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Young Barnabites: “Salvini teach us to pray”

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Young Barnabites: “Salvini teach us to pray”

“No, the title is not just a joke.” Thus began the “prayer” of the Barnabites towards the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini. «Today many men and women and young people no longer pray – they write on the blog of the young Zaccariani – and when they would need it they are not aware of it and do not know how to do it. So Salvini as well as Achille Lauro with his Sanremo self-baptism (see my last article) remind us that man and woman also have a spiritual dimension from which they cannot escape, with which they must confront “. So far, the request. Then the comment: «I commented on the madonnara exit of Mr. Salvini, asking Christians at least to think about it very carefully. I received about 250 hits between likes and replies. Very few angry, many of sharing and deepening of both believers and non-believers, including TheManeskin !. I don’t know if the conservatives don’t use twitter or if they have slipped away because this time the limit has been crossed. But one fact is certainly Mr. Salvini knows where to go, but the people are not completely stupid and the Christians are not completely naive ». The article letter continues: «Teaching to pray means at least two things: discovering and building one’s own interior life, discovering and building one’s own being children (…). Christian prayer is always addressed to a God who is Father, Father and Mother said Pope Luciani, and precisely for this reason, despite the limitations and abuses of Christian humanity, it allows the believer to know where he comes from, where he is and where he goes. , it allows to transgress and for this very reason to be free.
My personal prayer perceives what I have tried to write; but I don’t think I’m very good at teaching to pray, in bearing witness to a good prayer.
One day a student told me: I don’t believe, but seeing how you knelt down and made a sign of the Cross made me perceive that man cannot live on material things alone.
If each of us with our own prayer were able to leave even a few small signs, to solicit some questions in our neighbor, we would no longer need prayer merchants.
Only a recovery of a prayer in harmony with oneself, with life and with God can respond to that need for human maturity that everyone seeks but few want to pursue, as the believer Cardinal Martini and the atheist said to each other. philosopher Norberto Bobbio ».

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