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Diabetes: This simple activity, done every day, helps you get better

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Diabetes: This simple activity, done every day, helps you get better

Diabetes, as we all know by now, is a chronic disease characterized by the presence of high levels of glucose in the blood and due to a change in insulin size or function.

Insulin is the hormone, generated by the pancreas, which allows glucose to enter cells and its derivative use as an energy source. When this mechanism is altered, glucose accumulates in the bloodstream. Several good habits are enough to lower blood sugar naturally and prevent type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. These are also valid for keeping glucose levels low. At first it may seem like an impossible undertaking, but in fact we are all able to welcome a different lifestyle by relying on determination and the desire to change.

Diabetes: This simple activity, done every day, helps you get better

Probably the habit that will help you fight diabetes the most is going for a walk. Walking ensures such high benefits that one should not refrain from a daily walk even on winter days when there is bad weather. The positive effects on our body and, especially on the brain, profusely outweigh the risk of getting cold also because walking the immune defenses are consolidated. According to authoritative researchers from the University of Otago it is also a certain time of day when the diabetic should perform motor activity. From the results of the study it is truly astounding how quickly your blood sugar drops and what time you need to walk if you have diabetes.

The survey involved more than 40 patients with type 2 diabetes and half of them performed a 10-minute walk after both lunch and dinner. The university study shows that walking for 10 minutes just after lunch and dinner causes blood glucose levels to drop by 22%.

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The daily habit of easy physical activity such as walking could prevent many diabetics from increasing their insulin doses. This is because if you walk straight to the main meals you get a 12% more reduction in blood glucose values ​​compared to those who practice activities at different times.

It therefore takes only 10 minutes of movement at a controlled speed to avoid distributing further doses of insulin. Here is how a walk can help us and not a little to fight diabetes.

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