Home » Russia-Ukraine: the news on the war today 4 September

Russia-Ukraine: the news on the war today 4 September

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Russia-Ukraine: the news on the war today 4 September

It is the 193rd day of the war. Officials from the International Atomic Energy Agency (Aiea) are still at the site of the Zaporizhzhia plant, from where they warn that “the power plant is disconnected from the electricity grid”, but “the facility continues to supply electricity through a line backup”. The Russian Defense Ministry tells of “a new attempted assault by Ukrainian forces against the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant” thwarted by troops from Moscow. According to a note released by the Kremlin, the victims are “almost 50”. Meanwhile, having abandoned the trail of a direct ceasefire negotiation, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after the grain, media for an exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine. And another alarm comes from the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky: “This winter, Russia is preparing to launch a decisive attack on energy on all Europeans.” «The pumping of gas through the Nord Stream is completely interrupted – added the leader, in his usual evening message -. Why are they doing this? Russia wants to destroy the normal life of every European, in all the countries of our continent. You want to weaken and intimidate the whole of Europe, every state ”.

In Prague, meanwhile, 70,000 took part in the protest march against NATO and the sanctions imposed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. The protesters called for the resignation of the Czech conservative government, accusing it of submission to the European Union, and for neutrality in the war, where the Prague executive has adopted a clear position of political and military support in Kiev.

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Updates hour by hour
23.51 – USA opposed to suspension of the EU visa agreement for the Russians

The United States does not support the EU’s intention to strengthen the visa regime with Russia: John Kirby, strategic communications coordinator at the US National Security Council said in an interview with the Dozhd television channel. “We don’t believe holding all Russians accountable is a productive measure. We believe this should not turn into a war with the entire Russian people, ”Kirby said.

23.35 – Zelensky praises Johnson in the last days in office
The Ukrainian president praised “true friend” and ally Boris Johnson, in his final days in office as UK premier. Zelensky wrote a piece on the Mail on Sunday and talked to the Sunday Times of his gratitude to the outgoing British premier. The Ukrainian leader then expressed the hope of “close relations” with Johnson’s successor.

23.22 – Protest march in Prague against NATO and Moscow sanctions
About 70,000 people (police data) asked Prague for the resignation of the Czech conservative government, accusing it of submission to the European Union, and protested against NATO and the sanctions imposed by Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. The protesters, called by opposition parties and other organizations, called for neutrality in the war in Ukraine, where the Prague executive adopted a clear position of political and military support in Kiev.

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