Home » SuperEnalotto, the 253 million jackpot is almost worth the gas bonus for bars and restaurants

SuperEnalotto, the 253 million jackpot is almost worth the gas bonus for bars and restaurants

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SuperEnalotto, the 253 million jackpot is almost worth the gas bonus for bars and restaurants

The Superenalotto Jackpot with its 253.2 million euros up for grabs for the draw on Saturday 13 August is worth almost as much as the 270 million that the government has allocated with the new Aid decree to finance the 25% cut of the maxi bills of gas in the third quarter of businesses, bars and restaurants. An unprecedented sum resulting from over a year of absence of the winning sestina. The last “6” millionaire, as the specialized agency Agipronews recalls, dates back to May 22, 2021, when luck stopped in Montappone, in the province of Fermo, where 156 million were won (the fourth highest win in the history of the game ) with a ticket for only 2 euros. However, the longest period without “6” was 15 months, from July 16, 2015 to October 27, 2016.

In one week I spent over 25 million

In the last week, in the three draws on Saturday 6 August and the other two on 9 and 11 August, Italians have already invested almost 20 million in the hunt for the 6 of their dreams. A sum that in all probability will rise to over 26 million with the bets on Saturday 13 August. Also in this, if you look at the balances of the latest Aid decree, the spending in Superenalotto in the last seven days is even higher by 11 million compared to the 15 allocated by the government to refinance the Health Fund dedicated to the psychologists bonus.

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The return in winnings

However, in 2021 SuperEnalotto returned over 878 million in winnings: in addition to the “6” of Montappone, 651 million in other points winnings and 71 million in WinBox and Second Chance winnings (the two games associated with the Super Enalotto) were paid.

SuperEnalotto champion of Europe

The Jackpot offered by SuperEnalotto is now the highest in the history of European lotteries. He stole the € 220 million he won with the EuroMillions in October 2021 in France by over 30 million. The world podium of all-time winnings is instead dominated by the United States: on the top step is placed the 1,586 billion dollars won with Powerball on January 13, 2016, which were divided among the three lucky holders of the tickets in California, Florida and Tennessee. In second place was a $ 1.537 billion Mega Millions, awarded in South Carolina in October 2018, followed by another $ 1.337 billion Mega Millions hit last month in Illinois.

The dealer always wins

With a collection of over 1.5 billion euros in 2021, the tax office, which holds the bank of public games, has won something like 420 million euros in tax revenues. Then there is the tax on luck which has also been increased from 12 to 20 percent since March 2020. Imagining that on Saturday 13 August a lucky player manages to hit the sixth of his dreams, with a jackpot of over 256 million, the state will also toast, given the winning prize of 51 million euros in new revenue. On balance, this is a sum capable of covering the allocation of the Aid bis decree envisaged for the payment of 200 euros to doctoral students, sports collaborators and pensioners with effect from 1 July 2022, who were excluded from the anti-inflation bonus.

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