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Quitting smoking is a possible mission

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Quitting smoking is a possible mission

Almost one in four Italians (24.2% of the population) is a smoker: a percentage that had never been registered since 2006. After a long period of stagnation, this year we are witnessing an increase of 2 percentage points: smokers in fact were 22% in 2019, the last year of pre-pandemic survey. The trend observed in the three-year period 2017-2019, which saw a constant decrease in smokers, is not confirmed in 2022: this year in fact there is an increase in the percentage of smokers concerning both sexes.

People who smoke heated tobacco cigarettes are also on the rise: 3.3% in 2022 compared to 1.1% in 2019, but more than one in three people (36.6%) consider them less harmful than traditional ones. “The increase in smokers detected by the report is a sign of concern – says Silvio Brusaferro, president of the ISS – and with respect to which it is important to activate prevention actions starting from the youngest to guarantee a longer life, with less disabilities and qualitatively better for us and for those who live next to us ».

The help

Quitting smoking is a major change in the life of smokers and sometimes it may take multiple tries to succeed. For this the platform «Smettodifumare» offers the geolocalized map of the Anti-smoking Centers present on the national territory, providing practical information for easy access.

The platform also houses the new one Digital Guide I Stop Smokinga tool to read, compile and customize that provides useful tips and strategies for quitting smoking and overcome critical moments. Watch the video on how to consult the Smoke Green Phone guide.

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Since the beginning of its activity in 2000 the Green phone against smoking (Tvf) 800 554088 has taken charge of over 98 thousand phone calls and in the last year (1 May 2021 – 30 April 2022) over 8,500 phone calls have come to the Service. More calls are made from the North (40% of total calls) then from the South and the Islands (37%), and finally from the Center of the country (23%). Whoever calls is almost always a smoker (92%) but there are also calls from family and friends asking for help to stop their loved ones from smoking (7%).

The knowledge of the Green Smoke Phone came, for almost all users, from the warnings on cigarette packets (97%). Smokers who contact the Service for 65% are male and 35% are female and they are distributed in a rather homogeneous way in the different age groups without important gender differences. The main request brought by smokers is “Help to quit smoking” (95%)also by virtue of previous attempts at termination which resulted in bankruptcy: 68% of smokers, in fact, declare that they have made at least one attempt to quit. Compared to last year, the percentage of users asking for information on new generation products doubles (they were 0.6 in 2021, 1.1% in 2022).

Each phone call features a diversified and personalized professional interventionwhere the aspect of reception, information and support for the motivation to quit are salient and essential elements of the helping relationship between expert and user.