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“Bring it back immediately”, Conad: product withdrawn urgently

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“Bring it back immediately”, Conad: product withdrawn urgently

Here we reveal which Conad product has been withdrawn from the shelves because it is considered very dangerous for our health.

Conad product withdrawn – LettoQuotidiano.it

Read on to find out if you bought the Conad this product that could harm your health.

The presence of microplastics in food

The presence of microplastics in food diversity it is not just an environmental problem, but rather a public health problem recognized by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

Conad – BedQuotidiano.it

But today which one food contains more microplastics? We are almost always aware of new studies to determine which type of environment is the most contaminated by the presence of microplastics and the majority agree that it is the sea.

There is nothing strange about it. In short, most of the wastewater ends up being discharged into the sea and, despite having already undergone several decontamination treatments, the microplastics remain inside them, so that they are not ingested by the different species that populate our seas.

Microplastics in foods
Microplastics in food – BedQuotidiano.it

With this, several studies carried out by consumer organizations and diversified universities and research centers worldwide indicate the most contaminated foods.

The first is the sale, then there are mussels and clams: yes, it is estimated that 70% of this type of mollusc contains microplastics in its meat. Shrimp and other crustaceans: 66% of crustaceans contain microplastics, although those sold shelled tend to have less.

Il pesce: although studies on the presence of microplastics in fish are more complicated to carry out, it is known that the common fish on our tables, such as sardines or cod, can be affected by the presence of microplastics around 36.5%.

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And then also the water and the verdure. For a long time, scientists did not think it likely that plants might be able to absorb microplastics from water through their roots.

Recently, however, it has been found that vegetables in our diet, such as apples, pears, carrots, broccoli or lettuce, also contain microplastics.

But what is Conad’s food that has been removed precisely because it thinks it is happy with plastic? Read on to find out!

Here is the Conad product withdrawn

In the last few hours, the news of the withdrawal of a food sold in supermarkets has been circulating Conad.

It is about the Frankfurters of pure pork, 2 Ɨ 250 grams produced by the Grandi Salumifici Italiani Spa brand. The batch withdrawn is that number EAN 8003170086661 with expiry on 20/10/2022.

The product was withdrawn due to the possible presence of plastic in small fragments. For more information, here is the card published by Ministry:

Have you ever bought this product? Let us know!

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