Home » A new Inge for the Adelphi?

A new Inge for the Adelphi?

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A new Inge for the Adelphi?

«Eine neue Inge?», Is the title of “Die Zeit”, the colossus of German weeklies directed by Giovanni di Lorenzo, who, as the name implies, is of Italian origin and perhaps for this reason more attentive than others to what is happening in our country. Also, and above all, in culture. Consequently – it does not seem necessary to translate the title, which is explicit and very understandable in itself – he did not miss a story that until now at least has remained a bit under the radar with us, despite two interviews released by Anna Katharina Fröhlich, the writer and translator mother of the two sons of Roberto Calasso, heir with them of 48% of the Adelphi. Therefore, majority shareholder, considering that the great publisher’s inheritance was carefully distributed between his nephew Roberto Colajanni (with 10 per cent he is now CEO and editorial director), and his wife Fleur Jaeggy (13 per cent, while others shares are controlled by the Zevi family and the entrepreneur Francesco Pelizzi).

A year after his death, it seems, not all is well between the partners. Or rather, Anna Katharina Fröhlich has decided to make public a kind of discomfort, of those who generally remain confined and protected in the muffled environment of the boards of directors. Among the many interesting, tender, almost touching memories of a couple’s life marked by books (she translated his works into German) and freedom with respect to the most bourgeois conventions (Calasso’s relationship with his wife Fleur is not never been interrupted), there is a significant taste, for example in the interview with Luigi Mascheroni (for “Il Giornale”), where in a soft and gentle tone he says something rather serious: in fact, he underlines that «collaboration between all those who care about the publishing house. As were Matteo Codignola, who was a pillar of Adelphi, and as is Ena Marchi. Now we need to strengthen an excellent group of people who read for the publishing house, who know how to advise and find new authors ».

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Notice the conditional. Ena Marchi, a great French writer and historical column of the editorial staff, is still there, with a consultancy. Matteo Codignola, who has always been a close collaborator of Calasso, head of communication, translator and self-author, instead migrated to Garzanti, he is said to be disappointed with the new organization chart.

Anna Katharina Fröhlich makes it clear – and “Die Zeit” underlines this aspect – that the part she represents wants to have more say in the matter, in other words that Colajanni doesn’t have carte blanche. Also because, she says, so far the titles released are still those chosen by Calasso, but now it will be necessary to invent, and in continuity. Similar themes with Repubblica: “There are no blank bills, nor divine investitures – he said -. Colajanni must know that he can count on our loyalty, but also that, for our part, we count on his willingness to involve him ».

The main heirs obviously want to weigh more. Has the real war of succession begun against the now mythical throne of St. John on the Wall? The Germans (the controversy was also widely taken up by Börsenblatt, the authoritative magazine of publishers and booksellers) do not seem to have doubts. For them at least, a new Inge Feltrinelli, a figure like no other charismatic, is upon us. And she who knows they haven’t hit the mark.

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