Home » Medicine, doubled the requests for the English course. “Students from 40 countries, including from Iran and Israel” – breaking latest news

Medicine, doubled the requests for the English course. “Students from 40 countries, including from Iran and Israel” – breaking latest news

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Medicine, doubled the requests for the English course.  “Students from 40 countries, including from Iran and Israel” – breaking latest news
from Paolo Coccorese

David Lembo, director of Medicine and Surgery, speaks

“In Israel we have discovered that, despite a strong demand for doctors, the training offer is limited. By inaugurating the course in English, we have intercepted a growing trend. Every two years, a university opens an international course. Our reality is very young since we started in Turin for six years and we will announce the first graduates in July 2023 ». Professor David Lembo is the president of Medicine and Surgery, the Medicine course in English that doubled the number of candidates in one year. This year 1,034 will compete for one of the 102 places.

What is the secret behind this increase in entry test participants?

“No secrets. Our foreign students are the first ambassadors of the course. Their satisfaction with the educational offer is transmitted to their communities by attracting other compatriots who, in the same older companions, find support to settle in and to rent accommodation ».

Are your students all foreigners?

«No, the physiognomy of the course foresees that 70 percent of the participants come from the European Community, among these there are also Italians. The remainder is destined for non-EU countries ».

What are the most represented origins?

«The course hosts students from 40 different countries. In particular, they come from Turkey, Israel and Iran ».

How do you manage to bring together people who have come from countries in conflict for years to live together in the same class?

«The staff is very attentive to when, for example, attacks or clashes occur at home. We have chosen to start with the Hippocratic Oath that we have all our students recite. “You have to take care of your neighbor regardless of gender or origin”. It is part of the doctor’s education. Then our community is very small. On the Orbassano campus we always say that you can breathe the “sanluigino” spirit ».

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Was there any conflict?

“I have to say no. We are very careful and we have set up some help desks, where you can turn to for any psychological problem or because some harassment has been encountered ».

Will they return to their country after graduation?

«In Israel, the idea of ​​bringing back their graduates to insert them in the health system is valid. Others, such as Italians, see the course as a springboard towards internationalization, with a specialization or a research path abroad. I always remember that students are lucky for another reason as well. The class is divided with comrades who in ten years will be the ruling class of another country. This is why we want to launch an association that keeps the ties alive ».

And how is the professor’s job?

“It is very rewarding, but also tiring. Teaching in English used to be considered tiring, now colleagues are more relaxed. Care must be taken. Have you ever explained what “St. Anthony’s” fire is to an Afghan Muslim student or to a Vietnamese student who has never seen an ex voto? ».

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August 22, 2022 (change August 22, 2022 | 09:46)

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