Home » Murder-suicide between Varesotto and Canton Ticino: he kills the new partner of the ex, shoots her and then takes his own life

Murder-suicide between Varesotto and Canton Ticino: he kills the new partner of the ex, shoots her and then takes his own life

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Murder-suicide between Varesotto and Canton Ticino: he kills the new partner of the ex, shoots her and then takes his own life

First he kills the new partner of his ex, in the woods of Varese, on the border with Switzerland. Then he goes to her, shoots her in the street, near the thermal baths of Stabio, in Canton Ticino, where he knows he works. And shortly after he takes his own life. A murder, an attempted murder and a suicide: all within three quarters of an hour, yesterday between 18.15 and 19.00, and a few kilometers away between the streets of Varesotto and the Canton of Ticino, between the cities of Cantello and Stabio. The Varese Carabinieri investigate the case in collaboration with the cantonal police. Who had to line up the pieces of this murder-suicide and reconstruct the chronological order of the close events, in times and places. But in a short time it became clear how the three facts were connected.

The first victim is a 48-year-old Italian. His name is Daniele Morello, he had a transport company in Stabio. He is found lifeless in a wooded area near Cantello. From the first reconstructions of the investigators to shoot him a gunshot was the ex-boyfriend of his current partner, Salvatore Stefano Solazzo, a 51-year-old worker. The dynamics are yet to be ascertained, but it seems that Morello was lured to a secluded area of ​​the town by the murder of him under the guise of a business appointment. The two probably had an argument. After shooting him, the killer would then dump him on the roadside after the body was found. A point along the curves in the middle of the green of the Valsolda, near the civil motorization, in an isolated area.

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At that point Solazzo, also an Italian living in Switzerland, gets in the car headed for Canton Ticino. He goes to look for his former partner, from whom he recently separated, a detachment that he did not accept. He looks for her near the woman’s workplace, at the Stabio spa, a few kilometers from customs between Italy and Switzerland. And it is there, on her way, that he shoots her. He seriously injures her, he probably believes her dead, the woman is lifeless. At that point the killer gets back into his car, moves away and a short distance from the place where the ex-partner was injured decides to point the gun at himself. One shot and he kills himself. His body will be found shortly after, in the car, with a Swiss license plate. The woman is serious, she suffered a serious injury and she lost blood, but yesterday, late in the evening, she was not in danger of life. Sam’s rescuers intervened on the spot, along with a team of psychologists to provide support.

Both in Lombardy, with the Varese carabinieri led by commander Gianluca Piasentin, and in Canton Ticino, the investigators are at work on the spot together with the prosecutor Valentina Tuoni. The scientific departments are hunting for traces of the shooting locations, even if there seems to be no doubt about the responsibility for what happened. The three facts are connected to each other, the investigator has no doubts. The modalities and the presence of witnesses remain to be ascertained.
Also yesterday, 33-year-old Valentina di Mauro, who grew up in Varese, was stabbed to death in Como by Marco Campanaro, 37, a warehouse worker in Switzerland. The two had lived together for about two years and the neighbors had never heard of them arguing. But at dawn yesterday they heard the woman’s desperate cries and tried to intervene, to no avail. The carabinieri found the femicide in her house and arrested him.

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