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what really happens to your body if you drink half a glass

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what really happens to your body if you drink half a glass

Consuming modest amounts of alcohol shouldn’t harm the body, but what really happens in these cases?

The basic teaching on the consumption of alcohol it contemplates the intake of a maximum of half a glass of wine per meal; technically, for years it was thought that drinking a modest amount of alcoholic beverages would never help damage to the body. The main risk in fact consists in a possible damage to the liver (main responsible for the disposal of alcoholic molecules) and the onset of related diseases.

Alcol (Pexels)

Even the Queen of England has never given up on her daily martini, a practice despite which Elizabeth II has reached 96 years of age and enjoys splendid health. Yet, according to some recent studies, it appears that alcohol consumption should not only be reducedbut actually completely eliminated. In fact, we are talking about a risk in the brain, verifiable only with the passage of time and therefore difficult to prevent preventively. Let’s explore the topic together in the next paragraph.

Alcohol: even the glass of wine per meal should be eliminated!

According to some more recent studies, the consumption of more than seven units of alcohol per week would cause an accumulation of iron in the structure of the brain. What does this entail? Basically, this increases the risk of occurrence of neurodegenerative brain diseases. In particular, iron markers disadvantage motor movement, but also procedural learning, eye movement, cognition and even the control of emotions.

Alcol (Pexels)
Alcol (Pexels)

The study saw protagonists 21,000 patients whose average age was about 55, of which 48.3% were women. In this case, the researchers also found a lack of awareness of the amount of alcohol consumed by some subjects: 2.5% declared themselves as a not drinkerwhen it actually consumed more than 18 alcoholic units per week. Subsequently, the data showed that many of them had an accumulation of iron in certain parts of the brain, responsible for the main cognitive processes.

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In short, let’s dispel the myth according to which it is possible to drink two glasses of wine a day; technically 7 units per week should not be exceeded, which in any case represent a maximum limit and should be further resized. However, we are talking about a solution that the body gets used to disposing of with age, but which does not contain any fundamental nutritional value for the body.

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