Home » Promoting the united struggle of Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad——On the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Central United Front Work Conference_ Securities Times Network

Promoting the united struggle of Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad——On the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Central United Front Work Conference_ Securities Times Network

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“The united front is born from unity, and thrives on unity.” At the Central United Front Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that “the united front is an important magic weapon for the party to overcome the enemy and win the country, and it is the unity of all Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad to realize the greatness of the Chinese nation. An important magic weapon for rejuvenation”, emphasizing that “promoting the harmony between political party relations, ethnic relations, religious relations, class relations, and relations between compatriots at home and abroad, and promoting the unity and struggle of Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad, to build a powerful modern socialist country in an all-round way and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Great power”.

The Chinese people are people with a great spirit of solidarity. In the long history of thousands of years, the Chinese people have always been united and helped each other, established a unified multi-ethnic country, and formed a big family of the Chinese nation that helps each other. Unity is an important guarantee for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to overcome all risks and challenges on the way forward and to move from victory to new victory. Over the past hundred years, our party has always placed the united front in an important position, constantly consolidating and developing the broadest united front, uniting all forces that can be united, mobilizing all positive factors that can be mobilized, and maximizing the forces for common struggle. Over the past century, all the achievements of the party and the people are the result of united struggle, and united struggle is the most significant spiritual symbol of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. History and practice have fully proved that unity and struggle is the only way for the party to lead the people to create great historical achievements. We have created a glorious history through unity and struggle, and we also need to rely on unity and struggle to open up a better future. As long as the people of all ethnic groups in the country are united and united under the leadership of the Party, as long as they have the courage to fight and are good at fighting, we will surely be able to form a strong and invincible force that will continue to create new and impressive miracles.

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General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “Promoting the great unity of the sons and daughters of China is the historical responsibility of the patriotic united front in the new era.” With more active spiritual strength, we are closer, more confident and capable of realizing the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history. The closer we get to the goal, the more complicated the situation, and the more arduous the task, the more we must give full play to the political advantages of the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and gather the wisdom and strength of all aspects to form a united struggle for the Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad. Strong synergy. Firmly grasp the historical responsibility of the patriotic united front in the new era, focus on the central task of the party in the new era and new journey, and continuously consolidate and develop the great unity of all ethnic groups, the great unity of the people of the whole country, and the great unity of all Chinese sons and daughters, and forge the Chinese nation. The sense of community and the formation of a vivid situation in which all Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad are thinking and working hard, will surely gather the majestic power to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

People’s back-to-back and the balance of power are the keys to determining the success or failure of the cause of the party and the people, and they are the greatest politics. The essential requirement of the United Front work is great unity and great unity, and the solution is to solve the problem of people’s hearts and strength. The key is to insist on seeking common ground while reserving differences, carry forward the fine tradition of “unity-criticism-unity”, seek consistency while respecting diversity, find the greatest common divisor and draw the greatest concentric circles. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out profoundly: “We must grasp the relationship between sticking to the center and expanding the consensus, and constantly increase the consensus, so as to truly bring all Chinese sons and daughters of different parties, different ethnic groups, different classes, different groups, different beliefs and living under different social systems into Unite. We must grasp the relationship between potential achievements and outstanding achievements, adhere to the correct view of political achievements, and promote the stable and long-term development of the party’s united front cause. We must grasp the relationship between principle and flexibility, and be good at integrating principles and policies with countermeasures and measures. Combining flexibility, it is necessary to stand firm in the political position and stick to the political bottom line, analyze specific issues in detail, and pay attention to work methods and methods. It is necessary to grasp the relationship between unity and struggle, and be good at struggle, strengthen the ability to struggle, and strive to form an unbreakable true unity To take on the historical responsibility of the patriotic united front in the new era, we must grasp the relationship between these aspects, strengthen the political, ideological, and action consciousness of the united front work in the new era, and implement various tasks based on the actual situation, and constantly consolidate And the development of the united front united, forge ahead, pioneering, active good situation.

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Unity is strength, struggle to create the future. A united Chinese nation is the common root of the Chinese people at home and abroad, the broad and profound Chinese culture is the common soul of the Chinese people at home and abroad, and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the common dream of the Chinese people at home and abroad. Let us unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, continuously consolidate and develop the broadest patriotic united front, and promote the united struggle of Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad to build the Chinese dream together, move forward regardless of rain or shine, and continue to fight for mankind. The great time in the history of creating the great historical time of the Chinese nation!

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