Home » Government crisis, elections closer. 5Stelle, the National Council is underway. Letta: “The Italians don’t want a crisis in the dark”

Government crisis, elections closer. 5Stelle, the National Council is underway. Letta: “The Italians don’t want a crisis in the dark”

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Government crisis, elections closer.  5Stelle, the National Council is underway.  Letta: “The Italians don’t want a crisis in the dark”

A few days after the intervention of Prime Minister Draghi in the Chambers, the parties are moving to try to piece together the pieces of a crisis that many do not want, but increasingly probable. Even today, eyes focused on the 5Stelle Movement, which brings together the National Council in search of a still distant square. With the hypothesis of the withdrawal of the pentastellated ministers from the executive having dropped, Giuseppe Conte finds himself dealing with a party divided between those who would like to confirm confidence in Draghi and those who insist on leaving the government. Lega and Forza Italia hypothesize a new majority without 5 stars while FdI returns to ask for early elections. For his part, the prime minister seems willing not to yield: the conditions to continue are not there, he would have confided. In short, early elections seem the most probable hypothesis.


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10.48 – Letta, “The Italians don’t want a crisis in the dark”
«The conditions are in place to continue the work of the Draghi Government. Italy and the Italians want this and the politicians must interpret the will of the Italians, who do not want a crisis in the dark but a government that works and gives answers to the huge problems of inflation and those brought about by this international situation ». Thus the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta, speaking to reporters at the congress of the Italian Socialist Party.

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10.40 – National Council started with Conte
The M5S National Council started a few minutes ago with the leader Giuseppe Conte. The meeting was called in a “restricted” format, therefore with 14 permanent members.

10.28 – Renzi, “At work day and night for Draghi bis”
There are “months of great tension ahead of us. War in Ukraine, energy crisis, migratory tensions linked to famine, inflation now close to double digits with devastating consequences on the purchasing power of families. Faced with this scenario, the departure of Draghi takes away a decisive parachute from Italy. So in these hours we are at work day and night to build the Draghi Bis ». So Matteo Renzi, on the Messenger.

10.08 – Confindustria: “The spread rises due to political instability”
The spread between Italian BTPs and German Bunds dates back to political instability. Confindustria underlines this in the flash juncture of July. «The yields on government bonds in the Eurozone. explains the Study Center – they had just fallen short of the peak, after the ECB ‘anti-fragmentation announcement: in July the BTP is at 3.19% on average (3.55% in June), remaining well above 0.97% of December 2021. The slight decline is common to all countries (Bund to 1.19% from 1.50%). The BTP-Bund spread was also down, but has recently recovered due to political instability (+2.00 on average, from +2.05).

10.04 – Rosato, “Draghi, Italy’s great resource, let’s not waste it”
“Let’s not waste the greatest resource of Italian politics today, which is called Mario Draghi: it is not only our business card, but it is an international guarantee”. This was stated by the president of Italia Viva, Ettore Rosato, speaking at the congress of the PSI. «It doesn’t change anything to vote five months before or five months later, but it changes a lot in the signal we give abroad. For me Conte was a populist before and he still is, I fought him. But this government has an advantage: we have involved almost all of Italian politics. And keeping politics together in a time of crisis is a gigantic value. We ask Draghi with sobriety to continue with this effort », added Rosato.

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09.36 – Hope, “Crisis for anti-politics, now responsibility”
“I think this crisis is a sign of weakness and fragility in our political system. This is because we have come from thirty years of anti-politics in which the word ‘party’ has become a dirty word. Having dismantled the parties, making them electoral committees has produced this difficulty »This was stated by the secretary of Article One and Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, at the PSI congress in progress in Rome. “We must work together to reaffirm the sense of institutions and parties. When there is this premise, crises are the order of the day and we have experienced many in recent years. we gave birth to the Draghi government when there were two challenges on the head, Covid and the PNRR, ”added Speranza. “Now a third, bigger one has been added: the international crisis caused by the conflict in Ukraine”.

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09.58 – Rosato, “Crisis due to collapse of parties and not voting by law”
“This legislature did not have a crisis due to the electoral law, but because the party system collapsed. The problem of selecting the ruling class cannot be put aside. We must recover the sense of doing politics because when there is no politics there is populism ». This was stated by the president of Italia Viva, Ettore Rosato, at the meeting of the PSI. “We have seen the council of ministers and its ministers who opened the window and announced the end of poverty. And that message passed, without the media mocking that announcement, ”added Rosato.

09.20 – Di Maio: “The Italian political crisis could deprive Ukraine of weapons”
Italy’s political crisis could deprive Ukraine of weapons and essential military support in its fight against Russia. This is the warning launched by Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio in an interview with ‘Politico’, during which he accused the opponents of Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi of doing the job of Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The Russians are celebrating right now for bringing down another Western government,” Di Maio said. “Now I doubt that we can send weapons to Ukraine, and this” is one of the many serious problems, “said the head of the foreign ministry.

09.00 – Calenda: “Party leaders should ensure Draghi loyal support”
For Carlo Calenda, the leader of Action, it is “very difficult to reconcile the situation. Conte and the Cinquestelle Movement have turned their backs on the Italian that the entire international political and financial community appreciates. A madness – he says in an interview with Il Messaggero -. And yet I believe that Draghi was also annoyed by the attitude of the center-right who, a minute after his resignation, began to shout to vote, to vote ». The only way to keep Mario Draghi in Palazzo Chigi is for “the leaders of the most responsible parties to ensure him loyal support on a very precise agenda of reforms,” ​​he explains. And I don’t even know if it will be enough ».

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