Home » Canischio is more beautiful with six author’s shots at the entrance to the town

Canischio is more beautiful with six author’s shots at the entrance to the town

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Canischio is more beautiful with six author’s shots at the entrance to the town

The inauguration

Works selected by the eclectic photographer Piero Nizzia It is the first step to create a permanent art exhibition

CANISCHIO. Roberto Fenoglio, Silvana Genisio, Mario Lano and Enzo Zucco are the authors of the six valuable shots, which with the artistic set-up of the eclectic Valpergean photographer Piero Nizzia, from Saturday 13 August, embellish and refine the entrance to the town, in the hamlet of Mezzavilla , in front of the parish church of San Lorenzo.

The inauguration took place precisely on the occasion of the patron saint of San Lorenzo, staged in the small but dynamic center of Val Gallenca on the weekend of August 15th. This is the implementation of the first step of the photo contest “Click on Canischio”, started last March and organized by the municipal administration, led by the mayor Riccardo Rosa Cardinal, in collaboration with the Pro loco and with the professional technical opinion of Nice.

«The project – explains the first deputy citizen, Giulia Galli-, was born from the idea of ​​embellishing some corners of the town center with glimpses of Canischio. Our territory is very wide and varied between old hamlets, 360 degree views from the Mares plain, pine forests, paths in the woods, churches. Thanks to the collaboration with the Pro loco, we decided to launch a photographic competition that would give all fans the opportunity to enjoy a healthy “picnic” of photography in our territory ».

«Piero Nizzia – continues the deputy first citizen, Giulia Galli – with his professionalism, has selected the most particular photos with which we will create a permanent photographic exhibition in the town. This, in fact, is the first realization of the project with the creation of the first six author’s prints. We awarded four photographers among the numerous participants and gave a new look to an old reinforced concrete wall placed at the village entrance ».

In 2009, the municipality of Salassa gave the “the” to the realization of photographic exhibitions en plein air in our latitudes, where on the walls of the town still stand out, even if inexorably marked by the passage of time, the faces of the most representative characters of the place.

Canischio, which for some years now has been aiming with conviction to enhancement in a tourist key, has opted, as mentioned, instead, for its most characteristic corners and glimpses: from green pastures to the charm of autumn colors without neglecting, of course, that authentic pearl which is Mares. –

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