Home » Ivrea, new light for the monument dedicated to the Fallen of the Sea

Ivrea, new light for the monument dedicated to the Fallen of the Sea

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Ivrea, new light for the monument dedicated to the Fallen of the Sea
Ciro d’Angelo at work on the monument to the Fallen of the sea

After the restoration and maintenance carried out a few weeks ago by the artist Ciro D’Angelo


The monument to the Fallen of the Sea, in the gardens of Corso Cavour, sparkles more than ever, under the sun of this hot summer, after the restoration and maintenance carried out a few weeks ago by the Ivorian artist Ciro D’Angelo who explains : «I polished the bronze parts, removed the traces of rust from the iron chain of the anchor and restored the original color, fixing everything with a special waterproofing film that should keep it in good condition even in spite of adverse weather events. I did it free of charge, to honor the memory of all the sailors, whose association I am also a member of, and, in particular, my uncle Stefano D’Angelo, the hero of my childhood, who was director of the Band of the Marina and the Don Salvatore d’Angelo Children’s Village, in Maddaloni, in the Caserta area ». «The uncle – says Ciro – was born in Maddaloni, in 1920 and from an early age, he developed a passion for music transmitted to him by his father, a self-taught musician. After middle school, he attended the Naples San Pietro a Maiella Conservatory of Music where he graduated in Trumpet and Trombone. At the same time, he enlisted in the Navy, at the schools of the Marine Corps Equipment in Taranto. He participated in the Second World War on warships, some of which were torpedoed, was wounded, taken prisoner and, subsequently, awarded medals of valor and honors. He was also the director of various bands and fanfares of the Navy, which he conducted in numerous concerts in the squares all over Italy ».

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“At the end of his military career, after his discharge – continues d’Angelo – he was band director in Tripoli, Libya, where he formed the Army and Police Band. Returning to his homeland, he left Taranto and, with his family, returned to Maddaloni where, in the seventies, he began his collaboration with the Villaggio dei Ragazzi, called by the founder, Don Salvatore, to direct the band ».

And he concludes: «With the band of the Children’s Village, Uncle Stefano was also a guest at the Zecchino d’Oro, an experience he always remembered with great pleasure. Whenever I think of him, I remember the many gifts he used to bring me from all over the world and the boundless admiration I had for him. So much so that as a child, dressed as a sailor, I went to kindergarten, walking pace, singing the ancient ‘O Marenariello: “So’marenaro / e tir’a rezza, / ma, p’allerezza, / stóngo a murì … “”.

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