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A study reveals what to do if cholesterol does not go down – here’s the truth

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A study reveals what to do if cholesterol does not go down – here’s the truth

Cholesterol is a fat that is found in the membrane lining of each of our cells, but it can also be found dissolved in the blood.It is mainly composed of real cholesterol molecules, proteins and triglycerides (i.e. fatty acids).

Cholesterol is important for our body because it intervenes in the construction of the cell membrane, participates in the synthesis of vitamins, contributes to the production of cortisol, testosterone, estrogen and bile acids. It also helps repair damaged cells.

75% of cholesterol is self-produced by the body while the remaining 25% comes from the daily diet.

To prevent the risks of serious diseases such as cardiovascular ones, values ​​of 200 mg / dl total must not be exceeded, keeping below the threshold of 100 mg / dl for LDL cholesterol and above 50 mg / dl for HDL cholesterol. .

A study reveals what to do if cholesterol does not go down – here’s the truth

To try to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, a healthy and balanced diet must be followed. It is therefore necessary to avoid trans fatty acids, sugars and hydrogenated fats.

Some foods must be eliminated from our diet, such as margarine, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, refined vegetable oils, sweets, snacks, pretzels, industrial snacks, fillings for brioches, icings for industrial cakes, potatoes fried foods, breaded products, junk foods, packaged sausages or bouillon cubes.

To lower cholesterol, on the other hand, it is useful to drink semi-skimmed milk instead of whole milk since it has a fat concentration of less than 0.3%, compared to 11% whole milk.

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It is also important to use extra virgin olive oil instead of the others. And our diet must not lack good fatty acids, as well as omega 3 or omega 6. Omega 3 can be found in nuts or seeds.

It is also important to do a lot of physical activity, because not doing it can lead to very high cholesterol and health problems. Therefore it is recommended to do physical activity at least 2/3 times a week for at least an hour. It would be enough just to take a walk in the open air.

It is also important to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

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