Home » Leonardo, 23 years old: “Mister Odissea” comes from Alpago

Leonardo, 23 years old: “Mister Odissea” comes from Alpago

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Leonardo, 23 years old: “Mister Odissea” comes from Alpago

He was crowned Saturday night in Spresiano. “I went to have fun, I didn’t expect it”


Leonardo Piazza is the new Mister Italia Odissea 2022. The young, 23 year old from Alpago, was crowned Saturday night at the Odissea disco in Spresiano, in one of the selections valid for the Mister Italia male beauty contest. Leonardo is 180 cm tall, is of the sign of Aries, has short brown hair and green eyes. Already a graduate in physical education, he has enrolled again at the university in the faculty of economics. To the study he combines the work of representative of the family business that operates in the food sector. His favorite sport is football (he played until 3 years ago) and he is an Inter fan.

Did you expect this statement?

“No, not at all. He was born all by chance, I was contacted by the organization for photos on Instagram that I took in a studio in Pordenone. I went there without expecting anything, except to have fun as it was my intention. It was a nice surprise and a great satisfaction ».

Do you dream of becoming an actor or a model?

“Who wouldn’t like it?” But now I don’t think about it. I enjoy the moment and take what comes. If something like this happens, that’s better. ‘

The evening was conducted by Anna Manzon who presented the contestants to the jury and the public in two outings, the first in casual and the second in a bathing suit. Seven were the titles up for grabs. The other bands went to Mister Eleganza, Mister Cinema, Mister Turismo, Mister Fitness, Mister New Italy, Mister Sorriso. The team of the Arcade One to One Show for Wella, partner of the competition, took care of the look of the competitors. And, given the great success of the event, the management has decided to plan two other selections, one of which in September in which Mister Italia Treviso will be elected. The winners will access by right to the interregional final Veneto – Friuli. Children aged 16 to 33, Italians or regularly resident in Italy for at least 1 year, can participate in the selections of the Mister Italia competition. For info and whatsapp registration at 331 8418444.ezio franceschini

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