Home » The Martinetti expands in Caluso, in San Giorgio enrollments are increasing

The Martinetti expands in Caluso, in San Giorgio enrollments are increasing

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The Martinetti expands in Caluso, in San Giorgio enrollments are increasing

CALUSO. A comprehensive institution that embraces the municipalities of Mazzè, Villareggia and Vische, including hamlets and two higher education institutions, make Caluso the school center of the Lower Canavese area: a citadel that every day pours into the country students and teachers from the centers of the first belt, a driving force for culture and economic repercussions. The bell of the beginning of the year will ring again on Monday 12 September, with the resumption of lessons in the presence and normal activities. The managers of the three institutes are working to complete the training offer plan and address any critical issues.

But the premises are good. Starting with the high school Piero Martinetti, which expands its spaces. In fact, he will go to occupy the prefabricated building in via Montello, which was built by the Municipality in 1998 to house some classes of the Guido Gozzano middle school while waiting for the construction of the new building. «The increase in the number of students, over a thousand, and, consequently, of the classes, 53 for the day course, in addition to more than 150 teachers, made it necessary to search for spaces. Thanks to the availability of the Municipality and the Metropolitan City – informs the principal Katia Milano – we can have the prefabricated building we are setting up. We will create a room for teachers, a space for refreshments, equipped with vending machines, and four bright classrooms equipped with the same computer equipment as the main building ».

Good news also for the coverage of the professorships: «We have all the supporting teachers – adds Milan – while the staff has been increased with computerized appointments. However, some critical issues are represented by the fact that the insolvency proceedings have not yet been concluded. And this deprives us of valuable teachers who have overcome them and will not yet be able to be placed in the role ».

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The inclusive institute of Caluso is also ready to start, which sees the reconfirmation of the headmaster Paola Antonella Bianchetta, with a number of subscribers still being defined, substantially stable: there are a thousand students followed by 120 teachers, and a total of 12 plexuses, from maternal to first degree secondary. Paola Torroni, flanked by the vice principal Emanuela Tapparo, directs the comprehensive institute of San Giorgio, where enrollments are growing, with an extra class in the middle school complex of the country: “We have 870 pupils – the vice principal announces – and 145 teachers. In the summer months, some schools underwent a series of extraordinary maintenance, safety measures and energy requalification, while the Lim park was renovated in all the complexes “.

No data was provided by Laura Fois, reconfirmed head of the state professional institute for agriculture and the environment and hotel services Carlo Ubertini. –

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