Home » The Sanmaurense suffers but goes to the semifinals Robbio touches the enterprise

The Sanmaurense suffers but goes to the semifinals Robbio touches the enterprise

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The Sanmaurense suffers but goes to the semifinals Robbio touches the enterprise

Edimes equalized the return with Morbegno and passed the round The Aironi beat Erba by 23 points, but not enough after -28


The return of the first round of the playoff between Edimes Sanmaurense and Morbegno ends on 54 equal. In a real battle the red and white, deprived for the occasion of Poggi and coach Fossati (replaced by Lauricella on the bench), must sweat the proverbial seven shirts, but, thanks to a great second defensive half (only 20 points allowed) and to the couple Ragni-Infanti (31 points in two), they qualify for the semifinal of the Blue board. The 18 points of Alessandro Del Barba and 16 of Eerikinharju are not enough for the guests.

Ragni opens the match and, well served by his teammates, scores 6 points in a row, but the guests respond and with the two triples of Eerikinharju first shorten and then overtake (8-11 outside on 7 ‘). In the end of the period Morbegno is more lucid and reaches +6 at the end, also given the offensive difficulties of the hosts (11-17 at 10 ‘). Infanti gives the shock with a triple, but Seye replies with 6 points in a row and Morbegno remains ahead (18-23 at 14 ‘). Degrada is released from long distance, Infanti is still hot, even if Eerikinharju does not respond blow for blow (25-29 at 18 ‘). In the last two minutes Biraghi scores five in a row, but Alessandro Del Barba scores the new +4 on the siren (30-34 at 20 ‘).

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Upon returning to the field, Infanti is always the driver, Degiorgio adds three more points and is overtaking, even if Alessandro Del Barba (8 points in a row) has other ideas (38-42 at 25 ‘). It’s a real battle, contacts increase and Edimes manages to recover three more points with Ragni (41-42 at 30 ‘). The red and white started again with a 5-0 partial match signed by Degiorgio-Ragni, then again in the Infanti chair and +5 in the 33rd minute (50-45). Cazzaniga and the usual Alessandro Del Barba even overturn everything, bringing their teammates back to +1 at 39 ‘, but there is no more time and ends at 54-54. Robbio instead wins 100-77 at home against Erba, but it is not enough and is eliminated by virtue of -28 immediately in the first leg. –

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