Home » Serie A transfer market: Inter, Chelsea on Dumfries and Casadei. Naples, business for the attack – Sport

Serie A transfer market: Inter, Chelsea on Dumfries and Casadei. Naples, business for the attack – Sport

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Serie A transfer market: Inter, Chelsea on Dumfries and Casadei.  Naples, business for the attack – Sport

Bologna, 10 August 2022 – The Inter continue to receive calls from London shore Chelsea . The Blues press the Milanese for the young Cesare Casadei but not only: Denzel would also be in the sights of the English club Dumfries . The right side, landed in Milan a year ago, is very much liked by Tuchel so much so that Londoners could put a check from 50 million euros in total for the two players. Marotta would be taking precautions and the possible replacement would be Singo of Turin. At the entrance there is still a central player, which the Nerazzurri see in Manuel Akanji . Out of the project of the Borussia Dortmund the Swiss would like to play at the San Siro and his will could bring down the price of the card, currently set at 20 million euros by the Germans.

Milan, Ziyech is impatient. Naples, offensive revolution

Hakim Ziyech it is a market goal that has not yet set in Milanello. Maldini continue to monitor the exterior of the Chelsea , which, however, in turn, begins to lose patience. The slowness of the Rossoneri in sinking the blow would be frustrating the player, who would like to leave London. For the defense, in the meantime, talks with the PSG continue for Diallo : the French could pay part of the 6 million hiring of the plant.

Il Napoli could soon close two operations that would revolutionize the offensive department. Simeone it is one step away, with the onerous loan with right or obligation of redemption that remains the preferred formula; there is still to file with the Sassuolo instead, for Giacomo Raspadori who gave his consent to his transfer in blue.

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The other negotiations

Filip Kostic he will be in Turin tomorrow, where he will carry out medical examinations with the Juventus . Pinamonti is a new Sassuolo player, bought by Inter for 20 million euros. Sampdoria has formalized the sale of Damsgaard at Brentford. Torino is strong on shed : the 9 million euro relaunch will arrive in the next few hours plus 3 bonuses for the Ajax . The grenades also welcome Miranchuk from Atalanta , on loan with the right of redemption set at 12 million. The Monza will close in these hours for Petagna e Rovella .

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