll: US voters prefer Republicans in economic and crime-fighting areas | Polls | Midterm elections | Democrats | Republicans | Biden | Biden support | Managing the economy | Controlling inflation |

Poll: US voters prefer Republicans in economic and crime-fighting areas | Polls | Midterm elections | Democrats | Republicans | Biden | Biden support | Managing the economy | Controlling inflation |

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Poll: US voters prefer Republicans in economic and crime-fighting areas | Polls | Midterm elections | Democrats | Republicans | Biden | Biden support | Managing the economy | Controlling inflation |

[Voice of Hope, May 2, 2022](Comprehensive compilation by our reporter Yuning)The ABC and “Washington Post” released on Sunday (May 1) a poll conducted from April 24 to 28 showed that Americans are in areas such as managing the economy, controlling inflation and fighting crime. Trust Republicans more.

According to ABC, the US midterm elections will be held in November. The poll shows that 50% of respondents believe Republicans can better control inflation, 19% higher than Democrats; 50% of respondents believe Republicans can better manage the economy, higher than Democrats 14 points; 47% of respondents believe Republicans are better at fighting crime, 12 points higher than Democrats. The result is the highest level of voter confidence in Republican crime-fighting in the 32 years ABC has conducted such polls.

On immigration, the Republicans’ approval rating was 43 percent, ahead of the Democrats’ 42 percent.

With U.S. inflation at the highest level in 40 years, nearly 68% of voters do not believe that Biden has successfully controlled high inflation; only 28% approve of Biden’s job of controlling inflation; 44% of respondents said Soaring prices make them uneasy, with 50% of respondents expressing concern and only 6% expressing indifference.

The approval rate for Biden as president has risen from a low of 37% in February to 42%, an increase of 4 percentage points; the disapproval rate for him has dropped from 55% to 52%.

The poll also showed that 46% of respondents said they would vote for a Democrat in the midterm elections; 45% said they would vote for a Republican.

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The poll was conducted by two media by telephone in English and Spanish among 1,004 people across the United States, 907 of whom were registered voters, with a margin of error of 3.5 percent.

Editor in charge: Zhang Lili

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