Home » Vaccines: the campaign starts, but there is a risk of chaos with the arrival of more anti-variant drugs

Vaccines: the campaign starts, but there is a risk of chaos with the arrival of more anti-variant drugs

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Vaccines: the campaign starts, but there is a risk of chaos with the arrival of more anti-variant drugs

Everything is ready for the new campaign against Covid, that of the first annual recall with the new updated vaccines against Omicron. Today the Ministry of Health will issue its circular after the AIFA gives the green light to the new vaccines of 5 September indicating the categories from which the campaign will start, that is over 60 and fragile. However, there is an unknown factor: the administrations will start already by mid-September using the bivalent vaccines studied on the original Wuhan strain and on the Omicron 1 variant (now no longer present) just approved by Ema and Aifa. But doses of the new bivalent vaccine studied on Wuhan and Omicron 4-5, the sub-variants prevalent today, could also arrive at the end of the month.

With what criteria will the two types of vaccine be chosen? Who will be given the most “up-to-date” vaccine? In short, the risk of chaos is around the corner even if the experts already assure: the vaccines for Omicron 1 are also effective for the other sub-variants.

The circular from the Ministry of Health is ready

Today the circular from the Ministry of Health will arrive to provide the details of the new vaccination campaign that could start even earlier than expected, that is by mid-September. The vials of the new bivalent vaccines are already expected in these days with the first shipments by the two companies: Moderna and Pfizer. The circular will clarify the priority categories to which the vials will be destined, that is over 60, fragile and perhaps even sanitary. The new injection can be done 3 months after the last dose (second or third). Those who still have to do the vaccine will be given the doses of the “old” vaccine (the one built only on the original strain of the virus). The new campaign will continue to insist on large hubs that are still open, but pharmacies and family doctors’ offices will be more involved. the Regions will then organize the administrations locally in synergy with the task force at Palazzo Chigi led by General Tommaso Petroni.

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Ecdc-Ema: “Prepare before a possible autumn wave”

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Ecdc) and the EMA have just intervened on this front, recommending that the new adapted boosters “be addressed as a priority to people who are most at risk of progressing to a serious disease. due to some risk factors “. These include people over 60, immunocompromised and other vulnerable (from 12 years old) with risky conditions and pregnant women. Residents and staff in nursing homes “should have priority” while health workers “can also be considered”. «Vaccination and the use of boosters in a timely manner – still warn Ecdc-Ema – before a potential autumn and winter wave of Covid cases is essential to protect people and prevent health systems from being overwhelmed. People who have not yet had the primary vaccination or the booster are advised to do them according to the recommendations of their countries ».

More vaccines coming, the risk of chaos

The new vaccination campaign, as mentioned, will start using Pfizer and Moderna bivalent vaccines studied on the Wuhan strain and the Omicron 1 variant. The vials are expected already by 10 September in order to start immediately after the first administrations. But another bivalent vaccine is on the way: as early as mid-September the EMA should also authorize the bivalent Wuhan-Omicron 5 and therefore this “updated” vaccine to the sub-variant now more widespread in Italy could arrive by the end of the month. What will you do when both vaccines are available? The Ministry of Health will decide when there will also be this availability, but the way forward could be to first run out of stocks of the bivalent vaccine “cut” on Omicron 1 and then move on to those studied for Omicron 5. The risk, however, could be that that many Italians may prefer to wait for the latest, most “up-to-date” vaccine and thus postpone vaccination.

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