Home » The First Community Games of Xi’an City International Port District Division Competition was brilliant

The First Community Games of Xi’an City International Port District Division Competition was brilliant

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The First Community Games of Xi’an City International Port District Division Competition was brilliant

The First Community Games of Xi’an City International Port District Division Competition was brilliant

2022-06-11 21:34:53Source: Xi’an News Network

Xi’an News Network News On the morning of June 11th, the International Port District Division Competition of the First Community Games of Xi’an officially opened in Lugang Sports Park. The first game was the Community Fun Games that integrated fitness, fun and competition. 120 Party members and the masses Eight community teams, which were formed together with on-the-job registered party members and volunteers, participated in the game. While harvesting happiness, they also enhanced the harmonious relationship between neighbors.

This event is hosted by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Sports Bureau, and the Civil Affairs Bureau, and undertaken by the Xi’an International Port Area Working Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Xi’an International Port Area Management Committee. The activity closely follows the theme of “I participate, I am healthy”. Five-person pot throwing, team sandbags, iron ring relay, four-person shuttlecock, tire delivery, cooperative racing, blindfolded shooting, two-person three-legged and other 8 special sports, allowing citizens to easily participate in interesting competitions at their doorsteps , to further consolidate the construction of grass-roots community organizations, give full play to the positive role of community games in stimulating the spirit of struggle, promote communication between neighbors, and enhance the sense of identity and belonging of the community, guide the people in the park to participate in sports and fitness, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole people for fitness.

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With the order of Yang Yi, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Xi’an International Port Area, the competition officially started. On the field of the hoop relay event, the players participating in the competition line up in columns. The first player holds the long handle of the hoop and prepares by holding the hoop at the starting point. After the referee gives the order, the players release the hoop and control the hoop to keep the hoop at all times. Go straight on the track, go around the 20-meter marker, and return. When you reach the finish line, hand over the hoop to the next teammate. The team that crosses the finish line first to finish wins. The iron ring and the long handle collided with a crisp sound. With the perfect use of speed and skills, the athletes attracted bursts of cheers from the audience… The athletes were “fighting fiercely”, and the onlookers also became nervous and excited, and together they made the Games happy. The atmosphere was pushed to the highest point.

“Today’s game is novel and fun, and it looks really enjoyable! The hoop relay looks simple, but it is actually difficult to maintain balance.” Ms. Li from the Gangsheng community said that she goes to the Lugang Sports Park for a walk every day. The environment here Well, the venue is also professional. Looking at such a beautiful scenery, whether it is square dancing or exercising, you will feel relaxed.

“Although I haven’t gone to the gym for a long time, it didn’t affect my performance in the slightest.” Xu Xunpeng, who just participated in the cooperative racing competition, is a “fitness expert”, and his sportswear is clean and bright, full of vitality. “Under the influence of the new crown epidemic, the gym activity space is limited, and many people’s lives and fitness methods have changed, but I don’t feel much impact. Living in the international port area, there are too many choices of fitness venues and facilities around me. It provided us with enough space for fitness, and also met many friends who love fitness.”

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“Since the establishment of Shangshan Community in July 2021, it is the first time to participate in the activities organized by the whole district. The residents of the community actively signed up and wanted to come and experience the scene.” Gao Xu, the first secretary of Shangshan Community, Xinzhu Street, said that this time The games are of great significance. While community residents experience the fun of sports, they can enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations, and improve the level of party building and grassroots governance.

“Driven by the 14th National Games, the enthusiasm of the party members and the masses in the park for sports and fitness has increased, and the demand has become more diverse.” According to Zhang Jing, director of the Organization and Personnel Department of Xi’an International Port District, taking the city’s community games as an opportunity, the International Port District actively In response, the Games were quickly organized. “Today, we are holding the first major event of the International Port Division in the Lugang Sports Park, an interesting sports meeting that integrates fitness and fun competitions. The service model of community workers and registered party members creates a community-building atmosphere in which everyone participates, enjoys a good life, and is healthy and happy.”

In the next step, the International Port Area will rely on the high-quality venue conditions of the Xi’an Olympic Sports Center to organize and drive more party members and residents in the area to participate in the community games, and make every effort to organize basketball, football, square dance and other projects, and successfully host the final project. Continue to carry out in-depth “what the people call, I do what”, light up the “Micro Harbor” red station brand, and let the residents share the development achievements of the international port area.

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Li Tianjiao, Rong Media Center, Xi’an International Port Area

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