Home » Chocolate, gluttons from all over the world come together to hear extraordinary news!

Chocolate, gluttons from all over the world come together to hear extraordinary news!

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Chocolate, gluttons from all over the world come together to hear extraordinary news!

Chocolate lovers can put aside any reservations in front of the incredible news we are about to give you.

No more guilt, gluttons can eat chocolate without the fear of gaining too much weight. The good news comes from the States.

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In flight from California an announcement that will make everyone jump for joy chocolate lovers. It will not be necessary to eliminate the food from the diet to lose weight, just check the sugars and continue to enjoy a piece of chocolate per day. Enough with the feelings of guilt for having succumbed to one’s passion in a moment of weakness. From the States a confirmation that we all expected, including chocolate in the diet produces several benefits. The conclusion was reached at the end of an investigation which he compared different types of diets to understand which one allows you to live longer and healthier. The research looked at diet, intermittent fasting, veganism and vegetarianism. Let’s see what the established results are.

The recommended diet to live longer

The survey was conducted by the University of Southern California in order to identify the correct diet to live long by delaying aging and the onset of diseases related to advancing age. A first result defined the importance of 12-hour intermittent fasting for five days a month to be carried out every three or four months. It is especially recommended for people at risk of diseases as it enhances the metabolic function. Plus it delays l’immunosenescenza that is, the reduced immune function for old age and promotes autophagy or the body’s ability to eliminate damaged cells and toxins.

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Intermittent fasting is not related to diet to lose weight but it is a great ploy for slow down the aging of the organism. The research then indicated that the consumption of legumes, vegetables, whole grains, walnuts and olive oil. Instead, it is better to reduce red meat, chicken intake and processed foods (white bread, cereals, refined sugar, pasta).

And how does chocolate fit into the diet?

The study establishes that half of the daily caloric intake derives from carbohydrates, 10% from proteins and vegetables while a third of the calories should derive from vegetable fats. Processed sugars and grains, on the other hand, must be reduced to a minimum. Surprisingly, then, the survey inserts into the diet that extends life dark black chocolate with a minimum percentage of 70%.

This type has less sugars and saturated fats and offers numerous benefits. It has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, arteries, heart and mood. Plus it has properties aphrodisiacs and stimulants.

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